
Is she an employee?


🔞🔞My Boss Is Hot

   I want her and I must have her...

Chapter one...

My name is Amber, Amber James and I am twenty-five years old; I am a graduate who is also jobless since no company wants to employ me without asking for sex...

    A few days ago I saw an advert for a secretary needed urgently...

The pay is really good (100 thousand nairas every month)...

I want the job but I am scared of what will be required of me...

I mean I understand the fact that I am beautiful; really gorgeous and because of that getting a job has not been easy...

       I stood before my mirror staring at my appearance, praying with all my heart I will be given the job...

      Christopher pov...

  All the applicants have not been up to my expectation...

I wanted someone unique yet I have gotten nothing, while those thoughts were running through my head, the most beautiful😍💓 stunning, or more, I don't even have a word to describe her...

   She is beautiful! staring and drooling đŸ€€đŸ€€đŸ€€ over the ethereal figure standing before me, I can feel my little brother getting hard, real hard...

Who is she?

Is she an employee?

Who employed her?

I want her and I concluded within myself that I will have her...

  Amber pov...

I am scared and worried I will not be given the job not that I am not qualified, I am more than qualified.

I kept mumbling prayers in my mind asking God to help me...

I sat down before the man who was to interview me...  I guess he is the boss...

I raise my head to look at him and greet him properly hiding my fear.

I feel my breath getting stuck in my mouth and my face getting red. Unimaginable embarrassment ceases me, I try to shake it off and compose myself.

I was faced with the most handsome man ever...

I couldn't describe his handsomeness...

I felt my n***le Harden and you can see the pointed view showing through my clingy woollen gown...

Seeing the way he was staring at my bust made my n***le harden the more...

What is going on with me?  I thought to myself.

  Why am I feeling this way?

I felt myself getting wet 💩💩...

This has to be madness! I screamed at myself.

    "What is your name beautiful? "

he said in his sultry voice. This hottie is so fine.

He is talking to you, Amber!

😬😬 Ahh..... Amber concentrate and get your head straight. Remember you need this job...

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