
I am here!

Finally here I am! To tell you a little about myself although to tell the truth, I don't even know where to start. In short I could say that this is the story of how I became the girlfriend of the future number one hero and symbol of peace, but let's take one step at a time and go back to where it all began.

My name is Abbie, short for Debora, a name I have always worn but never loved. Throughout my life I have been given the most disparate and ridiculous nicknames, among all the nicknames that can be invented. So, to inaugurate my new life, I opted for this.

I've been living in America for many months now and I have to admit that it hasn't been easy at all to get used to the new world: everything is exaggeratedly bigger than what I've always been used to. Not to mention living in a world of superpowers and superheroes. Even less for those who, like me, were born devoid of uniqueness. People did nothing but look down on me, as if I belonged to another world, but no one here sees me that way. And above all, I never gave up.

My dream is nothing particularly ambitious. My grandfather passed on to me the love and passion for flowers, and this is what I love doing more than anything else: working in my little shop; working hard to get it. I think that in some way, even if minimal, flowers manage to bring smiles to people's faces: the infinite variety of colours, the different shapes of the petals and leaves. They have always reassured me, or perhaps it is simply the effect that nature has in its small way. And being able to give even just a glimmer of happiness to people is enough for me.

Looking at me you wouldn't think I'm a flower enthusiast. For most of the year I wear combat boots (of various models but always black and with colored laces), alternating with the more classic Converse; leggings and t-shirts of my favorite bands, which happen to be mostly American. Even though I live in California, I promised myself to visit New York and Washington: as you might have guessed, they are the classic example of American fanaticism and obsessed with everything related to the United States of America. From the history of each country (I have purchased loads of books and whenever I have time, I visit as many museums as possible), to the most classic action films.

But let's go back to my appearance to get to know each other better. I have hair shaved on one side and a strange fringe that goes down my face, plus a tuft at the back that I use to make a rather ridiculous ponytail. Better not to talk about my clumsiness in any everyday situation. I often color them as well but they turn a dark green to blue color, which I really like. I'm wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and my makeup is kept to a minimum due to laziness: foundation, eyeliner and off I go, I'm ready to start my American day. Maybe in a city like Los Angeles, no one notices, which is a relief to me. But I assure you that where I come from, I have always been defined as the "weird" one. And among those who mostly express judgments there are, first and foremost, the members of my family. Heavy circumstances led me to leave, roll up my sleeves and take charge of the reins of my life. Somehow, I took everything I had and ran off to chase my dream in the new world. Even though I never thought I had the courage to take such an important step: a change so radical that it upset my life, a change that then happened the day I met him for the first time.