
Outbreak (1)

Kace applied more pressure to Charlie's throat, forcing him to gasp for breath. Moments later, Kace flashed a sadistic grin before a thick purple smog came out of his mouth. Charlie's eyes went wide with shock and fear as he realised there was no way that he could possibly escape breathing that in! His eyes bulged as the foul-tasting smog invaded his mouth and nostrils before flowing down his throat.

Wherever the smog touched on his tissues, Charlie would feel a burning acidic sensation. Lines of blood began to flow from his nose and mouth as even more made their way into his throat. Charlie was an expert in poisons, but he had no idea what he was dealing with. He began to feel weaker as he felt the invading presence enter his lungs and swirl around in there.

At that point, Kace released the hero. Allowing Charlie to collapse in the dirt as blood splashed the earth whenever he coughed. "What the hell did you do to me!"