
Chapter 39

Miles just looked at me in complete shock. I wasn't sure what he was going to do or say next. But I didn't at all predict what he did next.

Instead of blowing up into a million pieces, Miles just cracked a smile before laughing. "Jemma. Look, I know you like to joke around and all, but can we be serious? I know you would never cheat on me. So seriously, what happened during your's and Kyle's talk?" Miles asked me calming down and asking me seriously with a straight face.

"Miles. Please don't make this harder. I don't want to repeat myself. I don't want to say those horrendous words again." I said. I didn't know why I was starting to feel guilty. Maybe because I loved him, no I clearly still do. He means a lot to me, and I don't know whether or not I should feel guilty.

I mean he hurt me too, even if he doesn't know it yet. I guess I should have told him I know that him and I having sex the first time was all a bet and that I got so upset when Kyle told me, that I decided to take my anger out by sleeping with Kyle.

"Jemma, please, please tell me you are joking. I can't deal with you doing this to me." Miles begged. He started to look sad.

"Miles I am so sorry, I was just so angry at you and I wanted to get revenge and Kyle was just there. I am so sorry Miles. I really care about you. I LOVE YOU for fucks sake! I want to be with you!" I yelled.

Miles just looked at me for a few long seconds which felt like years before opening his mouth. "Jemma, I have longed to hear those words come out of your mouth. But I thought us telling each other that we love one another would be romantic and we would be together for a very long time or even forever. But I would never think that your confession of love to me would be in the same sentence as you apologizing for sleeping with my brother." Miles said raising his voice as he continued on.

"What do you want me to say, Miles. You fucking hurt me! I wanted revenge!" I yelled. "What did I do to deserve that?! Huh?! I have done nothing but love you and cared for you for months! Then you serve me this shit! I can't even think of what bullshit you are about to drag out. What did I do? Not saying I love you?" Miles asked me. "You used me," I said in a low voice.

Miles had no way around this. He used me. I was upset. And to be truthfully honest, I do regret sleeping with Kyle. I just wanted to make myself feel better. Right now I felt like shit, he hurt me. The person I love used me. It's so weird to say that.




I can't tell if using that word right now is the right thing to do. I know I still love him. I will most proabbly always lov him. But our whole relationship was based on a lie. Look, if he told me earlier that he used me then it wouldn't be so bad. But now he wants me to be with him and let everybody know while he is hiding such a secret in that big closet of his.

It makes me wonder now, what other skeletons are hiding in his closet. Miles is use to being a player. What else has he done to me?

"What the fuck Jemma?! I have never once used you! How dare you say that?! I have never and would never use you!" Miles yelled. I was truly getting sick and tired of him yelling and lying to me. So I finally lost all the patience I had left and flipped out on him.

"Fuck you, Miles! You used me! You played me at that party and never told me! You broke my fucking heart and chose to never tell me! So I am not going to tell some bullshit lie, because i have proof. So don't you dare deny that you didn't get into a bet with Willow to get me drunk and sleep with me the night of the party." I yelled as more tears came down my face.

Miles didn't say anything. But his eyes quickly trailed down to the ground. He knew that I knew about his bet. "Tell me I'm wrong. I dare you." I said.

"Jemma, please give me a chance to explain," Miles begged.

"No, I can't do this anymore," I said before walking out of the room and not looking back.

Dear Readers,

the next few chapters will be flashbacks and in the brother's POV's. The whole point in this is to give you a little bit of insight into their lives and why they do such things. If you have any questions about them and why they would do something put it down in the comments and I will have them answered.

The next chapter will be out next Tuesday. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, sorry it was shorter, life has been pretty chaotic. :)