
Chapter Eighty

Evans POV

It had been three days since I ran into Mrs Black and am yet to find this Paul of a person,more like the guy disappeared from the face of earth. I have searched and even use the connection I have underworld but none proved to be fruitful, that only mean that Paul is not in this country and how on earth does this Lady expect me to look for someone who is out of the country.

I wanted to tell her that am tired of looking for him but whenever I remember her threat I just shut up.


Three days back after I came back from my Friend place, I tried to relax and think of a way to look for this Paul character when my phone dinged indicating that I got a message. I checked the number of the person that sent the message it's an unregistered number in my phone,I already have an idea who the message is from. I opened the message what I saw shocked me.

Inside the message is a video with a caption "I guess this will show you never to doubt me"  the video is one of the sex tape I used to blackmail my victims, now I have an idea of how she got them I think she met with some of my victims. In the next ten minutes my phone dinged another message from the same number. This time is Paul's profile with another message attached to it,"I have a video where these ladies confirmed that you made the video with their consent. I know the moment police get their hands on those videos I am done for.


Whenever I remember that chills will ran down my spine, I don't know how to look for this guy outside the country and Mrs Black kept on blowing my phone up. I don't know how I got myself involved with this dangerous woman and she seemed prepared to drag me to hell with her, well am studying her as well and if I eventually find her weak point I will strike mercilessly cause that lady is now making my life a living hell with her constant nagging. I can't imagine how Melvin lives with her one of the reason I don't want to fall in love talk more of marriage is because of this unnecessary drama.

Sarah POV

Ella and I are done with some of the food preparation,we are now outside drinking wine waiting patiently for the countdown to begin. Ella turned to me and smiled I can't wait to start this new year she said, me too I can't wait I repliy. You mean you can't wait for work to start so that you can see Mr handsome Ella said wiggling her eye brows,I never said that but it won't be bad if work start I said smiling.

Oh my Gosh you are so whipped you are deeply in love Ella said while poking my side,Ella please stop and for the record I like him not love him I defended. Tsk Tsk I thought we are passed this denial stage Ella said with that am not pleased at all tone,am about to reply her when my mother interrupted us. Ella and Sarah come here the countdown is starting my mother beckoned us.

Ella and I stood up and hurried to where my Mum and Josh stood,we reached them and hold each other hands so that the countdown will start. The countdown down started and everyone around started counting, one,two,three,four,five.....ten. Happy New Year!!!! Everybody shouted immediately my phone dinged indicating that someone sent me message I wondered who that could be since the people that are close to me are all here I shrugged it off without checking who sent the message and just went ahead and hug my family.

After the hugs and congratulating the neighbors for been able to made it to the new year we all went inside to continue with the celebration, I decided to check who sent the message. My eyes popped out when I saw who the sender is,the sender is no other than my boss,Ella noticed the surprised look on my face because she is sitting beside me she snatched the phone from me I was so dazed that I did not catch up on time with what Ella did.

Hey! Give me back my phone that's a private area,you are crossing the boundary I scolded Ella. I don't remember us setting any boundaries or is it because this message is from special someone Ella teased,but what she just said attracted the attention of my mother and brother. Sarah you have a special someone? My mother asked while my brother gave me his undivided attention cause he want to know what my answer will be. No Mum I don't have anybody you should learn to not pay attention to whatever Ella says you know this is the second time she is saying this I tried to convinced them,I don't know why Ella like to always put me in a tight spot.

More reason am now starting to believe there is a special someone and what baffled me is why you are hiding this person,wait is it because the person is a girl My brother asked while giving me that intense look. Jezz no am straight like a pole am not in love with any girl and for Christ sake I don't have any special someone! I said more like screamed cause am now getting really frustrated with them. Okay okay chill we believe you there is no special someone my brother uttered trying to calm me down but I can hear the doubt in his voice.

I turned to Ella and glared at her more like warning her to fixed this and she seemed to understand my message. Mum,Josh relax I was just teasing Sarah it's just a message from Rose the secretary in their company nothing serious Ella explained, coming to my rescue and helped to lift the awkward atmosphere.