
My Blue Lock System

Leonardo Marcia, a 30-year-old footballer from Verona, Italy, experienced a devastating injury 15 years ago, causing him to be released from La Masia, FC Barcelona's youth program. Despite multiple trials, he was rejected by most teams, leaving him no longer a promising prospect. In spite of being fat overtime, Marcia still adores playing football with children in the park and died whiles playing with them. He regrets squandering his talent and never reaching his full potential as a professional athlete. In a new world after he transmigrated, he received a Blue Lock invitation. The real story begins on from there.

Luciffero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Murano vs Nishioka II

"We have to score the next goal; otherwise, the match would already have been decided," Hiori said to Nishioka after conceding the second goal.

"Yeah, they're strong, but let's go for it," Nishioka responded

"I'll be moving up front to attack," Hiori added.

Team White switched from a 1-2-1 formation to a 2-2 formation. Murano had moved back into the midfield position with Kurona.

On the other hand, Team Red had switched from a 2-1-1 to a 3-1.

The game resumed as Nishioka dashed forward with the ball while the other team followed. It was clear that they were in for an all-out attack.

As they surged forward, they approached Shidou, who was the next person to try to put a stop to Nishioka's mad dash. However, Nishioka didn't attempt to dribble past Shidou. Instead, he hastily passed to Hiori, who had long since made room for the pass in the middle of the field.

Despite giving the ball to Hiori, Nishioka kept attacking. He kept moving across the left flank while avoiding Barou's presence.

"Right here!!" Nishioka shouted.

To his relief, Hiori reacted quickly and swiftly flicked the ball to the area in front of him.

Nishioka managed to get to the end of Hiori's through-pass. He started cutting into the field, rushing like the wind toward Team White's defense.

As he entered the final third, he could already feel his stamina starting to deplete rapidly. But he persisted in his pursuit of Kurona with unwavering tenacity.

Murano and Kurona both left their positions to approach him. However, Nishioka was in overdrive and wouldn't let anyone stop him at that precise moment. He relied on his feints and maintained his composure to get around Kurona.

Murano was next on the way. He made a few feints, but Murano was able to keep up. This left a wide grin on his face, "Nice," he said as he tried nutmegging Murano. But he shot the ball, so that was a fake nutmeg. When Murano saw that, he quickly extended his legs to block the shot.

Niko successfully recovered the ball after it was deflected high into the air. Niko quickly controlled the ball and quickly searched the field for his next move. He kept his focus on the goal as he considered his options and got ready to launch a strong shot into the goal.

Before his leg connected to the ball for the shot, he was pushed to the ground after Barou bumped into him. Niko was knocked to the ground by Barou's forceful collision, briefly pausing the game.

A foul was awarded.

However, Niko quickly stood up and prepared himself for a subsequent attempt at scoring after regaining his composure. Just outside the final third, he set up the free kick. Saramadara, who was cutting through the right wing, received the ball from him.

But a crossing from Saramadara to Nishioka was intercepted by Kurona. Kurona then bypassed Nishioka and swiftly passed the ball to Murano, who skillfully dribbled past Niko. With a burst of speed, Murano made a precise through pass to their explosive striker, Shidou, who was now sprinting toward the final third.

As he was mid-sprint trying to control the ball, he felt someone try to pull his jersey. It was Hiori who was trying to pull off his jersey.

To shake himself free from his intended grip, he repeatedly moved his body from left to right without turning around. He quickened his pace as well, and soon he was poised to shoot from his ideal scoring position. Hiori, however, managed to keep up. He was surprised by Hiori's tenacity, but he wasn't going to let it stop him.

Hiori closed the space between them as he tightly challenged the ball, but Shidou was persistent; his strong physicality allowed him to stay on his feet.

During this challenge between Shidou and Hiori, Barou swooped in and stole the ball.

After giving himself enough space, he shot the ball with precision, aiming for the top corner of the net. The ball burst through the air as it found its mark.

Team White 3 : 0 Team Red

"Nice one, Barou!" Murano said as he raised his thumbs.

The match restarted right away.

After scoring the third goal, Murano noticed right away that both teams' players' focus had waned. As a result, the game went on, with the level of attacking threat significantly decreasing.

Murano and his teammates didn't pass up the opportunity to take advantage of their opponent's complacency. Since the beginning of the game, they started to play more daringly and quickly set the tempo.

In doing so, they gain a scoring opportunity.

Kurona, the defensive midfielder, dispossessed Nishioka, at the border of the middle third. He didn't waste any time in launching a long, defense-splitting pass that found Murano.

Murano prevented the pass from being sent out for a throw. After a nice touch, he brought the ball under control while using his strength to hold off Nishioka.

However, after conceding three goals, Team Red was already frustrated. Hiori didn't allow Murano to have his way. Murano's space was occupied by Hiori and Saramadara, who denied him space to maneuver the ball. To avoid losing possession, he had no choice but to pass to Shidou, who was available on the right side.

Shidou appeared energized as he met Murano's cross. Without waiting any longer, he unleashed his signature move, a "drive shot" into the net.

Team White 4 : 0 Team Red

Team White needed only one goal to end the game. It was clear who the stronger team was by now.

However, the players on Team Red had yet to prove their worth. So during the last phase of the game, they knew they had to step up. At least the one who could make an impact would join the winning team.

The game then resumed afterward...

Hiori soon started cutting into the middle, avoiding Shidou, and heading straight. However, a few seconds later, just as he was a few yards from the final third, he ran into a reckless sliding challenge from Barou, which he promptly dodged. With lightning-fast reflexes, he skillfully evaded Barou's challenge and hit a through ball to Nishioka. Even though he wanted to score on his own, it seemed like this was the right option.

Nishioka received the ball near the attacking third on the left flank—long before any other player, whether an opponent or teammate.

He didn't even stop after that to keep the ball under control. Instead, he flicked it forward with a delicate first touch and sprinted after it, the frequency of his steps bursting to carry him forward like a missile. He was faster with the ball than without it.

Murano and Kurona were the only players left at the back. Nishioka then sprinted towards the goal with Hiori. Niko and Saramadara quickly understood their responsibility to defend against any potential counterattacks. They coordinated their movements while strategically placing themselves to fill in the gaps left by their teammates.

They observed Nishioka and Hiori trading a few one-twos. They were heading toward the box like two strategic predators.

Kurona ran ahead to close the gaps to prevent them from approaching the box.

Nishioka received a pass from Hiori, and somehow, he was able to dribble past Kurona. He then moved into a small opening after slipping through a center gap and he was now facing off against Murano.

With how desperate the opposition team was, Murano was ninety percent confident that he would take this chance to convert and open Team Red's scoring.

'A left feint, no right, left, he's about to shoot' Murano thought as Nishioka tried to bypass him.

Nishioka then hit a no-look-through pass to Hiori on the left side of the penalty box. They had outwitted the entire opposition with that no-look pass.

But the next instant, something unexpected happened. Shidou slid in to sweep the ball away, but Hiori quickly noticed and pulled the ball back with his right foot. However, the collision was too powerful, and Hiori couldn't avoid direct contact, sending both players to the ground.


As expected, the whistle was blown soon after and awarded Team Red a penalty kick in the game. Shidou, who had made the last-man tackle on Hiori, was also given a straight red card.

Hiori stood up from the ground in the penalty area and said to Nishioka, "You should take the penalty." He appeared to be fine, without any traces of injury.

"Are you certain of this?" Nishioka questioned, casting a doubtful look directly in Hiori's direction. It was usually an unwritten rule for the attacking player who'd created the penalty opportunity to take it.

He was therefore taken aback when Hiori, a striker who was supposed to be thirsty for goals, gave him such a priceless chance to take the penalty kick.

"Thanks," Nishioka said, receiving the ball from Hiori.

Without waiting for any response from Nishioka, he moved toward the penalty spot to prepare himself to take the penalty kick.


Hiori's decision to allow Nishioka to take the penalty kick showcased a level of trust and selflessness that surprised everyone on the field as Nishioka positioned himself for the penalty.

Nishioka took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment on his shoulders. He knew that converting this penalty kick could change the course of the game and boost his team's chances of victory.

Nishioka made an angled run towards the penalty spot. Without any suspense, he managed to send the Blue Lock Man diving the wrong way and firing into the back of the net to score their first goal.


Team White 4 : 1 Team Red

*Sigh* Murano sighed after he placed the ball on the ground to resume the game.

"This is taking too long; let's finish this quickly," Barou said while returning to his position.

"Yeah, I'm already getting bored," Murano added.

"Make sure to beat Saramadara and Niko through off-ball movement. I'm going to execute the 'two towers' combination with Kurona." Murano said as he instructed Barou and Kurona.


After hitting the stepovers, Murano then dribbles past Nishioka while Kurona supports him by fending off Hiori. He also timed his runs well with Murano exchanging three one-two passes.

Niko thought they were trying to pull off what they did earlier for their first goal, but it was totally different. He was confused by the new strategy Murano had implemented.

Instead of relying solely on individual skill, Murano and Kurona were now utilizing their teamwork and off-ball movement to create scoring opportunities. Their seamless coordination, precision, and quick passing left Niko struggling to anticipate their next move.

He watched Murano weave his way through them, while Kurona was always in the right space for him to pass the ball.

Murano's role on the field proved crucial, as he created space for Kurona to exploit and shoot the ball.


He watched as Kurona's simple shot curled and found its way to the back of the net.

Team White 5 : 1 Team Red


