
Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Four

Third Person POV

May left the hotel and lodged in another hotel cause she is aware that Max will be looking for her and she is not ready to appear before Max right now. She know that Max is really mad at her right now, but she don't care about that so long what she did today will bring Max relationship with that lady to an end. I must confess that Sarah is really a force to reckon with, am glad she is not the one I messed up with cause am not sure I will be able to live and tell my story, May mused. She laughed out loud when she remembered the devastated look on Max face, she have vowed to make sure that Max will not end up with any lady after she found out about his reputation with women right after he slept with her.

George carried his bag to the room that he will be sharing with Max now, he is just hoping that after tomorrow all this misunderstanding will be sorted out but that is just a wish. Max just lay down on the bed facing the ceiling, a lot is going on in his mind right now, he don't know where he will start to explain things to Ella and the worst part now is that Sarah is now suspecting George of cheating on her. Well he can't blame her cause as the saying goes, birds of the same feathers fly together, George is his best friend so it is expected that the two of them will be doing similar things.

George what do you suggest that I do now, regarding this issue? Max asked George. I don't really know Max, my head right now is out of ideas, George sincerely answered. Cause his head is occupied with thoughts of how to convince Sarah that he is not cheating on her and will never do so. What if I talk to Sarah so that she will convince Ella to give me a listening ear, Max suggested beaming with smiles cause of his suggestion. George looked at him and shook his head in pity, despite what he is going through with Sarah right now will be nothing to compare to what Max is about to face in the hands of Ella.

Max I don't think that going through Sarah to get to Ella will work this time around, George told Max his thoughts. Why do you think that it will not work this time around? Max asked. Cause Ella is not the only one who feel betrayed by who or have you forgotten that it's cause of the fact that Sarah convinced Ella that you have changed your ways, that is why she accepted to date you and she will be blaming herself for fooling her best friend, George explained to Max why it will not work out. Max understand the point George is making, that means that going through Sarah will not work and that is strikes out of the plan.

So what am going to do now, my only hope of getting to Ella is dashed now, what am I going to do? How am I going to convince Ella that I did not intentionally did that? Max asked. George looked at him and patted his shoulder, bro this one is on you but I will support you and help you if you need my help, George told him. Max clenched and unclenched his fist whenever the image of how hurt Ella looked flashes in his mind. He just pray that he will not lay his eyes on that snake cause he might commit his first murder that day. Nobody hurts the love of his life and go scot free. He no longer to know her reason for doing all this all he cares about is to get back at her.

Ella and Sarah already freshen up and laid down on the bed trying to sleep but sleep seem to run away from them cause each woman with her own thoughts. Both of them have been tossing on the bed. You can't sleep as well? Ella asked Sarah. Yeah, I can't sleep, Sarah simply answered. Why is not like you are the one that got her heart broken by your boyfriend, Ella nested. Sarah laughed out loud at that, thank God that the room is soundproof if not others in the hotel would by now be wondering if they have gone mad. Well, I guess your heartbreak is rubbing off on me, Sarah joked. Both ladies have smiles on their face.

So Ella I have been meaning to ask you, will you give Max the chance to explain his own side of the story? Sarah inquired. Ella looked at Sarah like she have suddenly gone mad. What do you mean by give him a chance to explain his side of his story I don't think there is anything to explain cause he was standing there when May said all that, he did not do anything to claim that it's a lie rather he stood there looking guilty, I don't think there is anything for him to explain again I have gotten the explanation that I needed, Ella said. Sarah did not say anything else cause she want Ella to decide how to go about this on her own and not been influenced by her.

What are you going to do about George? Ella asked. Sarah chuckled at how Ella suddenly turn the table around. Well, I don't know what to think now, am so confused but one thing is certain I love him so much, Sarah answered. Ella smiled, there you have your answer right before you, like you said you love him so much the only thing you have to do is talk with him and see what he has to say for himself, Ella advised. I know that but I want to give him some time cause right now am still very much angry and I might say something that will not go well with him, Sarah explained.

I understand but I don't want you to take much time, George is a keeper cause if you push him out because of this little misunderstanding, there are girls out there who can't wait to have him in their arms, Ella advised Sarah. Thank you Ella and I feel so useless now am the one that is supposed to give you advice and cheer you up, but here you are doing what am suppose to be doing, Sarah complained. That is not a problem, I know you are here for me and I really appreciate that from the bottom of my heart, Ella assured her that she is cool with what is happening.

Are you feeling sleepy, yet? Ella asked Sarah. No, not yet, Sarah asked. Do you think that those two are also having sleepless night like us? Sarah asked cause she is so curious to know what is happening in the other room. How am I suppose to know am not there with them, Ella plainly answered. I thought you will be curious to know? Sarah inquired. Why should I be serious, I don't give a damn about what is going on with him anymore, Ella answered. But you love him so I thought you will be curious, Sarah reasoned and shrugged her shoulder.

Am not curious and for the record, I don't love him, Ella started. Sarah looked at her with doubts in her mind. What?! Am serious I don't love him, I will admit that I like him but am not in love with him yet, Ella explained but Sarah did not buy her explanation cause she know what she observed just that her best friend is still in the denying stage. If you don't love him then why are you deeply hurt by his action, cause I don't think that it is only likeness that made you cry the way you cried, Sarah pointed out.