
Chapter 8

"Danny and I were pretty pissed. I was mostly mad that she slept with my best friend. But he was mad, that she was pregnant. Danny was really young, and truly never wanted children. Especially with what happened to him. Sidenote, Danny was abused as a child. And he would always feel that if he ever had a child, he would do the same thing. But Danny was never like that." Miles said.

" whatever happened to Danny?"I asked Miles.

"I'm getting to that. That's another part of the story. But when Thalía was about three months pregnant, she was going to visit her family. Her family had already known about her pregnancy, but she was about to go there to go visit. Now on her way there, it was raining really bad. And the day before, it snowed. So the roads were really icy."

 "Danny and I had warned her earlier that day. But she didn't listen, she said she really wanted to go see them, and that nothing bad would happen and that we should trust her. She should've listened to us." Miles said.

" about an hour after she left, we got a call. From the hospital. They told us that she had slid and ran into a truck. And that she went flying through the window. They told us that she wasn't looking where she was going, and she flew through the window because she didn't have her seatbelt on." He said.

I knew where he was going with this, something bad happened. As he said the last few sentences he was stuttering, it was hard for him to say. Maybe I should've never said anything. No, I knew I should've never said a thing. 

It should've been up to him if he would have told me . Or if he wanted to or not. I know death, especially somebody you care about karma it's hard to talk about.

"I don't want to go to deep into it, but when we got to the hospital, we found out that the baby had died. At first, we didn't really care who the father was. We were just both upset that the baby died, both of us had grown familiar with the idea of being a father. Soon after, we found out that Thalia was on life-support, and there was really no chance that she would make it. But Danny and I didn't want to give up on her. We still believe that she would live. "

"But since her parents were her legal guardians, they decided to pull the plug. Which of course I and Danny did not agree with. Now, there's another thing I didn't tell you. Danny and I never got along once we find out she was pregnant. Always arguing, Thalía never knew that. Because we didn't want to stress her out. Every once a while things would get physical."

"He broke my nose once, and I threw him against the wall and hit his head giving him a concussion. But since he was in football, he told Thalía that he got hurt one day during practice. I always feel like she never believed him. But she never wanted to say anything about it. Now, at the time we didn't know who the father was. And we weren't that concerned about it. But after a few weeks, then he started acting weird. And that's when I decided to take him to Thalia's parent's house. "

"We had to ask them to see if they could find out who the father was. I was freaking out, if it was mine, then I would've lost a child. I would've never been mad at Thalía, but I would have been a little upset. A few weeks later, we find out the results." Miles said

"And when I heard the results, I was kind of relieved. The baby was Danny's. I was relieved because I didn't have a son or daughter die on me. But maybe it should've been mine, and then Danny would still be alive. Because the next day, I went over Danny's house to see if he was OK. After finding out that the baby was his he seemed really upset. I went into his room after his parents told me that Danny was really upset last night. "

"When I walked into his room I called out his name and he wasn't there. So I went to his bathroom to see if he was there. He was laying on the bathroom floor with pill bottles everywhere. Most of them are empty. I ran downstairs and told his parents. And I think you know the rest." He said

" I'm so sorry that happened. It must've sucked to lose your best friend." I said.

" don't be sorry. He was a horrible person. He let my girlfriend cheat on me. With him. And a little while after we found out that Thalia was pregnant with one of our babies he went around sleeping with other girls. Which I did warn Thalia about. But she never believed me. She always thought he was better than that." He said

I needed to comfort him somehow. But I wasn't sure how. Miles was never the person for emotions. And then, all of a sudden I had an idea. But let's just say it was the stupidest idea I've ever come up with. 

Because not even a minute later I kissed him.