
My Beloved Alpha King [BL]

"You're my mate.." Dylan whispered walking close to the stunned young man. "I have waited... waited for thousand years. You're finally here," he gently caressed his chin. Nicolai swatted his hand away, "Keep your hands to yourself wolf. You are not my beloved," Dylan hurriedly reached out and grabbed his hand. "Feel it, our connection." A small electric shock like feeling passed through their bodies. Nicolai shuddered. "No... it cant be... I'm a vampire. You, you're a werewolf. How," "Destiny my dear,"

Lullabybao · LGBT+
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101 Chs

Chapter 33 - The scent of oranges and apples

Killian ran into the pack. He came across terrifying news that was concerning and it needed to be conveyed to Alpha king immediately.

"Alpha! Alpha you won't believe this," he shouted running into his room.

Dylan was sitting on the chair peering blankly at the closed window. The whole room was dark and stuffy.


"hmm...' he softly hummed.

Killian sighed loudly. 'he knew his wolf will go berserk whenever he gets close to the broken castle… why does he even try.... shit,' he opened the door slowly and gestured for one of the wolves to come close. "Bring me calming tea with sleeping pills."

The young wolf nodded and ran off to the kitchen.

Killian entered the room, and opened the window letting in fresh air. "is wolfie giving you a hard time? A little sleep and fresh air can help. I've ordered the wolves to bring some sleeping pills. Please take them."

Dylan just looked at him. "It's not my wolf....."

Killian sat next to him carefully. "Then what is it?"

"I feel weird...." he touched his chest. "My heart is beating so fast. I've never felt this way before. It's like I'm going through a sugar rush..."

This really alarmed Killian. Dylan collapsed just a few days ago and now he was complaining about his heartbeat. "I'll call the pack doctor immediately. Just wait here,"

He grabbed his arm. "'no, I'm not sick,"

"Alpha! You told me the exact same thing yesterday! We need to know if you are sick. if you collapse the whole world will be in turmoil do you even realize that,"

Dylan blankly looked at him. "I'm not sick," he repeated.

"Then what do you think is the problem, huh? Tell me,"

Dylan shook his head and massaged his forehead.

"Alpha king! tell me, please. I need to know what's wrong to help you.." Killian gently patted his back.

Dylan pushed his hand away. "Why is did you come running? What news did you bring?"

Killian gritted his teeth. "Changing the topic is not going to work,"'

Dylan sat up, glaring at him. "Killian, just relay what you want to say and leave,"

Sighing, Killian stood up with the report in hand. "this," he handed it to him. "we found something very peculiar."

Dylan opened the documents with a dull expression. But as soon as he saw the photo, he froze. With trembling hands he moved the document close. "w-what.. is this.... you.. where..."

Killian peered at what their Alpha was looking at. It was the photo of the old coffin. "it was found by local children in the villain of Iqaluit nearby, they said that it still reeked of blood." He pointed to the small tube that was lightly crusted with blood. "I suspect an elder has awoken,"

Dylan stood up, pushing his chair behind him. He tightly clung to the report. "Anything else...." he said through gritted teeth.

Killian became cautious. "The elder must have been very hungry, vampire attacked three humans but did not drain them, instead this person drank from the elk that was hunted by the hunters. We are still not sure if it was all a coincidence though..I can rule it out..."

Dylan gulped loudly with his head dropping down low. "did... did you find the age of the wood of this coffin?"

"The locals provided us with a small shard of it. I checked with the scientists. It must have been thousand years old or so...."

Dylan ran out of the room.

"Alpha!" Killian ran after him. "Where are you off to? Aren't you going to get your health checked?"

"I need a ferry. Arrange one immediately."

"Where are you going?."

"To Iqaluit,"

Killian growled loudly. "You don't need to go in person; Alpha your health has been not so stable for a few days. Please rest. I'll go and take a look,"

Dylan did not even respond he directly ran over to the port and caught the fastest one he got to Iqaluit.

Sighing Killian followed after him. They did not have any rations they did not even have any extra clothes.

Dylan just directly hopped into the boat and sat there silently.

Many wolves noticed him and nodded respectfully. They didn't bother them at all.

Two days of travel and they reached the small city of Iqaluit by night. Dylan hopped off and ran once again.

Killian did not bother stopping him. he just followed after him.

"Where do they have it..."

"In the local patrol office."

Dylan changed direction and ran towards that place. it was the middle of the night and the wolves were lax.

When he suddenly knocked on the door, they all started to panic a bit.

"Alpha king, if.. if we had known we would have prepared a welcome parade...."

Dylan just walked past him. "Where is the coffin?"

"It's this way," he pointed to the small room in the corner. "We carefully moved it to this place and made sure it was not contaminated." He said, opening the door.

The coffin was in the corner. Two children were jumping into it and playing dead.

"Children... children....I'm sorry Alpha they are my kids." He hurriedly lifted the kids out of the coffin. "go to your mother" he hurriedly pushed them out of the room.

Dylan slowly walked up to the coffin. With trembling hands, he touched the inside of it. the soft bedding was still slightly wet and it smelled of mold.

Even that ugly scent could not mask the delicious fragrant smell of oranges coming from inside....

Dylan lowered his head and took a deep whiff.

Wolfie woke up instantly. {'Mate! Mate!!!! Mate!!!'} he screamed.

Dylan just panted. "it's... it's real right.... Killian...' he glanced back with tears in his eyes.

"Alpha," he hurriedly closed the door to the room and rushed to him. "What is it? Are you feeling any heartache?"

Dylan held his shoulders. "It's real right? Tell me I'm not dreaming.... this... this smells like oranges and apple..."

Killian sniffed the coffin. He could not smell anything except the stench of mold. "I.. I don't smell anything...."

Dylan laughed out loud. "I knew it... I knew it..."


"He's not dead... he is not dead...." Dylan cried, hugging the coffin. "We ... we have to find him soon. He…. he will be in danger,"

"Who?" Killian ran after him.

"My mate," Dylan said in disbelief.