
My anime harem second the war of orb a battle for cagalli

Arron and the harem must battle to reclaim orb's kingdom along with a new army they set out joined by the cline foundations army they make an attempt to invade the fallen yalfath. 5hen Arron boards the Minerva to fight the alliance and phantom pain.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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a new mobile suit.

arron mcgee was called to the hanger by captian gladys.

"the chairman wants you to test our latest prototpe the BB-011 Build Burning Gundam.

it was equiped with the two Rapid fire Beam Hand Rifles

" it's specialty is man to man combat but it has the abbility to use an anti-ship sword it also has a new power source called the soler panel engine meaning it has unimited flight time even at night." said meirynn

"this is great but how did you get the data to build such a machine." asked arron.

"we built it using the data we collected on the EG-X SoulGain." said a character arron didn't recognize she was wearing mechanics coveralls and her skin was an ebony tan with her hair being blonde with it done up in a chinese braid similiar to the hairstyle chun-li wears.

"and you are." arron asked.

"i'm ki-fei huang your personal mechanic sent to you by cagalli i am to atend to your machine and you if you wish." she Sid the last part with a sultry tone

"atend to me... as in ALL NIGHT LONG!!!" said arron surprised cagalli would send such a perverted girl to do so.

"ahem though i am the one who over sees the staffing on the ship." said tallia.

arron smiled when he suddenly felt a sensation.

"they're here." arron said.

the bridge called tallia to the mantle "all personal report to battle stations all pilots get your machines ready to deploy." ordered meyrin.

Arron had planned on using the einharnjar but since chairman Durendal wanted him to test the machine he would have to oblige.

Arron noticed another Gundam unlike the Prototypes then he realized what the machine was it's malicious looking face and the backpack module were all it took for Arron to recognize it.

The ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam.

when Arron asked Ki-fei about it she told him it's data was being used to develop a new prototype for the plants.

Arron wondered if it had any combat data at all.

" in the previous war the machine never saw battle however it had been used during the Battle with the Remants of blue cosmos which allowed it to fight several Gundam test models including the deep forbidden Gundam and the Calamity sword Gundams.

' I see well I guess I can't change all the timeline events.' thought Arron as he changed into his flight suit.

Arron climbed into the Build Burning Gundam's cockpit.

as the system started up Arron noticed the OS Abbreviation.

Genaric Unarmed Natural Defensive Advanced Melee unit.

" Well It seems to fit the criteria of a cosmic Era Gundam Arron activated the Phase shift Armor and then flew into the battlefield it's Backpak Boosters generating Two Flaming wings.

Arron guessed it was a in development stage of the wings of light.

Soon after Arron deployed he was fallowed by shin who deployed in the core splendor before the head flyer leg flyer and the Blast silhouette Deployed creating the ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast impulse Gundam.

Then the deployment of the ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam and the ZGMF-X31S Abyss Gundam then the Grungust ipponshiki the machine was about the size of the nightingale which Arron had made it that way intentionally.

Arron watched the enemy forces there were about twenty in total fourteen Dagger L units Five 105 Daggers And one Exvius mobile armor.

Arron Flew his Gundam towards the Exvius.

Shin drew his Blast impulse Gundam' s Beam trident and dashed towards the Enemies taking out Four Dagger L units While Rey who was piloting the Chaos used his Gunpods to take out five Dagger L units leaving five for lumamaria in her Abyss Gundam to take out with it's Calidus Bem Canons to take out the reamaing five Dagger L units.

The five 105 Daggers fell to Arron's energized punches and kicks the machines stood no chance against Arron's unique style combining Internal Kung Fu Koppo-Jutsu Karate Kickboxing And wing Chun.

A style Arron devised which he called Hao-oh Shinagami-ken. or Supreme king Death God fist Aron had Cleaved the heads off of the five Daggers Before he Sent the flying with a huge back spin kick he then came upon the Exvius.

Arron activated his mobile suits weapons panel surprising him he had two beam Hand Rifles and he fired them aimed at the Exvius's linear gunbarrels taking them out the Exvius charged at him but Arron took it out with his rifles secret weapons function the could combine into a large impact Canon.


the Exvius didn't stand a chance.

the Grungust attacked the Girty Lue calss battle ship using it's calamity sword the attack damaged the Machine with a Sevier Slash.

the three next gen Gundam units fired their Beam Canons with The Choas firing it's Calidus Kai Canon the Abyss firing it's Baleena Kai Rail gun and the Impulse firing it's kerberos Long Range energy Canons.

The Ship was Able to escape however when a large beam came out of nowhere.

Arron turned to see a Black Mobile suit he recognized As a Buster Dagger which had been customized although calling this thing a Buster Dagger would be an insult it's Body was that of a 105 Dagger It's weapon was the Buster Gundams Gun launcher and High energy Beam Rifle Whitch it had In the Form Of the Hyper Impulse Long-range Sniper rifle.

" What the hell is that?" asked Rey.

" It looks like a custom made 105 Dagger With the Weapons of the Buster Gundam." said Lunamaria.

" For now we'll call it the 103 Dagger." ordered Arron.

" should we take it out." asked Shin.

" No let me Handel it, it's mainly a long range unit but in the hands of an ace it should be the Boon of Rookies like you." said Arron

" Watch and learn." said the Saiyan Newtype.

Arron Boosted towards the 103 Dagger his Guns a Blazing.

the 103 Dagger Changed it's weapons from the Hyper Impulse Long-range Sniper rifle to it's two guns the High energy Beam Rifle And It's 350.MM gun launchers.

the two got into a dog fight zipping around in space as the two emptied their weapons magazines.

then the 103 Dagger Drew it's only melee weapon a large plasma Bayonet which it came at arron to stab his Gundams Head but arron grabbed the Buster by the shoulder using his Build Burning Gundam's Burning Finger and then with a squeeze and a sweep of the leg he dismembered the Dagger's right Arm Then he turned putting up a gaurd as the Dagger's missiles Fired at him.

arron tanked the missiles thinks to his Gundam's Phase Shift Armor.

Arron smircked

He attacked the 103 Dagger with a vertical contracting Double Palm Spike called Byakukuren Soushoudan.

the attack Knocked the Mobile suit Back but then arron noticed the machine Didn't give off a Life energy however he could tell it was still there but out in space.

arron decided to take the Duel Dagger Back for Research.

Back aboard the Minerva Arron Had Learned that Stellar Wanted to Be a reserve pilot as it was revealed she could operate Mobile suits.

this was his doing as by sharing his energy with her while healing her she had become Able to pilot Machines.

arron decided to give her the Prototype he had Held in his storage in case of emergencies it was the XXX-GD-01 Gundam Deathscythe Which was his unit For the early half of the war but This Would Be Used by Stellar Becuase she was skilled in Melee and hit and Run Tactics.

well we've got eight pilots now.