
My A.M.A.Z.O Journey

I wished, I wished so hard, luckily darkness didn't leave me in my last moments

wheel_of_power · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


Floating outside of the ship I blinked out of existence appearing on the planets surface, touching the chard and lifeless dirt I rubbed it in between my fingers before clapping it away. "How do these people even survive here, it's full of nuclear radiation" walking leisurely through the bloody battle field the ground rumbled.


A shock wave of energy washed over my body and actually knocked me back slightly, seeing that I smiled and cracked my neck "A challenge is always welcome, are you just gonna hide in the earth, or are you gonna face me" Hearing no reply or response my face became annoyed "Fine, I guess I'm gonna have to be hands on" Placing my palm against the earth a massive pulse of energy shot from it and quickly reach the core.

"Found you"

Clenching my fist as if grabbing something I pulled, feeling resistance I pulled with more and more strength, for the first time since I got here I used more than just a percent of my ever growing power. The earth shook with the force of a world ending earthquake, cracks form and at the center point it was practically splintering. "If you keep resisting I'm not gonna be the one to destroy your people"


A stream of energy burst from the ground and landed on the earth burning her footprints into it "Leave my planet at once or face my wrath" Kicking off my sandals I lowered my glasses and looked in the eyes "How about you leave, your getting in my way" Her face oozed anger and fury while the energy around her flared with greater intensity, it was viscous as it whipped around her.

"Why do you even care about these barbarian anyway, you high on your god hood"

My statement pushed her over the edge, a beam of pure and tyrannical energy shot from her eyes, ducking it shaved off a good chunk of the world's crust and continued out into space incinerating a lone moon. Seeing that my eyes widened in awe, for the first time I saw someone on the same level as me, someone that can give me what I need, scanning her with my eyes it was as if my entire body was on fire. A crimson glow was lit in my eyes, breathing in it was like inhaling pure energy.

Caught up in my evolution a fist hit me in my stomach, its raw power enough to flatten moons and obliterate planets. Canceling the momentum it gave me instantly I was lifted in the air about 3 meters. Looking down at her she was spinning like a tornado, her leg extended and smacked me like a fly into the earth. Bouncing she appeared above me with her hands interlocked, hammering them into my gut I spit some saliva but the smile never left my face.

Standing over me like a death god ready to reap my soul her face was full of confusion "Why do you smile" Getting up the spit on my mouth evaporated , my shirt was in terrible shape and my shorts were on their last leg. Breathing out I tore the shirt from my body revealing my perfectly sculpted physique "Because I've never felt so alive" It was like an instinct which was buried deep in my body came to light, an instinct to evolve and adapt beyond everything, it made me fulfilled, like the hole in my chest that was slowly healing has disappeared.

Before it was just a goal that I didn't care for much, but now it's given me my final purpose, the purpose to my life that I've always searched for. Something that school or sports have never given me. Rushing forward I punched towards her face and stomach before transitioning it a high kick but she blocked them all, sweeping my leg from under me I started to fall but the constraints of gravity don't affect me anymore.

Stopping mid air I moved to the side dodging her stomp which leveled the entirety of the ground around us. Kicking her leg it buckled under the extra pressure causing her to fall, punching her in the face she shot toward the sky only stopping miles into the air. Pointing my hand I shot a beam of golden energy, she had the same idea as the energy brushed past each other and sliced off both of our arms.

Watching it fall to the ground my body sent a signal informing me of the injury, I didn't feel pain anymore. An arm sprouted from the stub instantly just like X'Hals but mine was different, before the missing arm could touch the ground it sprouted into another me. It spoke out in laughter " It really works!"

Weaving our psychic energy together our thoughts were now one and I was evolving twice as fast, we both grinned at the same time. " I'm not sure she's ready for this" Revolving our energy our output and efficiency was doubled, it became denser and flowed faster and smoother. We both sped to her side almost like teleportation, one punched towards her face and the other attacked with a low kicked, connecting on both front she spun in the air like a top and attempted to kick us with the built of force but we dodged within a hairs distance.

As the fight continued it became a one sided massacre, we beat her from both sides not even giving her time to rest. It was almost like ping pong, but physical attacks aren't great against her as her true form is pure energy, the only way to beat her is either disperse her consciousness, attack her soul, or seal her. Punching her into the ground the other me twisted it hands warping it, it sprung to life and changed form as he messed with its composition.

He encased her within a dense all black orb, pathways were carved along the outside but the inside was a piece of technological art work. No matter how much energy she produced it would flow through the paths way and be dispersed into the atmosphere, not only that but it was absorbing the radiation in the air cleansing it. Plant life and vegetation was already starting to grow underneath.

Black fire in her space ship landed in the miles deep cavern we were in, seeing there was to of us she was about to say something but didn't. Walking into each other we merged back together and I felt more powerful than before, if the current me fought me before splitting I would destroy him easily. Slapping the orb which radiated energy I grinned "I think I found a solution for all your problems."