
My Assassin

Book exerpt: Not deterring, I try my hardest to get to the door. As I feel my fingertips graze the door, my body starts to fall. Oh no! I'm not going to make it! I look over and see my attacker is suddenly back at my side again. He grabs me as I slip further into the floor. I try to hit him, but my arms aren't responding. This was the most terrifying thing to have ever happened to me. "Don't be afraid," he says as he gently lays me down, my vision starting to blacken in a haze." I'm here to kill you." Samantha Howell has everything: a large fortune she doesn't need or want and the perfect fiancee. On the night of her annual family gala, she is kidnapped and imprisoned by an Assassin for hire. Will she find out who is behind this, or will she die trying?

JLisette Gibson · Urbain
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110 Chs

Chapter 89

Ryder’s Point-of-View

I lay on the cold, wet floor bleeding from my head and underneath my ribs. As I try to look around, my hands and feet are bound by rope. The room is dark and mold-smelling. The entire space is covered with cement rock, and a rat scurries toward one of the walls. The only light in the room comes from a tiny hole in the wall.

I try to get up, but I can’t. The gash on my stomach is so deep that it has me almost immobile. Looking down, I see how bad it is.

It isn’t good!

I cough and wince in pain. The crimson liquid oozes out, making a small pool of blood on the ground next to me. How long have I been lying here? Hours?

It also feels like I have been going in and out of consciousness.

A couple of hours ago, I arrived at this abandoned warehouse. Parking the car half a mile up the road, I jogged the rest of the way here.