
My anime harem second the war of orb a battle for cagalli

Arron and the harem must battle to reclaim orb's kingdom along with a new army they set out joined by the cline foundations army they make an attempt to invade the fallen yalfath. 5hen Arron boards the Minerva to fight the alliance and phantom pain.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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the Destroid gundam

The Minerva and the Undine kai Moved onto the American territory after a week's worth of training Shin Had control of his seed mode and his impulse Gundam would be deployed to do battle against the alliance Forces along with Rey and lunamaria meanwhile arron had been assigned bodyguard duty for meer campbell who was posing as lacus clyne.

" so you're Arron McGee you're Cooler than I thought you would be." said meer.

" Sit Down and listen." said Arron.

" if you want me to protect you than you will need to board the Undine in return I shall lead you too your concert but before i do i will teach app app protect yourself." said Arron.

for the remainder of the Day Arron had meer focus on strengthening herself he began by teaching her some fighting techniques from taekwondo judo and kenpo he also began teaching her to fight with knives and guns.

by the end of the day she could hold her own with any thug off the street.

Arron also had her go through a simulation battle with his fellow members of his crew needless to say meer was sore by the end of the day.

Arron was busy tuning his Build Burning Gundam's propulsion system the reason was because the machine's speed would be crucial in the days ahead Arron had also added Funnels to his units arsenal which surprised Gilbert when he noticed them because he thought the Providence was the only mobile suit with a Dragoon system he had also had applied a psycho frame to the cockpit allowing the mobile suit to be controlled via His psyche.

" this technology is incredible so let me get this straight," gilbert began

"the cockpit's exterior is coated in microscopic Psychic Communications System Or Psycommu System for short; it allows you to control the mobile suit via your mind and allows you to use funnels which are those dragoon like machines,but also makes it lighter and more mobile." Gilbert went over the details of the machinery.

" yes that seems to be the case." said Rey who had been eavesdropping on the details of Arron's explanation to Talia of course Rey wasn't aware that Arron had known he was doing so the whole time.

meanwhile in the alliance HQ in new York.

" the machine is ready sir." said the lab technician.

" what's it's name?" asked Smith Ashville

Arron was busy showing Erica Simmons the new cockpit design for the Orb nations Mobile suits it was the spherical panoramic monitor with linear seat cockpit design He had already fitted it into the cockpit's of the justice and the freedom as well as the other mobile weapons upon the archangel and the Undine but gilbert had secretly had Rey take snapshots of the strike rouge's cockpit hmm gilbert said interesting he noted to keep this design in mind when building the destiny and the legend Gundam's Arron was finished with the preparations of their forces.

the group engaged in battle against the alliance Forces until they noticed a large machine flying through the air arron cursed so they actually went through with that thing the damned inhumane assholes.

" hey burning Gundam how do you like my new machine." cackled Smith Ashville.

Arron grit my teeth boa launch the soulgain now Arron then boosted towards the Destroid gundam jumping up drawing his beam tomahawk sword and trying to take out it's cannon's Arron cut the cannons down but he remembered the Destroid Gundam has built in cannons in it's chest arron boosted high and deployed His Funnels the Funnels zipped through the air and shot the machine in several openings.

Smith Ashville laughed as his mirage coliode defended him from the beams but they were just a distraction as a drilling fist cane and Peirced the Gundam's midsection.

" what!" said Smith.

" yeah you weren't expecting that oh and also those drills are energized now why don't you try this!" said Arron and he gathered the energy of his flames into his hands this hand of mine is burning red it's loud roar tells me to defeat you fist of the Erupting flame" I shouted and fired a blast of fire at the Destroid Gundam.

the fire ball burned through the Destroid Gundam's cockpit and killed Smith Ashville.

" Daaaamn Youuuu!" cursed the extended.

we learned that the Destroid Gundam had wiped out most of the mobile suit forces now we know the alliance plans on building a large quantity of Destroid Gundam's.

"we have to plan to defend the city but first I'll pay a visit to the Morganroutte for status on the new unit I built!" Arron told his harem.

( at Morganroutte)

"come on Arron expects this to be up and running before he gets here what's taking so long!?" shouted Erica Simmons.

"it's the control wiring it's been wired awkwardly."

said a mechanic.

Arron came on time and find the group trying to figure out the wiring arron fixed the problem and told them to clear the launch pad.

Arron smirked "Arron McGee absolute salvation Gundam launching!" he said and he deployed the absolute salvation Gundam in it's Phoenix mode the wings of fire burning.

the cockpit lined up the sights of the area as the spherical panoramic monitor shifted to show him his surroundings and then he launched off the heat from the wings of fire could have killed anyone close to them as the red white and gold machine flew into the night sky. mu la flaga whistled alright get the other two ready.

the other two were the strike freedom and the infinity justice Gundam.

Arron flew his machine the reason he used this machine was because the build burning Gundam was damaged in the last battle.

arron had taken some hits from the Destroid Gundam's besides he would prefer to use his own machine although he did save the build burning Gundam for shion.

the alliance was at a loss the Destroid Gundam's test pilot had been killed Smith Ashville was indeed a hero of the alliance.

just then they saw a bright light and then they saw a fiery bird flying through the sky.

"is that a mobile suit?!" asked a soldier.

" it's not Zaft make no it can't be orb has built a new machine but we captured the salvation Gundam." said the alliance president.

( flashback.)

during the plan to usurp the athas reign the alliance ally had captured the machine that that bastard Arron McGee had used in the first bloody Valentine war the salvation Gundam the machine was state of the art and revolutionary as their ally tried to woo the orbs princess they snuck into the hanger and captured it along with the prototype zeta plus.

this had somehow gone unnoticed by Arron or so they thought.

(flashback Arron POV)

Arron arrived at the hanger where the salvation Gundam was kept but he found it and the prototype Zeta Plus Arron immediately activated the data extraction system which removed the data of all the salvation Gundam's combat data and turned it into a enpty shell this was because the alliance could not get the data of the psychoframe cockpit and the mobile weapon's AI.

Arron smirked even if they open it they won't get nothing.

( end flashback)

Arron boosted into the air at mach five speed before pulling the lever transforming the absolute salvation Gundam into it's MS mode the machine grabbed its hyper beam shot rifle ( basically a fusion of the sazabi's beam shot rifle and the nightingale's large beam rifle)

" say good bye to your Destroid Gundam!" said Arron and he fired a beam from the rifle that lanced through the airiel mobile forces and shot down the second Destroid Gundam.

Arron flew past the enemy mobile forces that were targeting him the enemy mobile forces attacked but he used the wings of fire to shield him and Arron then deployed the funnels mounted in his units shoulders the Funnels zipped through the air and bombarded the enemy wingdam units with beans at rapid fire pace.

Arron zoomed through the air and draw his beam tomahawk sword as he cut down multiple enemies.

the last enemy was a lone blue buster dagger guarding the salvation Gundam.

" Good God he's after the salvation Gundam." said the alliance pilot.

" Valkyrie C initiate protocol resurrection!" said Arron.

"awright protocol resurrection is a gooo!" cheered Valkyrie C.

lieutenant rena stop him.

" I will!" said Rena.

the buster daggers rail mechanism linked it's two rifles together to create a long range beam cannon but Arron smirked

" watch your back!" said Arron.

the pilot turned to see the salvation Gundam punch her unit in the gut and knock her out Arron smirked " I appreciate you looking after my property now I'll be taking it back now."

and Arron returned to the ship where he planion giving cagalli a wedding present.