
Chapter 237: Getting Beaten Up


As this Family Executive, [Blacksmith-Atros], emerged from the inner chamber, Han Dong immediately associated him with the demons typically depicted in conventional settings.

Of course, this wasn't the world of movies... real demons didn't exist.

This blacksmith had evolved from a believer into a "Different People".

His distinct red skin and demon horns were bodily changes that occurred during his evolution, spawned from his reverent devotion to 'demons'.

Atros used to be a downright believer in Satan.

In his room, items related to Hell were scattered everywhere, and there were instances of frenzied worship.

Even when he remained human, he purposely crafted two demon horns to adorn himself, ensuring his physical form closely resembled that of a demon.

The advent of the Dark Age turned his desires into reality.

As an extreme blacksmith, he quickly distinguished himself from common believers.