
my boss secret

Maria_Cristela · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

part 1

Since the death of Lalaine's parents as a result of the fire that broke out in the factory where they worked, she has been the only one to support her two sisters, Amie and Carlo. Amie was only in the fifth grade of elementary school, while Carlo was in the second grade.

Lalaine was devastated when that tragedy struck her family. He didn't know what he was going to do then, he didn't know where they would start as siblings. He did not know how they would survive. So, he just begged one of his aunts, their father's brother, to let them live there if possible.

It is no secret to Lalaine's knowledge that their aunt Donna was obviously only forced to adopt them. Only Aunt Donna is their closest relative in Baguio. In the beginning, it was very difficult for her and her siblings to live there. Their aunt Donna has four children, who are not far in age from their siblings.

Lalaine often feels bad for her aunt Donna, when she sees her aunt's relentless command to her little siblings. But his will was hard, because he knew he could do nothing. He knew in himself that they just lived there and they needed to get along and get along. She often just cries, when she sees her siblings seemingly exhausted at their aunt Donna's commands. It doesn't matter if he's the only slave, let alone his little brothers.

Meanwhile, Rico found out that one of the branches of their restaurant in Baguio is in big trouble right now. They have a strong branch there, but why do those who arrive and hear about it in their branch there seem to have so many complains. They also have employees there who are leaving and seemingly not lasting. What could be the reason for that. While in their other branches there is no such problem. So a decision was formed in the mind of a 26 years old Rico who is the only son of the owner of Kalimeras Seafoods & Grilled Restaurant.

"Hi dad, good morning.

Can I join you? "

Rico said to his father,

who was having breakfast in the garden as he sipped his favorite net coffee.

"Yes, of course son.

It looks like you want to say something son,

"replied his father.

"It's about the problem of our restaurant in Baguio," Rico replied to his father while pouring hot coffee into his cup.

"Yes tell me son, I think you have a good idea." "Yes dad, I thought, can I be an ordinary employee, it's only temporary," Rico asked his father.

"What do you mean ordinary employee son?" his father asked.

"I just realize dad to observe, what is the real situation of our restaurant there. I had the idea to be an ordinary employee there, that no one would know, who I really am there, "Rico explained to his father.

"I don't think, if it's a good idea son, we have the right employees to do that job," his father replied.

"But I trusted you, I honor your words son. I want you to be a responsible man. You know that someday, you will manage our businesses. We can count on your sister, she prefers to live in America with her family. So do what you want son, "added.

"Oh 'thank's dad for the trust," Rico thanked his elderly father with a smile.

"Okay, we will keep it a secret. No one else will know if it's not just the two of us being fathers. But I have one favor for you son, "the father repeated.

"Yes dad what is that?" Rico asked his father.

"I thought you knew that the women we hire at the restaurant are beautiful, please make sure you don't get tracked down by our girl's employees," her father laughed.

"Ha-ha .. Dad, of course not!" Rico laughed in response to his father.

"It looks like you and your father got married, let's go Demi, and we'll be late for the appointment," Rico's mother suddenly said to the two, when she suddenly came to the garden.

"Ha-ha Eli, I'm just happy for your son," Demi said to her husband Eli.

"It's okay, you'll be bonding with your father again later. We will miss that son. Bye Rico! " Eli said goodbye to the son.

Demi also got up from her seat, and the couple was ready to leave. Smiling, Demi patted the child on the shoulder as a sign of their departure. Meanwhile, Rico was left sitting smiling in the garden.

One night when Lalaine was busy cooking food for her aunt Donna's family in the kitchen, she was startled by her aunt Donna's loud scream. This was followed by the loud and pitiful cries of his brother Carlo. So Lalaine hurried to leave the cooking and she quickly went to where the noise of aunt Donna and Carlo came from.

"You're a tax kid! You're just greedy people here! " Lalaine could hear her aunt Donna screaming loudly in the living room.

Lalaine immediately took pity on the younger sister. It was crying, while its own head was shaking. Lalaine hugged her sister tightly.

"What happened Carlo?" Lalaine asked the sister almost in a whisper. "That damn brother of yours! Did his finger poke the cake that was given to me! You have a job, Lalaine, why don't you buy food for your brothers and sisters who don't look like starving dead! you are greedy here, you are tax collectors alike! cried his aunt Donna again.

Lalaine's emotional pain and agony of those moments was intense. Aunt Donna is too much. They don't really seem to be considered nephews. Why are there people as bad as their aunt Donna. Lalaine was really pitiful to the brothers. He did not know how long they would endure in their aunt's house.

Their lives really need to change. He had to get the brothers out of this kind of living. Therefore, he planned to move abroad, so that he could relocate the brothers. Lalaine couldn't help but cry at the sheer resentment of those times. If they could only go somewhere else, they would soon leave that house. "Let me go, auntie, when I'm at ease, we'll leave here with you too," Lalaine said bravely, firmly but calmly to her aunt Donna.

"How arrogant when Lalaine answers! if you want to get out of here now! " her aunt Donna replied. How nice it was for her aunt Donna to tweak Lalaine's mind.

"You two get out of my sight! and you are ruining my day! offer Lalaine something to eat! hurry up taxpayers !! "

Lalaine could do nothing else, if not follow her aunt's wishes again. Their aunt does not let them eat with them. They can only eat with their siblings when their aunt Donna's family has food left over. Often they don't even have enough food. Fortunately, Lalaine has a job, so somehow she was able to go grocery shopping with her siblings and stocks them in their room. One morning, they talked to their new co-worker Rico at the Kalimeras restaurant. That's also where Lalaine works. It started when Rico entered their own restaurant to spy on their employees as a waiter there. He secretly glared at their employees at the restaurant. And he found out that the manager of their branch in Baguio had been a classmate of his sister in college. It's true that his daddy will be able to make their female employees there really beautiful.

Rico immediately noticed Lalaine, especially when she smiled as a sign of welcoming her as a new co-worker. Lalaine is different compared to others. simple nice but flirting. Rico just laughed when he remembered his father's only favor, not to be obsessed with the beauty of their employees. Rico couldn't understand but he couldn't help but glance at Lalaine. and he thinks the maiden notices it too.

On Rico's first day at the restaurant, he noticed the different behaviors of their employees. There are types who are rude and don't seem to care. There are also kind people like Jeff who train him and teach him what he needs and what he should do. But it is unknown to everyone, as Rico and his father have discussed that no one will know except the two of them of his true identity.

During Rico's daily commute to Kalimeras he learns many things and many detours in the dood.

He learns everything easily, with the help of their team leader Jeff. Jeff became a close friend and he was relieved in Kalimeras. This is because it is good, compared to others whose attitudes are rude.

Rico just noticed something in their manager Duke.

It seemed to have gestures he didn't like. He noticed others tighten the net on their employees.

He also noticed that their supervisor only agreed with the manager's management style.

There is something wrong with the management of the people they trust in Kalimeras, in Rico's mind.

Their manager thinks too highly of himself.

It seems to have no respect for their people there.

One night when Lalaine's duty was over, she hurried home, because their friend who was also their neighbor Hanna had a celebration.

It's my birthday.

When he came home, his aunt Donna was not strict, because he knew that his school schedule was different, so his aunt Donna agreed to give him his own house key. In a hurry, Lalaine did not notice the large rock in her path.

He hit it with his foot, and he was out of balance. He fell on the road, and his right foot seemed to twist.

"Ouch ..!" Lalaine said writhing in pain in her leg. He struggled to get up even though he was stumbling and sat in the corner on a cement chair that seemed to have been specially placed in the sidewalk.

"Ouch, it hurts ..

How can I walk straight to the jeep," he whispered to himself.

By accident, Lalaine's eyes caught sight of Rico just coming out of the restaurant. This is the opportunity for him to ask for help.

When Rico got a little closer to where Lalaine was, he didn't hesitate to call her.

"Rico-Rico, pssstttt….!"

Lalaine calls Rico. Meanwhile,

Rico immediately looked for who was calling him. And when he saw that Lalaine, he quickly approached it.

"Rico, I'm going to help, oh, I had a paralysis of my foot earlier.

I can't walk properly papa-I would have just helped you even if there was only a jeep?

" "H-ha?"

Rico seemed surprised at what Lalaine said.

"Please Rico?" Lalaine pleaded again.

"You can do that, the jeep is just around the corner," Rico replied to Lalaine who was trying to leave.

"Just like you!" Lalaine said to the pope to leave Rico.

Lalaine felt sorry for herself. No man has touched her yet. He was very annoyed with what Rico had said earlier. He wept as he forced himself to stand up and walk. Only poles in the path he could cling to when he walked, just so he wouldn't fall. Because his right foot really hurts.

"That Rico's behavior is so bad! I will never ignore that again! no man has ever abused me! " angry whisper of Lalaine's mind as she struggled to walk.

In the rest of his way, he could no longer hold on to the poles, and the road was a bit dark. So unexpectedly, Lalaine almost fell on the road again.

"Ahhhhh !!" Lalaine cried out as she felt like she would fall again. But unexpectedly, he was quickly caught by someone in his attempt to fall to the floor again. Lalaine reflected on who was the person who had joined her. None other than Rico.

"You? Nako thank you! why are you here? All right, I can walk on my own, "Lalaine said with a smirk as she rebuffed Rico's hands that were holding her.

"I was just kidding you before, let's take you to the boat," Rico apologized to Lalaine.

"I can't take it anymore, go home to you!"

there was a sigh in Lalaine's voice.

"Come on, you can't walk so hard oh 'it's good to follow you,"

Rico replied again.

"Your kulet! I can do it! " Lalaine was annoyed. "All right, you take care I won't force you anymore. I will leave you there, "said Rico.

Lalaine was able to think, she seemed confused. So he called the pope again to leave Rico.

"Ri-Rico… All right, come with me, pleaassee?" There was calm and tenderness in Lalaine's voice.

Rico turned to him again and supported him until he boarded the jeep. Before Lalaine boarded the parked jeeps waiting for passengers, she thanked Rico.

But suddenly something seemed to be playing on his Mind which was a prank.

"Rico, will you take me to us please? It's still a bit far to walk with us, it will be difficult for me to walk. I promise I'll free you the fare! " he mischievously pleaded with Rico.

"I think this woman is abusive, can I break her at work?" Rico thought jokingly.

"Oh, I can't, I need to go home," Rico replied to Lalaine. "Please Rico please? you sinned against me before right? So in return, come home with me, "Lalaine insisted.

"This Lalaine's face is thick ahh!" Rico's mind said again with a smile.

But he also did nothing when he was pulled by Lalaine's hand so that they could ride in the jeep. And finally the jeep left with Rico.

Lalaine's friends were overjoyed to see her. They are currently drinking. It was just behind Aunt Donna's house.

"Our muse is here! We've been waiting for you for a while, we're calling you, we can't call you! It looks like you're still dating with your partner, "said Joanne, a lesbian friend of Lalaine's.

"No, my cell phone was stolen earlier, I even tripped on the road so I didn't get there right away! Rico is my co-worker, "Lalaine introduced Kay Rico to her friends. Lalaine's friends all smiled at Rico.

They made them sit down, and one of their red horse friends quickly translated the two glasses and handed them to Lalaine and Rico. Rico was surprised when Lalaine quickly drank the wine.

"Haay .. female corner! the beauty, the strength to drink wine! " in Rico's mind with regard to Lalaine.

Rico says goodbye to go home, but Lalaine's friends don't want to let him. They begged him to accompany them even for a moment. Rico agreed. He insisted on drinking the red horse even though he had only just tasted it.

"Do you know Rico we are like that here sometimes! especially when there is an occasion, like today is Hanna's birthday! somehow our problems disappear, when we gather like this. Like Lalaine, they have a lot of problems in their family, "Joanne explained to Rico.

Joanne got up from her seat and picked up the guitar that had landed on the other chair. Joanne began to play the guitar strings, and Lalaine's singing began to accompany the sound of the guitar.

Joanne is a very good guitar player, and Lalaine's timbre is very good.

It's very cold, and anyone who hears Lalaine's voice is really getting rid of problems for a while. he sang "The love I found in you."

Lalaine's friends applauded when the song ended.

"Did you know Rico that we will include Lalaine in the Call of the Stage?" The language is Hanna. "H-Huh? What is the stage called? " Rico asked.

"Ha-haha .. What are you, Rico, are you an alien? haven't you watched t.v? Lalaine asked her. His friends couldn't help but laugh at what he said.

"Am I aware of Tawag ng tanghalan that you say I only watch English movies and news often," Rico thought. "Maybe there is no t.v. they are Rico in their house! " a friend of Lalaine's even stretched, and they laughed again.

"Rico, I'm sorry for those, they're just really annoying, especially when they're together," Joanne apologized to Rico.

"It's okay," Rico replied shortly to Joanne.

Later, Lalaine sang beautiful songs again, while Joanne played the guitar well. He is obviously very good at playing it.

Rico will admit that Lalaine really has qualities that are really impressive. Lucky to be her boyfriend in Rico's mind. Later on, Rico said goodbye to go home and also hit him somehow with the red horse they drank. Rico realized that the Inuman corners were also fun. It was his first time to experience something like this. The two friends took Rico to the boat, to make sure everyone was safe.

One afternoon, Rico noticed from the other table that Lalaine seemed to be talking to one of their male coworkers. Rico was currently buying mineral water at the canteen, because it was his break time. He immediately approached Lalaine to buy. Their co-worker hurried away from where they were when Rico arrived.

"Why, what happened?" Rico asked Lalaine and sat down in the chair there.

"I'm really disgusted with that Luke! he is so arrogant! the bragging non! he had a crush on me for a long time. Only now did he have the opportunity to say that he likes me! " Lalaine's tongue twitched.

"Oh, you just have a crush, what's wrong don?" Rico asked Lalaine with a laugh.

"Did he say I was lucky when we were! manager Duke is said to be his uncle! "explained Lalaine.

"What? The manager is Luke's uncle? " Rico asked.

"Yes and yes! And they said it was just a secret from his uncle, he said it only to me because he said he wanted me! That's why it's obvious that our manager looks at him differently, that's the reason! " Lalaine replied.

"It is strictly forbidden in the rules of the restaurant, no matter what the position, it is forbidden relative to work.

This manager of ours is really a lot of nonsense! " In Rico's mind.

"He added that they are related to the owner of Kalimeras so they have a strong uncle in Kalimeras. It's very windy, isn't it? " Lalaine added.

"That's really arrogant!" Only Rico spoke. And he is mindful of what is happening.

Since Lalaine was able to give her cellphone number to Rico, Rico couldn't stop himself from texting and calling Lalaine to say hello. Every night, the two always talk. Lalaine also doesn't understand but she feels that her feelings for Rico are slowly falling apart.

So, when the two had a day off at the same time, Lalaine's mother Rico went for a walk in the mall with Amie and Carlo.

Everyone was happy, especially when Lalaine's siblings Rico played basketball on the children's playground. Lalaine was overjoyed to see the siblings rejoicing.

They said they felt that they suddenly had a kind older brother. They went for a walk and ate the past food of the hungry. Before dark, they decided to go home.

Lalaine is happy when she is with Rico. Didn't she know, of the many men who seduced her, only Rico was the man she let her brothers into their lives.

Rico didn't even admit it, but he also knew in himself that he also liked the presence that Lalaine gave him.

During his short time in Kalimeras, Rico got to know Lalaine even better. And he found out that Lalaine was very different from all the beautiful women he had ever met.

One afternoon, Lalaine was currently on duty. One of their co -workers talked to him at the restaurant. Someone was looking for him.

Lalaine immediately went to the person who was looking for her. From a distance, he could see his friend Joanne and she was obviously upset.

When they got close to Joanne the two stood in a corner away from their customer to talk.

"Laine, say goodbye now and go to udertime first, because an emergency happened ..

Now!" whispered, but Joaane's tongue was stunned. Lalaine was very nervous about Joanne's reaction. Why Joanne's actions are like this What really happened.

Lalaine was really surprised. "Joanne please what happened .. I'm nervous about you?" Lalaine asked Joanne worriedly.

"Don't be surprised Laine. We rushed Carlo to the Hospital earlier! your aunt Donna pushed hard, said Amie,

she turned her head and lost consciousness Laine! " the story is Joanne.

"My god! Aunt Donna is really shameless .. my sister is unfortunate! " Lalaine's tearful response.

"Wait for me Joanne please, sit there first, I'll just say goodbye to our manager .." Lalaine's language was confused, she didn't know what to do and think about those moments.

"All right Laine wait for us," Joanne replied. And Lalaine immediately sought out and approached their manager of face her.

"Sir Duke, I would like to say goodbye to you.

It's really just an emergency sir?

" Lalaine said goodbye to the manager.

"My Lalaine, we have a lot of customers now, you can't work undertime,

" the manager replied. "Sir please .. my siblings really need me now, I'm the only one they can count on, go ahead sir," cried Lalaine pleading with manager Duke.

"Don't you understand miss Lalaine? we can't have too many customers!

" Angry response of the manager.

"Sir, please .. please .. My brothers and sisters are not with me at the Hospital. All right sir ..

hu-hu-hu ..! " Lalaine was already sobbing.

But their manager's heart has remained hardened. All the staff of the restaurant feel sorry for Lalaine as they see her begging to be able to undertime.

"Leave now if you want! but don't come in here starting tomorrow!

" tough language of their manager. "Your toughness sir! you have no mercy .. what kind of feelings do you have! You're too much sir…

Hu-huh-hu .. "Lalaine's emotional language hurt their manager. Without hesitation, he left the manager leaving him obviously irritated.

Lalaine's eyes quickly searched for Joanne where it was already.

When he saw his friend, he quickly approached him and his mother quickly told them to go to where Carlo had been taken.

The two left immediately, while Lalaine was unable to change her uniform.

Meanwhile, even though Rico was not able to change into a work uniform, he immediately heard about the bad thing that had happened recently. He arrived at Kalimeras at that moment. When Rico found out the whole story and the events of what happened earlier, according to the story told to him by their co-workers, he was no longer slipping.

"That's too much manager Duke! he will find what he is looking for! shuddering Rico said to himself.

He angrily immediately sought out the manager of the kalimeras, where it is now. Lalaine's heart sank when she learned from a nurse that her brother Carlo was still unconscious. Lalaine cried incessantly.

He was then with Joanne and Amie sitting on chairs in the waiting area. Joanne's condolences to Lalaine were constant, only to appease her.

He never stopped stroking the back of the crying Lalaine. Joanne and Amie were also quietly crying.

Rico arrived at the Hospital obviously deeply concerned about what had happened. She couldn't help herself from hugging the crying Lalaine. Lalaine also hugged Rico's arms tightly.

"Rico, he is so bad! He never even considered us blood relatives! Hu-huhu. " Lalaine said crying.

"When something bad happens to Carlo, I will definitely sue him! Hu-hu-hu ..

"Lalaine added.

"That's right Lalaine, your aunt will have that one day! Go away don, don't go home don!

" there was an angry language of Rico who had already resigned from his embrace with Lalaine.

"I still don't know where my siblings and I are going right now Rico. It's really hard to be an orphan," Lalaine replied.

From Rico's pocket He had snatched a small box and it was sealed. He gave it to Lalaine. "Lalaine, for you," Rico said.

"H-Ha, what is this?" Lalaine asked.

"I gave you a gift. To your siblings. Please, open that box half an hour after I leave.

I have an important Walk today. So I can't be with you here at the Hospital for long. " Rico explained.

Wondering what was in the small box, he followed Rico's wishes. He didn't open it right away.

The doctor came out looking at Carlo from the room where it was. And the Doctor told them that Carlo was fine. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to have been pulled out by his thorns in his chest.

Everyone was thrilled with the wonderful news. That's why Rico said goodbye to everyone, and he said he had to leave. He even kissed Lalaine on the forehead.

It has been an hour since Rico left the Hospital. Lalaine's attention was focused on the little box Rico had given her.He thought of opening it and wondered what it contained.

As she opened it, Joanne and Amie both stared at it, wondering what it contained.

Lalaine finally opened the box, and she was exposed to a key and a folded letter. He opened the letter and began to read it.

"Hi Lalaine,

I'm sure as you read this I'm definitely on my way to Manila. And it may be a long time before we meet again. I have to follow daddy e first, for now. That I avoid being obsessed with our beautiful employees like you. Don't worry about what you will pay at the Hospital, I answered everyone! do you owe that to me? Joke.

You'll keep that key, won't you? That is the key to the house I am staying in here in Baguio. Get away from your witch aunt! Carlo and Amie have moved there.

Here is the Address, just go. I just beg you to come back to Kalimeras, Kalimeras is waiting for you. If you're wondering what I'm saying. You will know everything when you go to Kalimeras. Up to here only.

I will miss you and I____You .. Carlo and Amie will always be careful. One day we will meet again. I hope you wait for me ".


Lalaine cried again at that letter from Rico.

Even though he was wondering about what Neto said, he couldn't help but be sad because he probably left and moved away from them.

He tried to contact Rico's number but he couldn't contact him.

The only thing Lalaine said for Rico was,