

A hot sunny day~

Our main character was still in bed...

Sleeping- *get up*


Yu-Eun the class quiet child..like usual he was in his own corner, reading a one of those highly intelligent books, it's as if it was fun for him.

He just usually liked keeping to himself. He was more introverted then extroverted, rather then play in school and joke around like other. He tend to stay by himself but that didn't stop to make him a target for bullyying. Of course he was bullied, why wouldn't he be. In all school we all have this four main groups. 1st the popular 2nd the jocks 3rd geeks 4th goths and lastly well not lastly... You just had him.. Yu-Eun, it's not like he wanted to be a target for bullying.He just wanted to be left alone by himself, but a specific person... That one from out of the four groups.. they just had to be popular. If they weren't, The bullying wouldn't have been so annoying to him but ofcourse it was always those popular kids who thought they were better then everyone. Oh Kim-hyun he hated him with all his heart he once even wished death on him. Who wouldn't tho? An entitled rich bastard who has been bullying you for years non stop just because your quiet. Ofcourse.. it just had to be him everytime... And for those past 7 years,you've built up hatred in you for him and his little... Friends.. But for now you just need to get on with your day. Hopefully you could make it through this day undisturbed, But ofcourse you knew there was no