
Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Four

Third Person POV

Steve is getting frustrated as the day goes by, cause he is yet to understand why Anna is turning him down, he doesn't believe one bit that Anna has changed cause despite her blank expression, he can see her body language. He noticed how she will always clench her first whenever he will mention George's name, that is why he is confused about why she is turning him down. She wants revenge and he is offering it on a platter but she turned him down, is not like she has anything to lose. He is the one who is going to shoulder all the expenses, he needed from Anna is her participation that's all. The last he called her, what she told him was for him to continue making a lot of money, that he will need it in the future.

Steve doesn't know how he is going to start making more money, the only work that he ever worked in his life is with Vincent's enterprise, that is the reason why he is so mad at George and his mother for taking away the only thing that makes him feel alive. Steve is regretting a lot of things and one of them is letting his son leave his house since Victor started living on his own, he hardly heeds what his father is saying. He hardly comes to visit and whenever he comes around, the Father and Son will end up fighting or arguing. To crown it all, Max fired the security guy his father employed to be driving him around and guarding him. That was the last fight Steve had with his son, he want to know the reason why he fired the guy he employed.

Victor made it clear that he is old enough to decide who will be beside him and who will not. Victor knows that sooner or later his father will crumble, all his atrocities will be made known to all and he wants to be ready when that time, that is the reason why he wants to start his own company with the money he got from selling his shares. He will apply the knowledge he got while working when he was hiding. He promised himself to work harder and not to end up like his father, he wished there is more he can do to help George and Sarah, but it will be fruitless cause fighting is the only thing he does with his father this day and there is no way he could get anything from him.

Melvin has not had a good night's rest after the day George called him. That call made him a little weary of his wife, he want to believe so much that his wife have changed but something is stopping him from accepting that as hundred percent true. He started paying attention to her but he don't want to be obvious about it, he don't want Anna to be hurt if she finds out that he is doubting her. He noticed the strange call she has been answering recently, he took the liberty of her absence to check who has been calling her, he saw that Steve Vincent is the one calling his wife but what shocked him is that his wife was recording their conversation. He listened to the conversation and was quickly reassured that his wife have changed. Though he was disappointed that Steve was lying when he said that he want to invest in their casino business but he was also glad that Anna turned down his evil proposal, cause it will hurt him if his wife goes back to her old life.