
Chapter Thirteen

George POV

When the Private investigator left my office I sat down to cross check in my mind all the information that I now have about her. If her Ex boyfriend is in contact with Melbel company and he is  trying to get back with her does that mean that he knows she work's for me.

If yes that only means that he want to use her to get to me just like the P.I suggested, Well that will not happen this time cause am aware of their moves. I really need to know where Sarah stand with her Ex boyfriend,if she still feel something for him and this not something the person I hired to tail her will do for me.

I can only get the answer if I engage her in a conversation on personal level and how is that going to happen, I have to get close to her first. Well I have not lost my humanity there is still part of me that know how to make friends and that is the part am bringing from today hencefort.

Melbel Company will not know what hit them this time around cause am fully prepared this time. My mother called me later in the day to tell me about her findings in regards to Sarah, of course she will investigate her how can I forget that. She was so furious while she was talking with me, she even asked me to fire her immediately.

But Mum,Sarah have not done anything yet,so on what ground am I firing her, is it because her Ex boyfriend is in contact with Melbel's I asked her. My mum still insisted that I fire her that led me to tell my mother about my plan,but she is finding it hard to understand why I really need to get close to her,that the person I hired to tail her is enough.

What if you end up falling in love with her My mother asked,don't worry Mum that will not happen I assured her. Remember to come and visit me this weekend,no more excuses cancel any meeting you have cause I don't want you bailing out on me at the last minute like last week My mother reminded me.

The plan are all in motion,I already started acting nice towards Sarah and I know with time she will open up to me. The weekend is already here today is Friday time to face my mother. I arrived at my mother's place in the evening cause I intended to spend the night then tomorrow I will meet this mysterious guest.

I had dinner with my mother,after dinner I updated her on what's going on so far with Sarah and I went to sleep to wait for the big day. In the morning my mother continuous knocking wake me up from my sleep, I groaned because left for me I still want to sleep but because of this mysterious guest I have to wake up if I don't want to face my mother wrath.

I freshen up and headed downstairs for breakfast when I heard my mother laughing with someone,I guess the guest has arrived. Time to unwrap the package,I get to the sitting room there is a lady with my Mum,she is beautiful but not as beautiful as Sarah wait why am I comparing the two Hahaha I guessed seeing Sarah almost everyday is now affecting me.

My mother introduced her to me her name is Claire Davidson, her father is the CEO of J.D company Jude Davidson. I already know why my mother invited her but I decided to play along like I don't know what's going on. We conversed after the breakfast and exchanged numbers promising to keep in touch. My mother want to prolong her stay but seem like the lady is engaged somewhere else she left and promised she will visit my mother again.