
Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty-One

Third Person POV

Evans saw two cars stopped in front of the bar he is currently drinking, he did not pay attention to them, maybe they are rich folks here for some dirty business. But when he saw the people that stepped out of the vehicle, he wanted to bolt but decided to stay and see what will happen, there is a possibility that he is not the one they are looking for and even if they are looking for him, he did not commit anything against them. George and his entourage approach Evans, Rose on the other hand kept her eyes on Evans like a hawk watching its prey. "Evans", George called Evans name in a cold voice, that voice alone is enough to tell Evans that whatever the reason why George is here is not a pleasant one. Evans tried so hard to comport himself cause he don't want to show that he is intimidated by George's presence.

Me Vincent, to what do I owe this visit? He asked in a slightly shaky voice. I will get straight to the point with you, where is Sarah? George asked him. Evans was surprised to hear the question from George and also amused that George Will thinks that his wife will leave him to be with him. Am sorry Mr Vincent, but it's funny if you think that your wife will leave you to be with me, Evans told him, gesturing between the two of them. Rose knows at that moment that Evans is not even aware of what is going on. Am not talking about that, where did you keep my wife after you kidnapped her with that crazy bi*ch Anna? George shouted at him. Okay, slow down, I don't have any idea of what you are talking about, I did not kidnap your wife, I have been here since my landlord kicked me out, you can confirm from these people around here, that Evans tried to defend himself.

You sold the bomb to Anna not too long ago right? Rose asked him. Yes, I bought it for her and a gun also, she paid me handsomely that is how am surviving, for now, Evans answered him. So, this bomb where did you give to her when you bought them for her? Rose asked him. Here in this bar, Evans answered. George at that moment look so hopeless, their only hope of getting the location seems to be crushed before him. Let's go, it's useless coming here, Josh muttered. Wait, Evans called them as they turned to leave. What now? George asked him in a bored tone. You know the day I gave her the bomb, I was uncomfortable cause I know that she is going to use it to harm someone,  I am sure of it cause that lady is crazy, I followed her that day, she entered a bungalow and that is not the property of her husband and I think that's where you will find your wife, Evans told them.

Rose can't believe that they finally have the answer they are looking for. Can you give us the address or direction? She asked him. Sure, I will do that, I want you to see it as a way of me saying that am sorry for everything I must have put Sarah through, knowingly and unknowingly, Evans said and brought out the paper and pen he always carry around with him and writes down the direction of the place to them.