
Chapter One Hundred and Forty Two

Sarah POV

I came back home as the happiest woman on earth,this is not how I pictured today to be like. What I have in my mind is that I will relax at the beach with my best friend,I don't know that am about to be given the best surprise of my life. Yes I finally have a boyfriend after Evans saga and it's none other than George my boss. I can feel the sincerity in his words when he confessed and I know there is no need for me to kept on been angry at him. I decided to forget about everything and follow my heart, I really love him and I will spend the rest of my life showing him that I love him.

We arrived at my place but Ella and Max are not yet back, so am wondering where they went to but decided to wave it the last time I checked both are adults and that will give me more time to spend with George cause I don't want the day to end yet. But my expectation was cut short when I saw George's car approaching us indicating that Max and Ella are coming. They reached where we are and parked the car and stepped out of the car, I noticed that Max wanted to open the door for Ella but she beat him to it. Ella wanted to know if we are now official, I know that's what she will be eager to know since she is one of the architect of what happened today.

I confirmed to both of them that we are official and they seemed more happy than us that are in the relationship. But something felt off about Ella, I know she is genuinely happy for me but it seem like something is bothering her and that is what I will find out tonight. Max teased us about giving each other final kiss for the day, not minding his tease I still went ahead to give George a kiss though it's quick cause am still shy but am happy that I kissed him anyway. Cause I want to do all that I was not able to do with Evans while we were dating. George kissed my forehead and pecked my lips before entering his car with Max on the driver side, they drove off I stood there looking at their departing car until I can't see the smoke from the car.

Can we now go in or are you planning on going home with him? Ella asked with that her mischievous smile but this time the smile did not reach her eyes. I can't keep it inside me anymore cause I need to know what is wrong with her, I know tonight I should not stress my mind but I can't help this is my best friend we are talking about here. Ella are you OK? I asked. Yes I am okay, Why do you ask? Ella replied back with a smile but am not convinced one bit. You can smile all you want but I want you to know one thing, you can not deceive me by that your smile cause you are my best friend and I know you too well, I told her. She heaved a sigh of defeat, am sure she already figure out that there is no need for her to continue pretending that everything is OK when it's not.

Can we go in so that we can talk about it, Ella requested. Sure let's go in and also it's getting a little bit chilly outside rainy season is around the corner, I said in agreement to her request. We entered inside and I went straight to the kitchen to get drinks for us cause I figured that whatever it is we are going to talk about will be serious, I come out of the kitchen with two fruit juice in my hand, I handed one to Ella and sat down with the remaining to get myself settled to hear what Ella have to say.

So tell me what's going on, I urged her to start talking. Ella heaved a sigh, she have been doing that a lot lately. We met my father when we went to eat lunch, Ella said. Wow this must be really serious cause whenever Ella is been mentioned it's not always good news. When you said We, you mean you and Max? I asked. Ella nodded in affirmation. Wow okay did he did something or say something mean? You know what I mean, I said.

At first when we saw each other we were exchanging words as usual but it started gaining the attention of others in the restaurant that is when Max stepped in and save the situation, you can imagine how embarrassed I was, Ella finished with her explanation. I don't understand why you are embarrassed, was is it because of your misunderstanding with your father in a public or is it because of Max presence that you are embarrassed? I asked her. Come on Sarah what do you mean by Max presence, do you think I give a damn about what he think of me, of course I was embarrassed because we were in the public, Ella answered. Well am not surprised at her answer cause I expected her to deny it and that's what she just did.

I decided to press her for the right information I want, So tell me how did Max intervened cause am sure that is why you have that worried look on your face, I said. Urgh! Do you really need to know the details? Ella asked. Of course I want to hear everything in details, I answered her. Ella have no other choice but to tell me everything that happened between her, her father and Max. But I don't see any reason for you to be worried, Max did not introduced himself as your fiance but as a suitor so I don't see anything wrong there, I pointed out. You talking as if you have forgotten who my father is cause am sure he is already planing another wedding, Ella stated. Then marry Max, I said staring intently at her. What!? Are you crazy? How can you suggest such absurd thing? Ella asked throwing daggers at me with her eyes.