
Chapter 17

Ryder and I both run upstairs and make a right at the staircase. Freddie's suite is the last room on the right. The hallway is dark, but we manage to get to the room.

His door is wide open. We walk into his suite and notice his living room is intact. Nothing is out of place.

I go into his kitchen and see he isn't there. Ryder kicks the bedroom door open and bursts into it! Didn't even bother to knock.

"Sam, he's in here!" Ryder calls out. Panic fills me as I run into the bedroom.

Freddie is lying on his bed. His upper torso and arm drape over the bed, touching the floor.

He isn't moving!

I stop breathing as my mouth opens wide. God, no, not Freddie!

Ryder quickly places two fingers on his neck, looking for a pulse.

Suddenly, Freddie stirs and fixes himself on the bed. He then begins to stretch.

Ryder looks at me and breathes a sigh of relief. I do the same.

"Freddie!" Ryder yells, annoyed. Freddie jumps up. His eyes are bloodshot red.