Staring casually into his eyes, the tears she has been holding in her eyes broke loose within the lids of bondage and rolled down her cheeks. It didn't take up to a minute before her eyes turned red. "You really didn't care, did you?" Her shaky voice nearly succeeded in bringing the young man in front of her, to his knees. "I-I di-did... This is a mis-take... Don't be li-like this..." "Like what?!" She screamed! Her hand already flying in the air towards his face... But... Someone held her hand from behind. Prepared to vent the anger on the person behind her through redirecting the slap meant for the man in front of her, she turns unsuccessfully forcing her hand out of his grip. The hot tears that were gushing down her face this whole time dripped more profusely. Her red face started calming down when she saw the man behind her. Her pink lips forming an oval shape that signified her shock. "Haoran...?" The man smiles handsomely with his eyes displaying happiness in them. "Yes... It's me" She slowly buried her head into the chest of the man and wept in pain, punching his chest lightly and murmuring. "Why didn't you go? It's an opportunity that can't be-?" "It isn't an opportunity that will make this company flourish. If it is, it won't make me leave you" Hearing his voice made her cry the more. She looks tattered, and poverty seems to be her identity. The siren of the police vehicles engulfs the air and the man who attempts to run away got handcuffed before he even realized he needs to move. The eyes of Haoran scan Haozi dreadfully as the woman cried on his chest. "Where are the others?" ******* Experience the journey of Haoran and Ai Mi as they work hard to retain the biggest company of Japan, and discover so many missing people in their lives. Standing for each other is their virtue.
The crapulous woman is seen under the dark clouds. Her head bowed and tears gushing out of her eyes with a weird, disgusting smile on her face. Her hair is unkept... Her dress is torn with holes almost everywhere... Leaving her body almost exposed.
In her arms are a baby boy and girl. Twins. Her tears fall on both babies cloth... Her eyes are red... and she slowly sniff in her running nose but all to no avail, as the mucose drops on the baby boy's cloth.
A drop of rain fell on her hand and that's when she finally realized that the weather had become rainy and that she has been standing for a very long time. Her legs become wobbly, but she still gathered the remaining strength in her and walked towards underneath a bridge. She bursts out crying with her head still down and her tears rolling down uncontrollably.
How is she supposed to take care of these children? She's just a little girl... How did she end up in this mess?
As she questions herself... Slowly searching for answers, and trying to find a way to just turn the hands of time, a beautiful woman, of the age range 30-45, was standing opposite the bridge, watching the young girl with the babies in her arms cry helplessly. She has a frown on her face, but her heart displays otherwise.
She lifted the umbrella in her hand, and with the shade it happened to create, she walked into the rain with dignity and pride. Her face still having the frown on it.
"Why are you crying?"
The crying girl lifts her head up to look at the woman in front of her. She's wearing a to-match black outfit, including a black hat, black jacket and a pair of black trousers. Even her umbrella is black with a white design on it.
"I... I'm..." She can hardly speak right now. The woman who approached her, then questions her further.
"What's your name?"
"S... Sally"
"Who owns these kids, Sally?"
Sally swallowed hard and nearly choked on her saliva. She never thought she would say this but...
"They... are my children" the woman watches as Sally bursts out crying again.
The corner of her mouth raises and it is slightly seen from the corner of her hat.
"What if I buy them?" Sally thought she didn't hear well, or probably thought someone from behind spoke to her or something.
"What did you say?"
"I asked if I could buy them" The woman says the second time.
"I can't sell my kids-"
"Nor can you take care of them if you keep them"
Sally stares at the woman blankly. That's true, but even if it is, can't she just help her a little instead of wanting to make her sell her kids? It doesn't just seem right.
"If you sell them to me, I will give you an apartment with a job that will last based on the contract I will offer you"
Sally continues to stare at the woman.
"What do you say, Sally? You can't possibly let such an opportunity slide away... " She asks.
Sally looks down at her children. Is this the answer to her prayer? But something just feels off about this.
"Can you?" The woman asks skyrocketing one of her eyebrow up and staring at her questionably.
"If you take them... Can I still see them?"
A smirk spread rapidly on her face as she slowly unveil her face by raising her head up a bit higher.
"No. No, you can't"
"No buts! Do you agree? Or do you not?"
Sally stares at the woman's eyes with anger and at the same time anxiety. If she releases her children to this woman, how sure is she that that this stranger will take care of them? How sure is she that these babies won't fall into the wrong arms?
But at the same time, this offer is quite tempting. An apartment, a job... She can use this to take care of her kids, but the thing is she won't be with her kids until God knows when they will meet again.
But what does she has to lose? She really needs the apartment and job this woman just said, but at the same time... Does she need these kids?
"Alright. You can have the babies"
The woman smiles sheepishly as she raises the whistle tied to her wrist and blows it with less effort.
Not so long after she blew it, two officially dressed young ladies came from behind her with pitiful looks on their faces.
"Take them both. I'll like to have a word with their mother"
The women made their way to the mother and collected the babies and left to a black car across the rainy and washy streets.
"What a fool you are" the woman says slowly.
She raised her head a little higher than before and it was then Sally saw her face a bit clearer.
"My name is Xiao Kyung. A Chinese company sent me here to get children who will be raised in China, and then sent to Japan..."
Sally's eyes widen hearing this... Does... Does this mean...?
"Yes... It is what you think it is"
Sally eyes becomes teary again as Xiao slowly reveals her thought.
"You would have gotten a position in our company, if you had rejected the offer"
Tears starts to roll down her cheek and her heart starts to beat right out of her chest.
"You imbecile. If someone had said that they wanted to use your children as sacrifices, you would've agreed, wouldn't you?"
Sally's head began to ache in accordance of a drummer beating a drum. It felt like her head was the drum.
"You... You tricked me-"
"Yes. Yes, I did. And I am so happy I did. You know why? Because those children would have gotten on their knees to beg you for help someday, but you wouldn't have helped them"
Sally's eyes bulged out as the tears began to form again. What does she mean by that?
"What I mean is... You would have used your children... To make money"
Sally broke down in tears. The voice of thunder began to speak and lightning stroke as if her mistake had been registered in the heavens.
She then looked at Xiao with swollen eyes.
"Why? Why me? Why is it me you saw?"
Xiao chuckled and shook her head with anger seen in her eyes.
Without answering her question, she dropped the keys to an apartment and some documents in an envelope on the watery ground.
Sally quickly grabs it before the rain water on the streets soaks it.
But this only made her look more desperate than Xiao ever thought.
"Sign it and find the building not too far from here. I'm done with you"
And Xiao left without turning back.
Sally continues to cry until the water in her body seems to get drained through tears...
She should have known better.