
My Boxing Master System

Vernon Balxor sank into depression after the doctor diagnosed him with a chronic heart condition, shattering his dream of becoming a professional boxer. His life took a drastic turn, filled with humiliation and inevitable poverty. Meanwhile, his old friend, Xander Watson, had successfully become an MMA world champion, an achievement that made Vernon proud despite his own downfall. However, that pride turned to anger when Xander, without any sympathy, mocked Vernon's weak physical condition and poverty. Provoked by the insult, Vernon punched Xander, sparking a fierce fight between them. The fight ended tragically for Vernon. His frail condition left him powerless against Xander’s blows, eventually putting him in a coma. But when Vernon finally opened his eyes in the hospital, he was shocked to see a transparent screen appear in front of him, displaying the words: [CONGRATULATIONS, HOST! YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE BOXING MASTER SYSTEM] With this new system, Vernon was given a second chance to pursue his lost dream and vowed to defeat Xander, the friend who had betrayed him. He swore that his life would never be the same again.

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10 Chs

Chapter 2 - Got the Boxing Master System

Vernon slowly opened his eyes. The antiseptic smell of the hospital and the noisy sounds of medical machines immediately overwhelmed him.

"Finally, you're awake, Mr. Vernon." A nurse smiled awkwardly, although it was clear she was hiding her nervousness.

"What happened?" Vernon groaned, his head feeling heavy. "Why am I here?"

"You were brought in by a man named Jack," the nurse replied. "You suffered serious injuries and have chronic heart problems, but thankfully, you survived. That's rare."

Vernon remembered the fight with Xander.

"That bastard," he muttered, clenching his fists. His anger flared up again, and the long-buried resentment resurfaced.

"I need to teach him a lesson!" Vernon tried to get up from the bed, but the nurse immediately stopped him.

"You can't move yet. Your body hasn't fully recovered." The nurse was worried, afraid Vernon might get hurt again.

"Get out of my way!" Vernon shouted.

"Please, don't—"

"I said, get out of my way!" Vernon shoved the nurse roughly, causing her to fall against the wall.


Vernon was shocked. He hadn't meant to hurt the nurse. He hadn't even used half of his strength to push her.

"What just happened?" Vernon thought, staring at his own hands in confusion.

Suddenly, a doctor entered the room. "What's going on here?" he asked, surprised to see the nurse on the floor.

"What did you do, Mr. Vernon?" the doctor asked, unable to hide his shock. He doubted Vernon was the culprit. With his heart condition, he shouldn't even be able to stand.

"I... I didn't mean to," Vernon replied nervously. "I just pushed her a little."

The doctor looked at Vernon skeptically. "Are you serious?"

Vernon nodded, still confused.


In the consultation room, Vernon sat nervously in front of Dr. Ellen. "How are the results, Doc?"

"This is very strange," Ellen said as she examined the lab results. "Your heart is suddenly healthy, and all your injuries have healed completely. Even the broken bones are back to normal."

"Seriously?" Vernon asked, still in disbelief.

Dr. Ellen nodded, looking just as puzzled. "This is the first time I've seen something like this."

Vernon felt more confused than happy. How could he suddenly be healed? He had spent millions of dollars on treatments that yielded no results.

He still remembered what happened in the hospital room earlier, when he had unknowingly pushed the nurse with unbelievable strength.

Suddenly, a transparent screen appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations, Host! You have acquired the Boxing Master System.]

"What the hell is this?" Vernon shouted.

"What's wrong, Vernon?" Ellen asked, panicked.

"Something appeared in front of my eyes!"

Ellen looked around, confused. "What do you mean? There's nothing here."

"It's right between us!" Vernon said, pointing to the screen.

"But I don't see anything."

Vernon looked at Ellen, annoyed. "Do you think I'm crazy?"

"It's not that." Ellen tried to calm him. "You might just need more rest. I can give you a sedative."

Vernon shook his head angrily. "No, thanks. I just need some fresh air. I'm going home."

He got up and walked towards the door, but Ellen stopped him. "Wait! You can't just leave."

"I'm better now. I just want to get out of here."

Ellen gently held the frail man's hand. "Please, Vernon. At least let me check you one more time. I just want to make sure you're really okay."

Vernon looked at Ellen suspiciously. Why was this woman so concerned about him? It was strange because no one had ever cared about him before.

"Why do you care so much about me?"

Ellen was silent for a moment, then said, "Because I know you, Vernon. Have you forgotten?"

Vernon studied Ellen's face closely. "Who are you really?"

Ellen smiled, then took out a pair of glasses from her coat pocket and put them on. "Do you recognize me now?"

Vernon was stunned. "Ellen?"

Ellen nodded with a broad smile. "Yes, it's me. It's good to see you again, Vernon."

"Oh my God, you've changed so much!" Vernon smiled, his memory flashing back to the nerdy girl he used to help in school. "You look beautiful!"

Ellen had been a grade below him in high school. Vernon had always helped her when her classmates bullied her.

He had beaten them up so badly that they never dared to bully Ellen again. Eventually, they became good friends before parting ways when Ellen received a scholarship to study abroad.

"I'm so glad to see you've become a doctor," Vernon added sincerely.

Ellen blushed. "And you were always the hero at school. Do you remember when you beat up those bullies for me?"

Vernon gave a wry smile; the memory was too sweet to recall amidst such a situation. "Yeah, but now I'm a nobody."

Ellen looked at him with sympathy. "You're still the Vernon I knew. You're my hero."

Suddenly, the transparent screen in front of Vernon lit up again.

[First Mission Appeared: Save a Woman]

[Reward: You Have The One Card System]

Vernon frowned. "What is this again?"

"What do you see, Vernon?" Ellen asked.

"Uh, nothing." Vernon tried to hide his uneasiness.

[Mission Screen: If you do not complete this mission, this system will disappear, and you will die.]

'Damn it! What's the point if I do it?' Vernon cursed. He was a man who thought realistically and logically. He never believed in miracles or absurd things.

"Sorry, did you say something?" Ellen asked.

"No, just talking to myself." Vernon gave a faint smile. "I think I should rest."

Ellen looked worried. "Alright. If you need anything, please let me know, okay?"

Vernon nodded and left the room.

When he arrived at his apartment, Vernon was shocked to see his belongings scattered on the sidewalk near the apartment entrance.

"Who did this?" Vernon grumbled angrily.

"I did!" An old woman's loud voice thundered. Vernon recognized the voice.

"Mrs. Jessie?" Vernon turned around, seeing the old woman with four muscular men behind her.

'Oh, shit... I forgot about this!'

"You ungrateful brat!" Jessie scolded. "Pay off all your debts! How dare you disappear for a week! Are you tired of living?!"

"I-I didn't run away. I just got out of a coma. I need time—"

"Nonsense! Get him!"

Immediately, the four men attacked Vernon, punching and kicking him until he fell to the ground. His weak body couldn't fight back.

"Help!" Vernon shouted, hoping someone would hear him.

"Stop!" someone yelled.

Vernon tried to focus. Through the gaps between the men's legs, he saw Ellen approaching with her phone in hand. "I've called the police! Let him go now!"

Jessie snorted in frustration. "You're lucky, Vernon. But this isn't over. I'll be back next week! If you don't pay all your debts, I swear I'll throw you off the rooftop of this apartment!" She and her men left angrily.

Ellen rushed to Vernon and helped him up. "Are you okay?"

Vernon nodded weakly. "Thank you, Ellen."

Ellen quickly put him in her car.

"Do you have a problem with them?" Ellen asked worriedly, wiping the blood from Vernon's lip with a handkerchief.

"A little debt problem," Vernon replied shortly, trying not to look too weak.

"You should have told me if you had a problem like this. I could help you—"

"No need," Vernon cut her off. "I can handle it myself."

Suddenly, another group of men appeared with weapons. They surrounded Vernon and Ellen's car.

"Get out, now!"

"W-who are they?" Ellen muttered, trembling with fear.

"They seem like robbers."

When there was no response, they broke the window and dragged Ellen out.

"Hand over all your valuables!" one of them threatened.

"You bastards!" Vernon rushed out. "Let her go, or I'll kill you!"

"Vernon, run!" Ellen shouted, but Vernon stayed put.

"No, I'm not leaving you!" Vernon was ready to fight, even though he knew he had no chance.

The burly man glanced Vernon up and down, then laughed mockingly at Vernon's thin frame. Even a gentle breeze could easily blow him away.

"Don't act like a hero, idiot!" the Gangster Leader mocked. He was wearing a tank top that showed his big, tattoo-covered arms. His head was bald, and his face was full of piercings.

All his friends laughed.

"Run, Vernon! Don't come closer!" Ellen shouted in panic.

"No!" When he was about to step forward, his body suddenly became hard to move.

Vernon glared. "What's happening?"

"Why are you freezing? Are you scared?!"

Vernon tensed up as the gang members flaunted their weapons, while he was unable to move, making his courage falter.

Without realizing it, he took a step back.

"Take this!" Ellen handed over a bag containing her wallet and jewelry, then the car keys.

They took it with evil laughter, seeing their victims surrender.

"You've got what you wanted, now let us go!"

"Go?" The man poked Ellen's chin with a grin. "But we haven't had any fun yet, darling."

"Get your hands off me!" Ellen spontaneously swatted the man's hand away.


"How dare you refuse my touch!" the man snapped. "Take her to the car! I want to enjoy her sexy body!"

"Yes, boss!"

They grabbed both of Ellen's hands and dragged her to his luxury car.

"Let go of me! Vernon, help me!"

Vernon was frozen in place. He felt like he was having a nightmare. 'Fu*k! What's wrong with my body?!'

He suddenly remembered the system's warning that he would die if he didn't complete the mission!

"Oi! System! Hurry up and help me!"

There was no answer!

"Asshole! Answer me quickly!" Vernon panicked as Ellen got into the car.

"I swear I'll do whatever you tell me to, even if it's extremely embarrassing!"

[Request accepted]

Vernon felt a strange energy enter his body, making him extremely light and powerful.

"I'll kill you guys!"