

"You! On behalf of my master, the rich baron DE frode, I declare here the misfortune of his lordship. As you all know, cuvee is nominally part of the crystal ice republic, but in reality this town with no specialties and no strategic location is a veritable no-go zone. So all three of the countries surrounding us, including the crystal ice republic, have agreed to set high exchange rates for sulla and inel! If you want to leave this town on an amount of more than two thousand solas, or twelve thousand inals, you have to pay a fifty percent tax! And the minimum tax amount is not less than the normal ratio of 1000 suras or 6200 inels in other areas! This is absolute blackmail, absolute fraud!"

"In this way, the three countries want to restrict the circulation of money in the town and the development of the town, so as to contain each other. But my master, the rich baron DE flaud, did not expect the council to come so soon. Poor Mr Floyd, whose deal fell through because of this agreement, was left with numerous debts... In order to pay his debts, Lord Freud lost all his money and managed to raise the money he needed."

Say here, that black dress person suddenly straightened out chest, very angry of big drink a way: "but! They seem to have been secretly bribed by Mr. Floyd's political opponents to refuse enel to sulla! This was a great blow to Lord flode, who had only a great deal of enel! But if he fails to deliver the sulla he has been asked for, he may be stripped of his baronetcy. There is no greater humiliation for a noble than to be deprived of his peerage!"

"In all helplessness, my host only hope to look at you. I wish I could borrow money from you and exchange my enel for your sulla. Change as many as you have! Of course, my host will not ask you for money. The ratio of sulla to enel is now 1:6.204. My master is willing to receive your sulla at the exchange rate of 1:7! As long as wait after a year, my home host has self-confidence to be able to stage a comeback absolutely, when the time comes with that time of exchange rate, exchange the enel son in your hand afresh! I ask you again, help my master, come on, help my master!"

Encouraged by the man in black, the crowd seemed more impassioned. People were not really interested in what had happened to the baron. The only thing they were interested in was the rate of seven to one. The sullahs rushed forward, eagerly handing over all the sullahs that belonged to their own family, and getting the inels after weighing them out.

Every face beamed with the smile of getting a bargain, and after the exchange, though there were a few soothing words of "your master will do", I am afraid they all said that the baron was a complete fool in private.

The idiot huddled in the edge of the square, silently listening to the black people again and again commentary. Until he was sure there was no more information, he glanced coldly at the scales on the platform, and then, slowly, retreated back into the dark alley.

"Well, what are you going to do?"

The dark voice sounded very confident. Perhaps he had learned something from the information. For the sake of his "interest", he began to test the idiot instead.

The idiot crouched on the ground, looking at the snow in front of him indifferent language. Seeing this, darkout sneered again, "a ticket for 50 sulla at the market price of 1:6.204 is 310.2 enel. You have 13 solas in your hand, and even at that high exchange rate, you have only 91 inels, plus the two inels you own, making a total of 93 inels. The money is still far from enough."

After a long silence of idiocy, he pulled out the darkness and began to row in the snow.

Unlike Numbers, idiots just draw vertical lines in the snow. He first drew 13 vertical lines, then seven short ones under each. Darkout looked at it for a moment, and it seemed that the idiot was not doing something very efficient, but more like a... A clumsy way of calculating even the basic concept of multiples.

"............ Hello, boy. Before you think about it, let me ask... Did you go to school?"

The idiot line hand stopped, he seemed to draw some tired, the palms of the sweat.

"... No."

"That... So you don't know multiplication, you don't know division, right? That's how you do it, even with the most basic addition and subtraction?"

There was a puzzled look on the idiot's face. It was clear that he was strangely unfamiliar with the words multiplication and division.

This was not surprising, for he had lived a life of limping in dark alleys since childhood, and he had an unmatched sense of money, but he could not figure out how to calculate it without schooling or education. Even if he knew that "the sum of three threes is nine", he would never know the multiplication table like "three threes is nine".

The pupil of the color of the blood revealed some embarrassment, dark out and the idiot so looking at, frozen in the alley, only the little girl is still blinking eyes, looking at the idiot's face smiling, issued ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah...

"All right, boy, give me command of your right arm for a while."


"Well, I mean leave it to me for the time being. I'm united with you, and until you pull me out, you're in command of the body. I want command, of course, with your permission. If it is convenient for you to think of a way, I have no patience to see you go on like this, so that next year will not be able to figure it out."

The idiot is still looking at the blood pupil, for a long time, for a long time, for a long time... After about five minutes of this confrontation, his right arm jerked and moved.

At this moment, the idiot's right arm becomes extremely flexible. The darkness he held in his hand in the form of a dagger was almost like dancing! He kept playing with his dagger with his five fingers, and in a very cool and crisp way, he wrote down the figures in the snow, clearly listing the formula he had just spoken of.

"Well, 1:6.204, 1:7, 310.2, 13 sulla, 91 plus 2, 93. The Numbers are all here. Now, get your little head moving, you need to think, is that baron flode really a fool? Or a sly fox who is plotting something?"

See the list of the formula, the idiot just that also to "multiplication and division" with confused eyes immediately disappeared, change back to the cold of the past. After a moment's reflection, he came to the conclusion with great determination.


"Ha ha, very interesting."

Darkout, controlling his right arm, wrote "baron" in the snow, and then, in parentheses, "liar."

There is no one in this world who does anything that is obviously bad for him. And there is no such thing as a free lunch. If someone treats you well and gives you money, the sweeter the smile, the more you must resist the temptation. Because a bloody knife is often torn out with your intestines before your lunch reaches your stomach.

"If it were only so, the baron would appear to have lost money. But if you expand the scope of your thinking, you can see the consequences of that action."

"Ha, ha, boy, I find it easy to talk when you reason. Of course, hopefully this isn't the only time you know how to talk. Well, then, what does it show?"


"Well, well, I won't say you talk too much. Go ahead."

"The value between two currencies only matters when they are exchanged."

"Ha ha, in other words, if there is only one currency, there is no so-called spread, there is no so-called exchange rate.

"The town's money cannot be exchanged with other cities for treaty reasons. That is to say, after this great exchange of barons, the number of sulla in the town will be greatly reduced, while the number of inel will be greatly increased."

"Interesting, you got the point. Go on."

"With no chance of being converted back into sula any time soon, the town will be traded entirely in inel as the main currency. However, since everyone can pay enel to the baron at 1:7, if I were the seller of the goods, I would not want to sell them at the price I paid before the exchange."

"Ha ha, to put it simply, the price will rise. And it's a townwide hike."

"Such a big price increase would wipe out the surplus created by the seven to one exchange rate, which would be no bargain for the exchangers."

"Ha, ha, ha! You have more money in hand, I have more money in hand, of course, I do not want to sell you at a cheap price. Humans are such interesting animals that without the existence of sulla, they could not be converted back into another currency, and such a rise would surely bring back surpluses. Of course, what happens if this goes on, if sulla goes on decreasing and inel goes on increasing?"

"It will become... HMM... A situation where you have to use lots and lots of enel to buy something you could have bought with very little enel."

"............... I was speechless, because I talked with you happily and forgot that you had not read the book. Although I understand concepts, I don't know special terms. Well, I tell you, it's called inflation."