
Victoire Weasley

Once the two part veelas stood naked before him, Harry let his eyes rake down both of their bodies, whistling in appreciation. Fleur had curves that Victoire hadn't quite grown into yet. More than that, the blonde still had his lightning bolt right above her dripping wet cunt as well as the chain piercing her nipples, hanging between her full plump breasts.

Meanwhile, Victoire was smooth and unblemished. She'd gotten her mother's long legs that just seemed to go on forever, and while her tits weren't quite as large as Fleur's, they were a decent handful, sloping down her creamy white chest. Mother and daughter, they made quite the beautiful pair. Fleur stood still, perfectly happy to have his eyes upon her. The older woman pushed her chest out, proud and confident in her body and Harry's love of her feminine form.

On the other hand, her daughter was clearly quite nervous, squirming and blushing as she looked anywhere but at Harry's face. She was clearly self-conscious, even if the young woman had absolutely nothing to be self-conscious about. More than that though, she was probably feeling guilt over what she was viewing as cheating on Teddy. Harry could understand that, even if he didn't necessarily hold true to it.

Still, the young man was his godson and while Harry had every intention of using these next four days to 'teach' Victoire, he would rather leave her virginity for the young man to take, a sort of passing of the torch. Smiling wickedly at the thought, the Head Auror raised his wand arm and cast a simple Incarcerous charm. Before either witch could react, Victoire was suddenly on the floor, trussed up and hogtied good and proper, her legs bent backwards at the knee and her arms bound behind her back in a complex array of intertwining rope. The final bit was a literal bit, sliding itself into the blonde girl's mouth as she opened her lips in outrage to ask what was happening.

Such outrage was quite muffled when it finally arrived because of the gag, though that didn't stop Victoire from squirming and struggling to free herself of the bondage. No, what finally stopped her struggles was his stinging hex on her bare naked backside, followed up with two more landed atop her breasts when she quickly rolled over onto her back to protect her reddened ass.

Victoire whimpered and fell silent, even as Fleur stared down at her in shock before looking to Harry.

"My Lord?"

Harry walked right up to Fleur's side, his eyes never taken from her daughter's form. Victoire's chest heaved up and down as she tried to calm her racing heart, the fight finally leaving her body. Instead, the part veela simply lay there, whimpering and mewling pathetically through her gag up at her mother and him. Finally, Harry tore his gaze away from Victoire and looked to Fleur, smiling. Reaching up, Harry hooked his fingers into the chain hanging betwixt the blonde MILF's tits and gave it a tug that caused Fleur to gasp and then moan when he kept pulling. She was soon pressed against his side, panting as heavily as her daughter while Harry explained things to her.

"Victoire will not be joining us quite yet my dear. Today will be a learning experience for her. Tomorrow and the weekend will be more hands on. For now, she will simply have to settle for watching. But enough about your daughter for the time being. Let's talk about you my dear."

Fleur blinked stupidly at that, demurring as she lowered her gaze.

"Me, my Lord?"

Harry's grin gained an edge and he tugged a bit more roughly at the chain, drawing a groan from the quarter veela's lips.

"Yes, specifically the way you're addressing me. We've moved past 'Lord' don't you think? You accepted my branding. I think at this point, we both know what I am to you Fleur Weasley."

She caught his meaning immediately. Harry liked that, the intelligence behind the slut. Astoria and Narcissa were both fairly intelligent women too, not an airhead in the bunch. Hopefully Victoire was the same way. She came from good enough stock that she should be. Either way, Fleur swallowed hard as she realized exactly what he was saying. Harry watched her with vibrant green eyes, wondering which way Fleur would go.

But it was never in doubt. After a moment, the blonde lowered her eyes and gave a small nod before swallowing and outright saying what she knew he wanted to hear.

"Yes… Master."

Harry grinned, enjoying the way the word rolled off of the French witch's tongue. It was positively delicious, and instinctively the tall dark haired man stepped forward, fingers lacing through Fleur's blonde mane as he pulled her into a heated and passionate kiss. The part veela melted into his grasp immediately, forgetting all about her daughter's current predicament as she leaned into his domineering and possessive kiss and let him tongue the inside of her mouth to his heart's content.

Eventually though, Harry pulled back much to Fleur's consternation. The MILF was put out for a second, until Harry snapped his fingers and Astoria and Narcissa finally revealed their naked forms. Both women had been under the Disillusionment Charm, playing with themselves and waiting for Harry's signal. Now that he'd given it, the two Malfoy Ladies sashayed forward, joining him and Fleur as they walked around the shocked Victoire.

It was clear from the blush on the gagged young woman's face that she was not expecting an audience to her 'punishment'. Neither was Fleur, judging by the surprise on her own beautiful features. She was left utterly flummoxed as Astoria and Narcissa took up positions on either side of Harry and kissed his cheeks before leaning back with wide grins on their faces.

"Mm, Master, I was beginning to think you were going to leave us under those charms for the entire day."

"Master~ Excuse my darling daughter-in-law's presumption. We would have been happy to do so, if it was what you asked of us."

Their words caused Harry's already hard cock to jump in the confines of his slacks, while also providing Fleur with some obvious context. She began to relax as she realized that the two women were not here to lord over her, but to be lorded over alongside her. Harry meanwhile, smiled at both of the Malfoy ladies before raising his wand and conjuring a small loveseat right behind the hogtied Victoire. A swish of his wand later and Victoire was properly sat on the loveseat, still tied up but with her body full on display. At the same time, she was now able to see everything even as Harry spoke.

"Astoria, darling. Victoire here was caught giving my godson a handjob in public. Her worst offense wasn't getting caught though, it was the fact that she took so long to get him off that she was discovered in the first place. Why don't you give her a hands-on lesson while she watches her mother and yours submit like the good and proper whores they are?"

The mind broken Lady Malfoy giggled giddily at the order and did just that. Sliding over to the loveseat, Astoria perched on the spot not occupied by the tied up blonde and began to run her fingers delicately over Victoire's bound form, causing the part veela to moan through the bit and squirm ineffectually beneath Astoria's hands.

Meanwhile, Narcissa had not been idle. While Fleur had stood there in silence as Harry spoke, the older Lady Malfoy had basically ambushed the part veela, latching onto Fleur's lips with her own before the blonde could even understand what was happening. Now their tits were rubbing together, the chain that connected Fleur's swishing this way and that as their breasts jiggled in unison.

Getting an idea, Harry once again raised his wand. A small bit of on the fly spellwork later, and his impromptu magic was cast. Grinning, the Head Auror cleared his throat, causing both ladies to pull apart. Or at least tried to. When Narcissa and Fleur attempted to disengage entirely and face him, they found their tits now connected by the chain pierced through Fleur's nipples and now Narcissa's as well.

Realizing that only he could have done such a thing while they were distracted, the two women stayed close together and turned only their heads, looking at their Master expectantly. Harry pointed to the desk.

"Go on you two. I don't care who's on top and who's on bottom."

Narcissa immediately took Fleur in hand. The older woman pulled the part veela towards his large mahogany desk and before Fleur could even protest she found herself on the bottom as Narcissa pushed her onto her back and then crawled over her. The two were soon rubbing together once again as Narcissa kissed the hell out of Fleur and Fleur was left too flustered and confused to even think straight.

This was what Harry walked into, freeing his hard shaft from its confines with a flick of his wrist and grinning wickedly as he stepped up behind the two kissing women. Their pussies were aligned perfectly right in front of his eyes. More importantly, they were right in front of his big hard cock. Pressing his hand into Narcissa's big fat pillowy ass, Harry guided his length forward, sliding it between the two dripping wet cunts.

Fleur let out a startled sound but it was muffled by Narcissa's lips and her own moan as Harry thrust his shaft back and forth between the two women, fucking their cunts together as their slits spread to hot dog his member from the top and the bottom. It was an interesting experience, hot and wet and warm as his pets whimpered and squirmed before him. But eventually Harry knew he wanted more.

Since Narcissa had taken the initiative and Fleur still had a little ways to go before she truly knew her place, Harry started with the older Lady Malfoy. Sliding his cock into her cunt from its place between hers and Fleur's body was the work of a single second and another loud moan left Narcissa's mouth as she continued to kiss Fleur while also being soundly fucked by her Master.

Harry pumped into Narcissa a few times, but the allure of the part veela beneath her was just too much. Grinning wickedly, Harry pulled out of Narcissa and immediately slid into Fleur's equally wet and ready pussy. Another few pumps as she moaned happily and Narcissa whimpered at the loss, and then Harry switched back again.

Glancing back towards Astoria and Victoire, he found Victoire looking quite the mess, her eyes still focused squarely on what he was doing to Narcissa and her mother, but somewhat glazed over now as she breathed out steadily through her mouth. Judging by the way Astoria was thrusting three fingers in and out of the younger girl's sopping wet virgin cunt, Victoire had reached more than one orgasm at the younger Lady Malfoy's hands as she watched Harry fuck her own mother alongside another woman.

Pleased with what he saw of her so far, Harry turned back to the matter at hand. He began to speed up his pace, thrusting in and out of Fleur and Narcissa's waiting eager cunts so fast and so deep that it got to the point where they began to blend together and he wasn't entirely sure which one he was inside at any given moment. In this instant though, the two women might as well have been one either. Connected by their nipple piercings and the chains hanging between them, wrapped in each other's warm embrace and kissing heatedly, the two were completely and utterly at Harry's mercy.

When he finally came, the Head Auror grunted, his hands squeezing down hard on Narcissa's big bubble butt and his cock deep between the two women's bodies. His cum shot did not fill either woman's womb, because instead he'd settled for painting the both of them with his white hot sticky fluid. Slowly pulling back, Harry panted as he stepped to the side, letting Narcissa and Fleur climb off of his desk. Another flick of his wand and they were no longer tied together. Fleur took advantage of this quickly, sashaying over to the loveseat and placing one foot up on the cushion as she presented her cum covered body to her daughter.

Seeing what she intended, Harry used another burst of magic to remove the bit from Victoire's mouth, leaving her free to follow her mother's next order.

"Here you go beloved, go on. Lick mommy clean!"

It surprised Harry just how perverse Fleur was after a short time. The more he thought about it and the more he saw, Harry realized that it just wasn't possible. He hadn't corrupted Fleur Weasley, not like he'd corrupted Astoria and Narcissa. No, Fleur had always been this much of a slut. He'd just allowed the genie out of the bottle so to speak.

And as Victoire leaned forward and obeyed, moaning slightly as she licked his cum from her mother's smooth abdomen and her breasts, Harry couldn't help grinning. Like mother, like daughter or so it seemed.


The rest of Thursday had been spent much the same way, with Victoire never quite getting near his cock, instead watching as Harry visited all kinds of pleasurable indignities on her mother and the two Malfoy women. Indignities that all three ladies were ecstatic to receive as she saw time and time again. But now it was Friday and that meant it was time for Victoire to begin learning directly how to please a man.

Harry wasn't even looking at her as she stood before him, as naked as the other three women in his office with her head bowed and her eyes on the ground. Instead, he was looking to Astoria, raising one eyebrow questioningly.

"Well? Do you think she's ready?"

The way Victoire fidgeted at Harry's question showed just how much she wanted to speak up for herself. Given how many orgasms she'd experienced the day before as well as the flush across her face and bare chest now, Harry thought the girl probably felt she was more than ready for whatever he had to offer. She was certainly eager enough.

Astoria took a long moment to answer, raking her eyes up and down the young part veela's beautiful nude form before finally turning to him and grinning.

"She's ready Master. And if she isn't, I'll punish her myself."

Victoria's blush intensified even as Harry grinned back at Astoria. There was an edge to his grin though.

"Bold words Lady Malfoy. However, if she isn't ready it will be you that gets punished. Is that understood?"

Astoria tensed up before shuddering in delight and eagerness. Harry knew that the mind broken little slut was imagining one of Harry's punishments. The look she gave Victoire suggested that Astoria might very well try to sabotage the younger woman if allowed to. Letting out an exasperated chuckle, Harry shook his head.

"Astoria, go play with Fleur. Narcissa, come and help me with our darling young student. You'll be my assistant today as I teach Victoire how to please her boyfriend with her tongue."

The younger Lady Malfoy was dejected by did not protest, even as she and Narcissa passed each other on their way to their respective tasks. Narcissa on the other hand was quite excited as she practically apparated to Victoire's side with how fast she moved, a wide wicked grin on her face. The older Lady Malfoy's hands went down on Victoire's shoulders and slowly but surely she forced the blonde to her knees, even as she went down right alongside her.

The two women knelt there, naked as the days they were both born as Harry stepped up, his cock already hard and exposed. A little while earlier it had been Fleur on his shaft, deep throating his member and choking herself to the point of exhaustion right in front of her wide eyed daughter. As a result, the mother was sprawled out on the conjured loveseat Harry hadn't bothered dispelling, and Astoria was quick to join the barely aware older woman.

Harry wasted barely a moment to weave his spellwork from the day before, this time connecting Astoria to Fleur's nipple chain so that the two women would literally be tied together by their most sensitive of body parts until he decided otherwise. Only then did he turn his attention fully to the young nervous blonde knelt before him. His thick and meaty cock was less than an inch from her cute dainty nose and she was breathing in large lungfuls of his musky scent, her eyes crossing in a rather amusing manner as she tried to stare down the barrel of his 'gun'.

Narcissa let out a growl, her hand coming up and fisting into the back of Victoire's blonde mane, holding her head steady.

"Your hands girl. Get to work or I'll make you get to work."

Startled out of her trance, Victoire whimpered at the slight pain Narcissa was rendering onto her scalp. Her hands came up immediately and long thin fingers wrapped around Harry's girth. She slowly slid her smooth palms back and forth along his sensitive member, still rather entranced as she fell into a steady rhythm.

"That's good, that's very good Victoire."

The words were almost kind and gentle, said in a rather fatherly tone despite the obvious contrast between said tone and what they were doing. Harry grinned down at the blonde, who glanced up at him and then looked back to his member, blushing all the harder. Unbidden, words suddenly spilled from her mouth.

"Y-you're m-much bigger than Teddy is Lord Potter…"

That brought Harry up short for all of a second. But he supposed it was to be expected. He was on the large size, though he doubted Teddy was anywhere near as small as the Malfoy women assured him Draco was and Lucius had been. When compared to his throbbing member, most men would probably pale in comparison. He said as much to the part veela currently stroking his shaft.

"I'm much bigger than most men darling. Don't hold it against the poor boy. Besides, he's seventeen. He still has a bit of growing up to do."

Not much of course, and Harry still doubted Teddy would ever be able to match him given what he knew about dick sizes and what not. But the dark haired man didn't tell Victoire that. Instead he decided it was about time to change the subject.

"You're going to need to use more than just your hands to make me cum though sweetheart. Go on, you have to take it in your mouth."

Wide eyed, Victoire leaned forward and did as she was told, opening her lips wide and slowly sucking in the bulbous head of his cock. Harry grunted in satisfaction as the part veela instinctively began to swirl her tongue around the tip, the girl's hot wet mouth feeling ever so slightly different than her mother's maw. Perhaps it was a lack of experience; perhaps it was just slightly smaller. All Harry knew was that he was getting riled up and he was more than ready to move this along.

"Very good, very good. But you'll need to do more than that Victoire. A lot more. You remember don't you, what your mother did for me when you both first arrived this morning?"

Judging by the fear and unease that suddenly appeared in the young blonde's eyes, Victoire most certainly remembered. She continued to suck his cock, even easing another couple inches into her mouth, but it was rather clear to him that she was not yet ready to willingly deep throat his member, choking herself out as Fleur was capable of doing. It was apparently also clear to Narcissa, because the older woman suddenly took it upon herself to help Victoire out.

The part veela's eyes widened dramatically as Narcissa suddenly used the grip she had on the blonde's head to force Victoire all the way down Harry's cock. Victoire choked immediately of course, but Narcissa didn't stop until that cute dainty little nose was in Harry's pubes, and his balls were bouncing against Victoire's chin.

The lack of air soon had Victoire's eyes rolling back in her skull even as her lashes began to flutter wildly. She brought her hands up, pressing them against Harry's legs and trying to push away, but Narcissa didn't let up, offering no respite until finally Harry made a cutting gesture with one hand and she release Victoire from her strong grasp.

The girl came off of Harry's dick fast, gasping and choking and hacking up saliva and slobber as she doubled over on her hands and knees.

"A good effort Victoire. You gave it your best. Perhaps tomorrow, you'll be able to do more. For now though, you did still fail. As punishment, you're to obey Narcissa as you would obey me. Is that understood?"

Speaking in a raspy voice, Victoire coughed as she answered the Head Auror.

"Y-yes, Lord P-Potter."

As a grinning Narcissa began to play with her new toy, much to Victoire's consternation and pleasure, Harry moved from them to the other two naked beauties in the room. As he approached, Astoria seemed to have a sense of what he wanted. Or perhaps, she simply wanted what he wanted. With a wicked grin on her face, the younger Lady Malfoy grabbed Fleur's limp body and pushed her onto her front. The part veela, still mostly out of it, only moaned and groaned in response.

She yelped though, when Harry spread her ass cheeks wide and pushed his cock right in between them. Fleur's mouth opened in a perpetual groan as Harry began to fuck her ass as hard as he could. Of course the blonde MILF was more than ready for him, as Astoria had spent quite a bit of time tonguing the woman's back door in preparation for the moment. She truly was in tune with her Master's desires by this point and Astoria preened as he gave her an appreciative smile while at the same time grabbing a fistful of Fleur's hair and pulling the part veela's head backwards in time with his powerful thrusts.

With her daughter's tight throat having done some of the job already, Fleur's butt fucking only lasted for a short time before Harry finally came all over her ass, but in that time Fleur managed to reach three distinct climaxes from nothing but his cock up her butt. Once he was done inside of the mother, Harry turned back to the daughter.

Victoire had been watching the whole thing, Narcissa having arranged the girl so that the blonde's back was to her and she could reach around to play with Victoire's body as the part veela stared wide eyed at Harry's plowing of her dear mother's ass. A sudden desire to fuck those slightly parted pouty lips flitted through Harry's mind and despite what he'd said about waiting till tomorrow, the Head Auror stepped back across the room to where Victoire and Narcissa still knelt.

"Did you like watching that darling? Tomorrow, that's going to be you. I wonder, would you like another chance of sucking my cock now, to lighten tomorrow's load on your dainty little shoulders?"

Swallowing hard, Victoire tore her eyes away from the cum slowly dripping free of her mother's big bubble butt and looked up at Harry and then down at his cock again. After a moment, she nodded hesitantly.

"Yes sir… I would."

Narcissa pushed the girl back up straight and Harry stepped forward, putting his still hard shaft, now messy with his and Fleur's juices, right in Victoire's face. She grimaced but after a moment the blonde opened her maw wide and took as much of his cock as she could in one go. Harry watched, amused, as Victoire did her absolute best to deep throat his huge shaft, bobbing up and down and continuing onwards regardless of how much she choked or gagged when his length went down her esophagus.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Victoire took it like a champ again and again, and even Narcissa was impressed. Harry could see it in the older woman's eyes as she prepared herself to step in and guide the young blonde along once more, but ultimately never had to. Harry was a little impressed himself if he was being honest. He groaned as Victoire lewdly sucked his cock, his hand instinctively falling atop her head but not quite gripping down. The girl was still quite inexperienced, but her new found eagerness was quite exciting to behold and it was making up for the shoddy technique by leaps and bounds.

An explicative left Harry's lips as he felt another release rapidly approaching.

"Here it comes Victoire, decide now whether you want to swallow or wear my seed across your face."

Despite her concentration, Victoire did clearly hear him. The girl leaned back immediately, keeping his cockhead betwixt her lips and bringing up her hands to rapidly jack him off in place of her throat as she suckled at the tip, using her tongue to lavish his bellend with praise. Then he was cumming and the poor girl tried to swallow every last drop. But she had no idea what she was in for. Halfway through, Victoire ended up pulling back from the copious amount of white hot cum spilling free from Harry's shaft.

As a result, she ended up picking both options by accident, swallowing down the first half of his load before taking the rest across her beautiful young features. Victoire was left struck dumb by just how much cum Harry could let out, blinking stupidly through his dripping seed as she stared at the cock, still hard in her hands.

Then Narcissa had turned her away from his member and was kissing her, licking up what she could of Harry's seed from the younger woman's face and engaging in a rather smoking hot make out session all in all. Harry just grinned, already looking forward to tomorrow where he would split that tight little butt of Victoire's in two.


Victoire was nervous. Who wouldn't be though, at the end of the day? She was bent over Head Auror Potter's desk, completely and utterly naked. Beside her was her cock-hungry slut of a mom, also naked and also bent over. Where Victoire was tense and worried, Fleur was moaning like a wanton whore, begging Harry to fuck her.

"Pleeeease Master, please just stick it in me. Please don't tease your worthless cum duEEEEE! YESSSS!!!"

Turning her head to the side, the part veela watched her own mother's ecstatic blissed out face as Fleur was railed from behind by the Lord Potter. He had plunged into her in the middle of what she'd been saying and it was obvious that was all Fleur had wanted given her begging had been replaced by mewls and moans and cries of pleasure.

Victoire blushed furiously, knowing that regardless of how happy it made her mother to be getting a nice hard dicking in her needy wet cunt from the Lord Potter, it was all simply a prelude for what was to come. Fleur was the lube for the taking of Victoire's anal virginity. More than that, Fleur was the onahole that would let Harry last longer once he began fucking Victoire's incredibly tight ass, because he'd just got done cumming inside of Fleur's desperate pussy.

Knowing this made watching her mother debase herself for Harry's cock all the more raunchy and humiliating. When Harry began to spank Fleur's behind in time with his thrusts and she just came harder, Victoire almost looked away, as embarrassed for her hopeless slut of a mother as she was. But instead of looking away, Victoire settled for looking at Harry instead.

His muscles rippled, his entire body lean and fit as he plowed her mom from behind. He was an older man, but he was just so damn handsome and charming. That was probably what made all of this bearable, even desirable for married older women like her mother or the Lady Malfoys. Harry was just so damn fine and irresistible. Of course, not even Victoire realized that it was his magic bending their minds to see him in that way. Not even HARRY understood that, not fully.

If he had, he probably wouldn't have gone down this path with Victoire, because he would have realized he was slowly breaking the girl, addicting her to his dick and cum. This was no more apparent than when Harry grunted, came inside of Fleur, and then pulled out. Victoire let out a gasp of delight, not having even realized that somewhere in the midst of her mother's dicking, she'd stopped being so nervous and uneasy and started actively anticipating what was to come.

As Harry brought his messy cock, lubed up in Fleur's pussy juices and remnants of his seed, over to where Victoire waited, the younger blonde couldn't help shaking her pert behind just a little. While she didn't have quite as large of an ass as her mother, she still had a perfect heart-shaped behind for Harry to reach out and grasp, kneading her sensitive flesh and then bringing his palm up, only to lay it back down on her butt cheek and spank her.

Victoire gasped and moaned at the contact. Her body had been made all the more sensitive over the last few days, leaving her entirely too easy to arouse even from something as simple and even as uncomfortable as a spanking. When her posterior was good and red, Harry spread her ass cheeks wide and pushed a finger up against her sphincter.

Another moan escaped Victoire's lips as he tried to work his digit into her poor virgin asshole. Eventually Harry had to spit on her rosebud to get it to loosen up a little, finally managing to push his finger up to the knuckle. Then he went further, until his entire digit was inside of her. After that was the second digit and soon enough both his index and middle fingers were deep in Victoire's ass, as far as each of them could go without him trying to shove his whole hand up there.

Victoire was left gasping for breath as Harry spread his fingers wide and eased her butthole apart for his eventual penetration. As he prepared her, all the young blonde could do was claw a little at his large wooden desk. Glancing to her side, Victoire saw her mother sprawled over the length of the desk, her legs unable to support her and her eyes half closed as she smiled over at Victoire's face.

Of course, it was in that moment that Harry pulled his fingers out of Victoire's ass and replaced them with the head of his cock. For all of a half-second, Victoire had a strange feeling of emptiness wash over her. Then that was replaced when she felt his massive bellend press against her far smaller sphincter and begin to push against her loosened butthole.

He was inside her in moments, though it was only the tip of his dick plus another two inches. Victoire was left gasping for breath, trying desperately to regain her equilibrium. He was so big inside of her and the blonde part veela wasn't sure she'd ever be able to walk right again as he split her apart so thoroughly. Then Harry began to move and Victoire's eyes turned to the size of dinner plates as he forced inch after inch of himself deep into her bowels.

The Lord Potter wasted no time. Within minutes he was pounding away inside of her ass, the lube provided by her mother's and his fluids giving him enough headway to get deep in her bowels so he could start thrusting. The young blonde was left simply trying to hand on, along for the ride as Harry took her hard and took her fast. Victoire couldn't believe that anal sex was like this. She'd always worried that it would be awful, an experience she had to endure for the sake of her partner. She hadn't been sure she'd ever find someone she was willing to endure it for.

But while it had started like that, in short order Victoire's discomfort and pain had morphed into something else, something wholly unexpected. Pleasure, plain and simple. As the Head Auror fucked her in the ass, Victoire began to truly enjoy the butt pounding and before long she was crying out, not in agony, but in ecstasy. So this was what her mother felt, this was what had broken the alluring and beautiful woman she'd known all her life into what Victoire saw now.

As her entire body shook with the force of Harry's thrusts, Victoire's eyes rolled back in her head and she came spectacularly, her pussy juices exploding all over Harry's desk and her butt muscles clenching down around his member. If this was what sex was like, she was beginning to think she could get used to this. She was beginning to think she wouldn't mind calling Lord Potter her Master as the Lady Malfoys and her mother did.

And then, Victoire wasn't thinking much of all as she totally and utterly lost herself to the pleasure of the rough anal pounding.


There was no hesitation on Sunday. There was nothing left to explore, though the fact that Victoire was technically a virgin still hung over the room as all four women stripped naked and waited eagerly for Harry to finish his busy work and rise from his desk. It was clear that Harry wasn't going to take Victoire's virginity. He'd made sure that the blonde knew she was simply being TAUGHT how to properly submit to Teddy, not actually being trained to join her mother and the Lady Malfoys in service to their Master.

Yet, Victoire had a growing desire in her heart. She wanted it, wanted to be Harry's pet. She wanted to call him Master like her mother did. She wanted to kneel beside Fleur and submit just like her slut of a mom. And Victoire was sure that if she begged for it, Harry would probably give it to her. But he'd be disappointed with her at the same time for failing to live up to his expectations.

And so, as Harry stood up and walked over to stand before them, as all four women descended to their knees, Victoire bit her tongue and knelt beside the older women, waiting patiently for her turn. Harry started with Astoria. The younger Lady Malfoy opened her mouth when Harry smacked his hard slab of meat across her face.

In mere moments, the room was filled with the expectant panting of three women and the lewd slurping of a beautiful MILF sucking on the Head Auror's cock. None of them were allowed to touch themselves unless Harry himself was touching them. So as Fleur, Victoire, and Narcissa kept their hands palm down on the top of their legs, Astoria used the chance to masturbate to her advantage, deep throating Harry's cock but at the same time putting both of her hands between her legs and frantically touching herself.

The aristocrat moaned wantonly around Harry's shaft as she drove her fingers in and out of her spread pussy lips. Sending vibrations along the big piece of meat down her esophagus caused Harry to let out a groan, his hands curling into her dark hair and pulling her head even further down his length as he continued to face fuck her as hard and as brutally as possible.

Astoria was a champ though at this and Victoire found herself watching on rather jealous as the older woman didn't even choke or gag on Harry's massive member. Instead the younger Lady Malfoy had found a bit of a trick to taking his huge shaft, swallowing continuously as he pistoned in and out of her throat and never triggering that pesky gag reflex of hers.

The woman came before Harry, shuddering and shaking as she covered the floor of his office in her cunt juices. Her loud cry of pleasure from said orgasm was what finally sent Harry over the edge as well. While Astoria tried to swallow every last drop of the seed, Harry had other ideas, pulling out at the last second and painting her face and chest with his cum instead. When he released her hair, Astoria whimpered, immediately forcing her hands back to her lap now that he was no longer engaged with her. The witch wanted nothing more than to scoop his seed off of her body and eat it all up, but she was not allowed to.

As Astoria knelt there dejected, Harry showed how little he cared, moving onto her mother. Narcissa got it in the throat as well but unlike with her daughter-in-law, Harry allowed the older Lady Malfoy to swallow every last drop of his second cum load. Older smirked wickedly at younger and Astoria glared back at her rival for her Master's affections, pouting mightily.

When Harry moved onto her mother, Victoire got a very nice view since she was right next to the woman as Harry pushed Fleur onto her back and spread her legs wide. The part veela MILF moaned like a wanton whore, crying out as Harry plunged into her cunt and at the same time pulled on the chain betwixt her breasts.

Victoire watched raptly, this time not at all embarrassed or ashamed as she observed every curvy line of her mother's body while it shook and jiggled beneath Harry's powerful onslaught. Fleur was lost in her own world; eyes wild and unfocused as her tongue hang out of her maw. Her arms and legs wrapped around Harry's well-built body and it was clear that the older blonde was quite utterly lost in her absolute adoration for the Head Auror.

To think that this was what Harry was capable of doing to a proud woman like her mother. Victoire shuddered in a mixture of arousal and unease. Truly, the wizard was the most amazing man she'd ever met, even if she was rather young. Victoire really wasn't sure how she was supposed to go back to Teddy after this, after working alongside these beautiful witches in service to the great Lord Potter.

An even louder cry than normal suddenly escaped Fleur's lips and Victoire started as she realized her hands had slowly been inching towards her dripping wet honeypot. Placing her palms back where they belonged, Victoire swallowed thickly, realizing that Harry was pulling out of Fleur's creampied cunt and her mother now lay insensate on the floor of his office, sprawled out like the piece of trash slut she'd become with her eyes rolled up in her head and her tongue still lulling out of her mouth.

And now it was Victoire's turn. The young blonde didn't know what to do. Oh certainly she knew to obey Harry's orders, but this was her chance. If she begged him here to take her virginity and make her one of his women, he would probably acquiesce, as aroused as he was. He would fuck her tight little cunt and claim her purity for himself as she offered it up to him.

But she couldn't quite bring herself to do it. Victoire stayed silent, staring up into Harry's smirking face expectantly, and when he twirled his finger, she followed the nonverbal command and turned around, bending over and pressing her face against the floor as she pushed her hips high into the air. Face down and ass up, Victoire shivered and waited. She did not have to wait long for Harry's hands to slide over her body, starting on her shoulders, caressing her breasts, and then moving down her sides towards her heart-shaped bubble butt.

He squeezed her ass cheeks for a few seconds but this time he didn't bother spanking her or even fingering her. Harry's cock was covered in the bodily fluids of three other women as well as the remnants of three loads of cum as he spread Victoire's cheeks wide and pressed his lubed up cock against her asshole.

It gave way, spreading easily around his massive member. Victoire was left gasping once again as she took him inside of her, inch by inch, but there was no adjustment period nor discomfort this go around. Victoire's ass had been remodeled to properly work as a nice tight cock sheathe for the Lord Potter. She was entirely prepared for him and while her butt muscles still clenched down hard around his shaft, Harry had what was essentially an unimpeded journey deep inside the depths of her posterior.

Once he was all the way in, the Head Auror wasted no time in beginning to thrust in and out of her. Victoire gasped as a mini-orgasm hit her immediately, her body shaking as it built to a much larger climax almost immediately after. As he began to truly fuck her ass, Victoire's last resistance crumbled, piece by piece. Her eyes fluttered and began to roll up in her head. Her tongue fell free of her mouth and the blonde suddenly looked like a younger mirror image of her mother.

In no time at all, the part veela was fucked senseless, climaxing again and again as Harry invaded her back door and made his home there. Victoire was as broken as any of his other pets, but when Harry finally came inside of her ass and smacked her butt cheeks one last time, it was over. This was the last day and Harry pulled out, standing up and moving to Narcissa and Astoria to have the two Malfoy women clean his shaft of all of their combined juices.

Victoire looked to her left where her mother still lay looking quite out of her mind and well-fucked. What a pair they made, Fleur flat on her back with her legs spread wide and cum spilling free of her gaping cunt. Meanwhile, Victoire was still face down, ass up, unwilling to even move as Harry's seed spilled free of her butt as well.

And in a heart stopping moment, Victoire realized that Fleur would come back. She'd come and she'd serve the Lord Potter as his pet slave. He would be her Master and she would be happy and Victoire's father would probably never know about Fleur's double life. Victoire certainly wasn't going to tell him. But at the same time, what had caused such sudden grief in Victoire's heart was the fact that she wouldn't be beside her mother. This was it, the end of the week to which Fleur had agreed to in order to avoid Victoire spending any time in jail for her mistake.

She no longer had an excuse to draw upon for why she would submit herself to Lord Potter. Fleur didn't need one that much was obvious. The older part veela was quite clearly willing to debase and humiliate and expose herself as a cock-hungry cunt at a moment's notice if her Master demanded it. But Victoire was expected to go back to Teddy and just be content. It wasn't… it wasn't fair. A single tear slipped free of the young blonde's eyes as her hands curled into fists.

In the end though, when the time came, Victoire got up and got dressed right alongside her whorish mother, Harry's cum covering and filling both of their bodies, though her pussy was noticeably absent as she pulled her panties up and then dragged her dress over her head. The two blonde Weasleys left Head Auror Potter's office, one with her head bowed in thought and the other sending a kiss back towards her Master and a promise to visit soon.


Harry smiled as the floo activated. Ah, there was Fleur now, he'd been wondering when she'd show up. The smile faltered however when not one but two materialized through the floo. Harry abruptly stood, causing a disgruntled whine to emanate from under his desk as his hard cock slipped from between a pair of pouty lips. Without even looking, Harry cast a silencing charm on the bound woman beneath his desk. His eyes were on Victoire Weasley as the young blonde stood there wearing a cute sundress.

In her hands was a leash attached to her mother. More specifically, it was not attached to a collar around the neck but to the chain that still hung between Fleur's pierced nipples. Slowly, Harry rounded his desk with an eyebrow raised as Victoire led her own mother like a bitch in heat. Fleur was even playing her part to the letter, her tongue hanging out as she panted mightily like an overexcited dog.

Of course, Fleur was just a background piece at this point. Victoire had stolen Harry's focus entirely just by being here on this day, a week after her "punishment" had ended. Letting go of Fleur's leash, Victoire stepped forward and pulled her sundress over her head, tossing it to the side and showing off her naked body. Harry's eyes slid down her naked form even as Fleur whimpered dejectedly and fell onto her back, beginning to pleasure herself as it became obvious she wasn't going to get any anytime soon.

The wizard's eyes came to a stop right over Victoire's clit. Where before the young blonde had been completely smooth, she now had a similar branding to Fleur's own. A spell had clearly been used to grow out her pubes and then she'd taken the time to shave them down herself into the proper lightning bolt. It was so damn perfect that images of Victoire inches from Fleur's cunt, studying how it was supposed to look, flew unbidden through Harry's mind.

Still, he didn't react beyond keeping his eyebrow raised. Victoire, flushed red at his attention, stepped forward again and slid down to her knees.

"Please… I need it. I need you. I can't live without you anymore sir. I tried, I really did. You're all I want Master. Your cock… I need it in my filthy slutty cheating cunt. I need you to mark me, claim me… make me your bitch. I'll do anything. Please, just fuck me Master."

Harry stayed silent in the face of such a heartfelt declaration. Victoire had broken, unable to bear the thought of never feeling Harry's cock again. The young part veela was here to submit to the man completely and utterly. He would be her Master, same as he was to her mother and the Lady Malfoys. She knew in her heart of hearts that this was the right move.

After several moments of dead silence only broken by Fleur's moans and mewls as she fisted her needy cunt, Harry let out a sigh and nodded, gesturing for Victoire to stand. Victoire does so eagerly, licking her lips as he once more eyes her up and down, this time speculatively.

"Well, it's your first time. I'll let you decide how you want it to go."

Unspoken, Victoire knew, was the fact that Harry had enough magical might to make literally any fantasy location a reality. If she wanted it in a beautiful room meant for a palace, in a large grandiose bed, he could make it happen. If she wanted it atop a mountain, he'd do it. If she wanted it in a beautiful hot spring, he could do that as well.

Hell, if Victoire had asked him to make an illusion of them in a large arena filled with people who cheered them on as he plowed her senseless, Victoire was sure her newly minted Master could do it. But in the end, that wasn't what the young blonde wanted. In the end, as she truly thought about it, Victoire realized she knew exactly how she wanted to lose her precious virginity.

Sashaying past Harry, Victoire did her best to put a good hefty sway into her hips as she made her way over to his large mahogany desk. Slowly, Victoire spread her long legs apart and then leaned forward, settling herself across his desk and sticking her ass out towards him. Looking back over her shoulder at her Master, Victoire gave him a coy grin, her flushed face the perfect back drop for said smile.

"Please Master… take me."

Harry strode across the room and before Victoire could even react his hands were on her hips and his cock was pushing into her cunt. There was no fanfare, no foreplay, and no build up. Victoire didn't truly need any though as she moaned out wantonly in the same voice her mother used so often in this office these days. Victoire had had all the foreplay she needed in the world these last couple hours as she worked up the courage to go along with her mother to Harry's office for the day.

Her pussy was dripping wet as Harry speared it with his massive member, and her inner passage, while tight and virginal, had been anticipating his entrance for so very long, since the first times he'd fucked her throat and ass respectively. Her body had been preparing for this moment and though nothing could truly prepare her for Harry's prodigious length finally fucking her in her virgin cunt, Victoire was ready all the same.

Her body shook, her tits jiggling as Harry quickly began to thrust away inside of her pussy. Her purity lost, all Victoire could do was moan and groan and whine as she bounced her hips back towards Harry's pistoning shaft. When his hands came up and grabbed hold of her shaking tits, Victoire let loose another moan, glancing down to watch Harry molest and maul her poor sensitive chest until it was red with his finger marks.

The man she'd declared as her Master was neither gentle nor slow in his plowing of her tight young cunt as Victoire let her tongue fall out of her ever open mouth and her eyes began to glaze over from the sheer pleasure of finally being one with her Master. In reality, the young witch was simply reacting to finally being taken by a powerful wizard, her body preparing itself for his seed. Harry would undoubtedly get Victoire pregnant if he came in her today, his magical might essentially ensuring his cum would be virile and bear life in Victoire's womb.

Not that either of them cared about that. Harry was lost in fucking Victoire's tight cunt and Victoire was equally lost in being so thoroughly fucked. As his huge cock continued to plunge up against the entrance of her womb, Victoire couldn't quite stop cumming, climaxing over and over again around Harry's dick. She was beginning to think she'd truly lose her mind from this amazing experience, but eventually Harry did finally cum.

His seed spilled forth without much more warning beyond a grunt. Harry thrusted deep within her and painted the inside of her womb white with his sticky hot cum. Victoire fell forward onto the desk, panting heavily and Harry fell over her, breathing hard as well but not nearly as out of breath as she was. When Harry pulled his still hard cock out of Victoire's cunt, the young blonde realized he was moving onto her mother to satiate himself on the eager and willing slut.

Before he could step away Victoire turned around, grabbing onto his arm. She felt renewed strength flow through her young body as she realized that regardless of how tired she was, she wanted Harry to focus on HER, not her mother. Harry gave her a look and Victoire swallowed hard before stepping in and stroking her Master's messy dick. She looked into his eyes and tried to convey what she was feeling as best she could nonverbally.

It seemed to work, because after a moment's pause, Harry turned back to face Victoire fully. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, his tongue pushing into her mouth. Victoire returned the kiss eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck even as Harry's hands found her ass and squeezed her bubble butt greedily.

Then, Harry abruptly lifted her off the ground. Victoire instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and his cock sheathed inside of her cunt like she was made to be here, wrapped around her body. They both paused for a moment in surprise, as if stunned by how fluidly they'd ended up locked together. Then, they were kissing each other even harder; Victoire feeling desperate to please her Master as he slowly carried her around the room.

He settled into his cushioned high back chair with her still in his lap and Victoire settled with him, happy to act as his filthy little cocksleeve. Moaning happily against his lips, the blonde part veela began to gyrate on her Master's cock. She was just getting ready to bounce up and down on his shaft when she suddenly felt a tongue between her butt cheeks, sliding against her tight little asshole.

Victoire's eyes flew open and she disengaged from Harry's mouth as she turned around. The blonde was expecting to see Astoria or Narcissa beneath Harry's desk playing with her tight little behind. What she saw instead shocked the young blonde to her core. Beneath the magically expanded desk knelt a different woman entirely.

Veteran Auror Nymphadora Tonks sat under the desk, restrained by rope from a bondage charm and silenced by Harry's silencing charm. Her hair shifted through a myriad of colors as she grinned impishly up at Victoire's stunned face. Then, the metamorphmagus leaned in and got right back to work eating out Victoire's ass. At the same time, Harry began to thrust up into the young blonde's freshly deflowered cunt.

Soon enough, Victoire was lost in the sheer pleasure, completely and utterly happy.


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