
— chapter two —

Before he had the chance to retract his statement I turned my attention towards him and closed the distance between them. I brought my hands together like once before and pleaded with him once again. "Please, I'll do anything. If there is any other option I'll take it!"

A minor amount of relief came over me but I wasn't ready to get my hopes up so soon. I pulled the loose strands of my long, brown hair behind my ears and eagerly awaited his response.

His eyes refused to meet mine before he spoke. "I don't know what you can do. What're you good at? Ah no wait, all positions are already filled." I watched as a frown appeared on his face and I could feel my end nearing.

"Ahm, maybe you're my assistant. I think I can make that work. I don't have one and it is common to have one run errands, I'll just say I forgot to mention it." Almost as if he forgot I was present he nodded in response to his own words. He seemed... proud.

I took note of every single word and action that came from this man. I couldn't help but to notice how he contemplates saving her in different ways right before her as if moments ago he wasn't willing to chop my limbs off. This couldn't possibly be the same man.

I took a couple steps backwards as my mind ran through a million reasons why he would suddenly try to help me. I raised an eyebrow in confusion but instead of questioning his motives I whispered. "Would you really do that for me?" I needed some kind of reassurance. I needed to know this wasn't just a sick game for him.

His attitude was once again ice cold as his attention returned to me. "I've been urged to get one, at least I know you've no one pulling your strings if I employ you. Also, I won't have to pay you what I'd normally pay an assistant, you're compromising after all." He nods with eyes now closed.

Maxwell relaxes back into his chair as he continues. "So you see, I'm not really doing charity here. I'm finding a way we all get something out of this. I think this is the best I can do, unless you have a better idea?"

I was quick to shake my head in response. I had no problem being saved and his plan was better than having no plan.

"Ok, fuck. Let me see how to do this. This will give me a headache. Ah.. the guards first." He spoke once again but this time something was off about his demeanor. As if he was afraid of slipping up. "You, what is your name? I need to at least know that much to pull this off. Come sit on the edge of the table or something, you need to play your part to convince."

I can't help but to notice him beginning to panic. I listen to the words effortlessly flow from his mouth and take in all the information I can. I almost immediately follow his instructions and make my way closer to the desk. Once I'm close enough I lift myself onto the edge of it, crossing one leg over the other. I looked down at my lap as a I brushed out a few nonexistent wrinkles.

"Anastasia.." I whispered softly in response to his question about my name. I brushed a few loose strands of hair behind my ear before directing my attention back towards him.

Not paying much attention to me he begins to ramble as. "Ah, yes. Anastasia, I see, ok. My name is Maxwell. Maybe I've not introduced myself, but you should know. I'm the one in charge of the city after all. Maybe you already knew, ah, ok. Let us see where this goes." I took a mental note. Maxwell.. Maxwell is in charge of the city, so that makes him kind of a big deal.

Still not completely composed, Maxwell calls in his guards and waits for them to enter before starting his speech. I believe his next action is to simply find an outlet for his discomfort about this entire situation. He grabs the knife planted on the table and starts to repeatedly stab the table with it as the guards walk in.

"Lonnie, Nell, it seems there has been a grave misunderstanding. When you brought this here lady in, I thought she was truly what I had been told, a trespasser." Being somewhat forceful with the way he was hacking at the table now, the remaining panic was masked as anger as he added. "Care to explain how my assistant's first day ended up with her being treated this way?"

His gaze shifts to me on the table, and I notice him swallow hard. It's the first time he's bothered to keep his eyes on me. "Anastasia, you tried to tell them didn't you? What should I do to right this wrong?"

I take a deep breath before focusing my attention back on the two men before us. Play the part.

"I.. It's my fault. I ignorantly assumed they would have known. I do apologize for the confusion." I manage to say with minor stuttering.

Not giving the guards a chance much time to think of why his earlier behavior contradicts his current one, he piles on. "See to it that HR reassigns your station and that someone from there contacts me to rectify this bullshit. If word gets out that my employees are treated like this on their first day, I'd lose all face I still have. Leave me!" The knife he was hashing into the desk was thrown past everyone in the room before stabbing itself into the door.

Maxwell and I sigh almost in sync as they turn around to leave. Only after the door is closed once more do I relax.

I turn my attention back to see a somewhat shaky Maxwell reaching for his desk drawer to pull out a bottle of alcohol. "You, your first order will be to tighten security. I can't have another such case." I state while hugging the bottle.

I shift myself to the side so he was fully in my view before parting my lips to speak. "Okay, right." I nodded my head in agreement although I was truly terrified. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.

For the moment I felt a celebration was necessary, I'm still alive and that's all that matters! I hopped down from the desk and approached him on the opposite side of the desk.

I reached out for the bottle that he previously pulled from his desk and held it against my chest. "Do you mind?" I almost pouted.

"Sure, feel free to have a swig." He seems to be much more calm as he looks at me. I nod my head before twisting the top off the bottle and taking a few swigs of the disgusting beverage.

"Ok, what where you thinking? Breaking into my warehouse?" He stands up and scratches his short brown hair as he makes his way to the window. He takes a deep breath before turning to look at me again.

I lean myself against his desk as I think of an answer to the question. "I.. I don't really know. I guess I thought it wouldn't be such a big deal." I shrug my shoulders as I think about how big of a deal it actually was. "I had a rough morning. I needed to clear my mind."

"Not a big deal?" He asks in disbelief. "Has nobody warned you? I'm pretty sure people tell their kids stories of what my family does to keep them straight. The amount of beating that is done in my name on a daily basis alone." He once again seems frustrated as he takes a seat at his desk again. "You almost lost your life!" He points at me to emphasize.

"I'm sorry.. I really didn't mean to." I began to stutter but was cut off by his deep voice.

"Forget it. Now I need to think up of a way to put you to use. What're you good at, what do you do?" He folded his arms against his chest as his eyes studied me.

I walk closer to him to hand him the bottle of alcohol in attempt to help calm him before hopping back onto the desk. "If you want to learn these things about me, you've got to get to know me. I can't just tell you what I'm good at and what kind a person I am, you have to learn for yourself. Just as I need to about you."

"What? I'm hiring you! No, I saved you! What're you trying to pull off here?" Somewhat startled he swigs two mouthfuls trying to distract himself. "There is nothing to know about me. I'm as the story says. You need to put forth some more effort and start talking about yourself." His eyes lock on mine and his face remains stern.

I stand from where I was previously seated on his desk before walking around the office room some more. As I search the surroundings I begin speaking but not before I shake my head in frustration. "You know, usually people get to know someone before they hire them. But considering the situation I suppose it's fair to say this is my fault."

I wonder back towards the front of his desk before taking a seat in the chair. "It is a privilege to truly know me, Maxwell. I'm sure you could say the same about yourself, no?" Usually I would keep quiet but considering I've had a few sips of alcohol, we can excuse this out of character behavior.

"Yes, no, maybe. It depends, I've been told I've my qualities. Don't put this on me, you're the one we're getting to know today." Almost as if a realization hits him he begins speaking again but this time as if he's been defeated. "You're not taking me serious at all. Don't try to sweet talk your way out of this, I warn you. This is for your own good."

I let out a giggle but clearly that only frustrated him further. He pushed the alcohol from his desk onto the floor and it shattered in pieces.

"I'll have someone take you to your room. Stay here. I'll see you tomorrow." Was all he said before tugging at his white collar before leaving me alone in his office.

I don't know what switched in him to make him react this way but maybe it's my fault for having better hopes. I thought maybe he wasn't as bad as everyone says but clearly I shouldn't have expected any differently.

Nell, the guard from before, comes into the office and I instantly stand. I'd much rather walk voluntarily than be dragged around again.

Before I made it out the door Nell began walking and I instinctively followed him down the hall.

"I'm sorry if I got you in trouble." I said shyly and I only hoped he wouldn't end my life right then.

"You didn't, little one." His voice was much deeper and there was something behind it I couldn't quite point out. I decided to leave it at that and remain quiet.

After exiting the elevator and entering the top floor I was guided to the last room on the right. My name was already hanging on the door and before I could turn to thank Nell, he was gone.

I shrugged before entering the room and my jaw literally dropped. It was beautiful, much more beautiful than my dinky home.

The room was mostly dull. Very grey and black and not so welcoming. I shut the door behind me before exploring the room. It was basically a penthouse. There was a bathroom, kitchen, dining area and of course the bedroom.

After spending an hour becoming familiar with my new crib I decided to take a shower. The bathroom had everything necessary for showering or bathing. I scrubbed the shampoo and conditioner into my scalp before rinsing it out and washing my body with the strawberry scented body wash.

After my shower I went to the dresser in hopes of finding clothes and I wasn't disappointed. I grabbed a pink spaghetti strap tank top and a pair of cotton grey shorts. After fully dressing myself I let the towel holding my damp hair down and climbed into the bed.

God, after today's events it felt like heaven laying in this bed. Within moments I was dreaming. Dreaming of him.