
Chapter Sixty-Six

Mrs Vincent POV

When my son stormed inside I was wondering what could have upset him to this extent, he approached me and required for privacy to talk to me. Now am confused, am I the reason why he is angry? I questioned myself.

I went upstairs with George, why do you want to see me and talk privately I asked him immediately we are upstairs cause am anxious to know what's going on with him. Why did you invite Claire to this Christmas party you know it's strictly meant for workers in my company and your company George asked me.

I can't believe this is the reason he is so angry I recalled that I saw Claire hugged George but my son did not show any sign that he is displeased with Claire presence so why is he now angry unless something happened. The truth of the matter is that I did not invite her actually, she called me asking me about my plan for this Christmas, I told her that am organizing party for my workers and my son's workers at my place I guessed that is why she is here, she invited herself I did not invite her I explained to George.

Confusion is clearly written on his face ,but she told me you invited her he muttered but I heard him clearly cause I was paying attention to him. What is the problem I asked him because I know that the fact that Claire told him that I invited her to the party is not the reason he is angry.

Claire said that she want us to start dating he told me. I don't see any problem with that if that's what you want I only introduced you two but the rest is up to you I told him. The problem is that Claire want to date me cause she is been pressured by her parents and she just broke up with her boyfriend who cheated on her not because she like me and I only want to be in a relationship for love George explained to me.

Oh is that why you are upset,there is no need for you to be upset if you don't want to date her you make it clear to her that you don't want to have anything with her I assured him. I already did that but she kept on insisting so please try to distract her throughout this party so that I can enjoy the party my son pleaded. No problem I will do anything to distract her just go and enjoy the party I assured him and winked at him.

George left after I assured him that I will do something about Claire. I am happy that my son is changing gradually back to the cheerful boy I gave birth to and it is all Sarah doing cause since Sarah came into his life he changed and also my informant Rose told me everything that went down with my son and Sarah all the time cause I charged her to report to me every details of what is going on.

I know I made a mistake by trying to introduced my son to women so that he can chose the one he will like to marry. At first I thought I was doing the right thing every mother will do for their child,I should have exercised some patience cause if I was patient with him this Claire issue will not come up.

There is no need to ask cause it's clearly obvious that he likes Sarah and Sarah likes him too cause I saw the way she blushed when my son approached her earlier and how happy my son was when he saw her.

Well I guessed my son is old enough to handle his problem am sure he can handle this Claire issue. Don't get me wrong Claire is from a rich family and great background and will make the best partner for my son with her connection and all that but it seemed that is not what makes my son happy and am after my son happiness. If Sarah is where his happiness lies so be it,I will support my son fully despite the difference in class I don't mind at all.

George POV

I left my mother the first person I looked for immediately I came outside was Sarah. I saw her chatting with Rose and smiling, that beautiful smile of hers I can't wait for the time to exchange gifts. Yeah I bought gift for my personal assistant because she deserved it.

I approached her,Hey how is the party going on? I asked her while smiling, The party is nice and lively I like it She replied. Am glad you like it I told her I was still talking with her when I sighted Claire coming towards our directional with that stupid smile on her face.

I excused myself from Sarah so that I can be able to dodge Claire cause I don't need her hovering around me in this party,Seemed like that lady can't take no for an answer. I was able to dodged from Claire only to ran into Max with that mischievous smile on his face, this is typical example of from frying pan to fire.

I thought this party is strictly meant for workers so why are you here? I asked him with straight face. Ouch you just broke my heart I thought we are best friends and brothers I don't think you will questioned my presence here Max said with a solemn face. I know he is acting out cause Max hardly get upset or let words affect him. I was about to say something when Max started talking again.

I am also here to be close to Sarah cause I still have a lot of things I need to know about her maybe I should start with knowing how she behaves in parties Max said grinning. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth I really want to punch him but I hold myself back cause I don't want Max to suspect my feelings for Sarah.

I thought I have made it clear that I don't want you around Sarah that you should take your womanizing self out of her side I reminded him with straight face. I don't know why you are so against Sarah and I if I don't know you I will think that you like her and you are jealous of me getting close to her Max remarked and left. I was left standing there speechless.