
The Chateau Pt. 2

Harry knows that picking the Greengrasses over the Delacours last night will have consequences. Not for him of course, both families of women are completely and utterly submissive to him. After Daphne broke last night, that's truer than it's ever been before. He still can't help but be surprised by it, but it makes sense. She's struggled for so long, only to watch as her own mother has fallen to him just as fast as her little sister.

Anastasia Greengrass must have seemed like such a solid rock in Daphne's life, an immovable object, the unbreakable fortress. And Harry had gone and shattered the Lady Greengrass, making her his woman. In the face of that, was it any wonder that Daphne had finally conceded and given in?

Ah, but back to the matter at hand. The Delacours wouldn't just take the Greengrasses' maneuvering lying down. Harry would have been so disappointed in them if they had. That said, he also knew they would need an opening before they made any sort of move. While he could have just continued on as he was and made them work around him, he was more interested in making things happen a bit quicker. After all, they would soon have to get back to the Blood Curse Research, so it was best to pick up the pace, regarding his fun.

And so, he'd gone ahead and announced that he would be taking his breakfast in his study, alone. It was telling that only the Greengrasses raised any form of protest or offered to keep him company there. Harry had no doubt that all three of the Pureblood women would happily spend their entire morning on their knees beneath his desk if he so demanded it of them. They were certainly a needy bunch.

However, the Delacours simply took his decision with a quiet sort of obedience. What one might expect due to their self-imposed servant status as his maids, but Harry knew better… they'd seen an opening. And so, he made his excuses and made his way to his study, where breakfast was served to him by the House Elves.

Then, he flicked his fingers and with a burst of magic, gave himself eyes in the Chateau's Dining Room, where the Greengrass Witches were being waited upon by their Delacour Counterparts.

"More Pumpkin Juice, maid!"

Lady Anastasia Greengrass smirks as she makes demands on Apolline Delacour's time. The other MILF, in actuality a GILF because of Victoire's existence, narrows her eyes but nevertheless does as she's told. And then, she and her two daughters move to the other side of the table and sit down across from Lady Greengrass and HER two daughters.

Anastasia freezes up at the breach in decorum, as do Astoria and Daphne, to lesser agrees. A staring contest ensues between the Lady Greengrass and Harry's Head Maid, and for a moment he raises an eyebrow, wondering who will break first.


It's Anastasia of course, but that was precisely what Apolline was waiting for. She cuts off the Pureblood Witch with a sneer.


Anastasia rears back as if struck, while both Daphne and Astoria are now giving the Delacours their undivided attention.

"All of you are absolutely pathetic. You, who leech off of the Master's Good Nature."

… Ahhh, so that was Apolline's plan. How inspired. Anastasia recovers quickly enough, or so it might appear. Her chest lifts as she breathes in deeply, rising to her full seated height while remaining in her chair.

"You overstep your bounds, Maid. I am a Lady, and a Guest of your Master. You have no right to speak to me this way."

Apolline smirks easily and flicks her hands in a dismissive motion.

"I have every right to speak this way to vagabonds and beggars who seek to take advantage of my Master. You have been fed and watered, for you are indeed Guests under His care. And that is all you ever will be."

Anastasia's eyes narrow, and her nostrils flare.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

Smiling, Apolline gestures to herself and her daughters.

"You think because you hold a position of status over us, that you are above us in our Master's eyes. That he holds you in greater esteem. You are wrong. You have not proven yourselves as we have. You have not given of yourselves, as we have. You could not survive a day in our shoes. With all these things in mind, is it any wonder that our Master will always care for us more than he cares for you?"

If it were just words, Harry is pretty sure Anastasia would brush them off and move on without a care in the world. After all, Apolline could say whatever she wanted, but the truth was, all Lady Greengrass truly desired was a cure for her family, something Harry had already all but promised them. And as far as keeping him engaged went, the Greengrass Witches knew that they just had to use their bodies for that.

… That said, it's not just words. Apolline, Fleur, Gabrielle… all three of his lovely veela maids are currently engaged in the same activity. They're flaring their allures as hard as they possibly can.

It was a little known fact that a veela's allure worked on women as well as men. It just worked a little differently. In men, a veela's allure prompted enthrallment and infatuation. In women, especially adversaries like the Greengrasses, veela allure prompted irrational anger and a competitiveness that would serve Apolline's plans quite well.

Abruptly standing from her chair, Anastasia snarls.

"That sounds like a challenge!"

Acting completely disinterested, Apolline merely checks her nails.

"Oh? What part? Do you think you can ever-!"

"Surviving a day in your shoes! If you think that me and my daughters could not last for one day as maids, you are stupider than you look!"

Its there and gone in a flash of a second. The gleam in Apolline Delacour's eye. Anastasia has walked right into it, that much is obvious.

"Hmph. You imagine yourself capable of dawning this august uniform and serving our Master with all your heart? A day? Pah, you wouldn't last an hour!"

"You're on!"

And there it is. The details are hashed out but ultimately meaningless. Uniforms are brought out and the Greengrass Witches all switch into them from their beautiful dresses. If not for last night, Harry is fairly certain that Daphne at least would have shot this down or tried to refuse, though whether she could actually have bucked from under her mother's thumb would have been interesting to see.

However, given how she broke the night before, Daphne accepts the challenge without complaint alongside her mother and younger sister. Soon enough, all three women are dressed in the same maid uniforms as the Delacours… or rather, the same uniforms as Gabrielle and Fleur, something Anastasia realizes with a jolt perhaps a second too late.


"Silence. As the Head Maid, I will not have any of my maids speaking out of turn. You will speak only when spoken to… or I shall dismiss you from our Master's service."

And like that, the true beauty of Apolline's play is complete. Through a combination of her words and her allure, she has goaded the Greengrass Witches into placing themselves under her control for an entire day. Now that they have lowered themselves to the rank of servants, to that of common maids, Apolline technically outranks them all, as Harry's Head Maid.

Anastasia shakes with barely repressed rage but knowing she would lose the competition immediately if she spoke, she holds her tongue. Smirking at this, Apolline spends a moment considering all of them, before nodding confidently.

"With a doubling of workforce, we shall split into pairs for the day's chores. Astoria with Gabrielle, Daphne with Fleur… and of course, Anastasia, you will be with me."

At being addressed, Anastasia has a chance to talk. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, the buxom Greengrass Matriarch shakes, her chest jiggling from the emotion contained within it.

"Such… familiarity."

Apolline just raises a single brow at her.

"But of course. You are my maids, what else am I to call you by your first names? You will, of course, address me as Head Maid for the duration of your time in our Master's service. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Head Maid."

"As you wish, Head Maid."

"… Very well… Head Maid."

As all three of the Greengrasses bend the knee so to speak, Apolline nods with a self-satisfied smirk and claps her hands together once.

"Then get to work. And do remember, if the Master has need of you… you will offer all of yourself up to him, to serve those needs."

There's a certain interest in all of their eyes at THAT particular order. Even Daphne, arguably Harry's newest conquest, perks up a little, as she fiddles with the hem of her maid uniform nervously. As they all leave the dining room, Harry chuckles and ends his remote viewing spell. A wide grin spreads across his face, as he considers who to play with first…


In the end, youngest to oldest just feels right. Not that any of these witches are truly young anymore. Gabrielle is the youngest, and even she is over thirty. Regardless, Harry goes to Gabrielle and Astoria first, locating them in one of the Chateau's many rooms, dusting by hand instead of magic. The two girls aren't talking to one another, merely doing their work in silence, much to Harry's mild disappointment. He was hoping to catch them being catty with each other.

Alas, out of all three pairs, he supposed that they would have the least reason to be so caustic. The youngest of their respective families, they have less of a dog in this fight. The two of them want only one thing… him.

After watching them for a moment, Harry reveals himself, making it look to the two of them as if he just walked in. Gabrielle notices first, but Astoria is not far behind, and she follows the French Maid's lead, spinning to face him and bowing at the waist just as Gabrielle is doing. Both of them hold the position, not raising their heads even as he admires their submissiveness for a moment.


Only then do they lift their heads, looking at him expectantly… eagerly even. Harry might have toyed with them a little longer if he had the time or care to, but with so much more to do before the day was out, he's not about to spend all that much time in any one place.

Reaching down, he frees his cock from the confines of his robes and smiles as both Astoria and Gabrielle fixate on it. Astoria takes an unconscious step forward, but Gabrielle grabs her by the arm and holds her tightly.

"You do not approach the Master without permission. Apologies Master, this one is… new."

Ah, so that is to be Gabrielle's gambit. She even wrinkles her nose cutely at the word 'new', while at the same time placing herself above Astoria by dint of seniority, despite their technical equal level as his maids. Astoria stiffens as she realizes Gabrielle has done so, but cannot exactly strike back… not now, anyways.

Harry, amused by all of this but also rock hard, beckons the two women forward.

"Come… but crawl."

The maids drop to their hands and knees and crawl over to him unhesitatingly. Together, they kneel before him, with Astoria coping Gabrielle's poster of hands clasped behind her back and chest thrust outward. Stepping forward, Harry runs his cock across their faces for a moment, admiring their pretty features, soon smeared with his leaking precum.

Neither maid protests this treatment. Both stare up at him with an eager, needy anticipation to them, wanting the exact same thing. Reaching out, Harry winds his hands through their respective locks, gripping down tightly once he has a good hold on their hair and using that to bring them both up to either side of his cock.

"Service me."

""Yes, Master~""

Their answer comes in unison, and he can tell from the way their eyes lock for a moment that even they were surprised by that. Harry just smirks and watches as they begin to work over his shaft. In tandem, they start with soft kisses, almost like they're making love to his cock. Their lips press into the sides of his member again and again, until finally their tongues loll out.

Gabrielle is the first to use her tongue, but Astoria is quick to join her. The Greengrass Witch appears to be taking advantage of the Delacour veela's earlier gambit. By placing herself above Astoria in the pecking order, Gabrielle cannot by any right claim that Astoria is copying her, not without seeming petulant and small. After all, it's only right that the junior copy the senior, is it not?

Amusingly, Harry notes that Gabrielle is not technically Astoria's senior. Not in age… nor even when it comes to him specifically. Oh sure, in maid-hood, Gabrielle has an advantage of experience, but in terms of who came first… Astoria has Gabrielle beat.

If one were to look back at his history, Astoria was where Harry had first decided to become more than just the Golden Boy of the Wizarding World. After spending nearly two decades in a loveless marriage and a thankless job, protecting the innocent and receiving heaps of praise but never any sort of actual real compensation for his efforts, Harry had decided to TAKE what he was owed.

Astoria had been the first woman he had done so with, but she was FAR from the last. And now, as if things had come full circle, she was on her knees before him, slurping along one side of his cock while Gabrielle Delacour worked over the other side.

Is it any wonder, that in the end he focuses on Astoria a bit more? Is it any wonder that he ultimately sidelines Gabrielle, in favor of letting Astoria descend down the length of his cock to choke on his massive bitch breaker just as she'd done in his office, all those years ago?

"Glughk! Gluuuughk… Glughk… Glughk!"

As she gurgles and gags on his member, throating his cock in no time at all while continuing to keep her hands clasped behind her back, Gabrielle looks disappointed for all of a second at being sidelined… before a glint appears in her eyes, and she steps back into things.

"Your form is pathetic and your technique weak. Can you truly call yourself a maid, if you struggle with our Master's cock this damn much?"

That's not exactly fair, barely any woman has ever not struggled with his incredibly large member. Still, Harry isn't in the business of being particularly fair or just. As such, when Gabrielle turns to him and makes her request, he's inclined to grant it to her.

"Master, allow me to guide this new girl in how it's truly done."

"… Very well."

His hand leaves Astoria's hair, as Gabrielle reaches up and takes hold of the back of the Pureblood Witch's skull instead. The Greengrass woman's eyes only have a moment to widen, before Gabrielle is bouncing her head up and down Harry's cock, properly skull fucking the other maid upon his massive member, which disappears down her esophagus and into her gullet again and again.


There's something so very pleasurable, about watching one woman debase another on his behalf. Gabrielle looks up at him, face flushed and eyes twinkling with the hope that he approves of her efforts. To show that he does indeed approve, Harry reaches out and runs his thumb along her chin, and then her lower lip, before slowly inserting it into her mouth.

As the veela maid sucks on the digit quite lewdly, even swirling her tongue around his thumb, she continues to force Astoria into the most brutal throat fuck of her life, relentlessly pounding Astoria up and down his length until finally… the Greengrass Witch breaks. Completely involuntarily, but her hands come unclasped and reach out to grab his legs all the same. She barely controls herself, keeping herself from actually pushing… but the act is already done, the mistake made.

Gabrielle scoffs, and forces Astoria all the way to the base of Harry's member as punishment, forcing an even mightier gagging noise out of the Pureblood's mouth.

"The Head Maid will be hearing about all of these little… imperfections. If she doesn't dismiss you before the end of the day, I'll be surprised."

Astoria quickly clasps her hands behind her back again, even as her body jerks and shudders, her choking noises growing more pronounced as Gabrielle uses my cock to asphyxiate her. Harry is a little impressed, Astoria looks like she's actually willing to let Gabrielle force her unconscious. Perhaps Gabrielle notes the look on his face, or perhaps she just isn't willing to go that far, because a moment later, she pulls Astoria back and continues the skull fucking at a normal, if completely brutal pace.

Saliva, slobber, and drool coat Astoria's mouth, chin, and chest soon enough, with Gabrielle being quite ruthless as she forces the other maid down his cock again and again. Eventually, Harry finds himself getting close… close enough that he reaches down and twines his hand through Gabrielle's hair again. The veela maid stiffens, before recognizing what's about to happen.

Yanking Astoria back off of his cock, Gabrielle sticks her face right next to the ruins of the Greengrass Witch's makeup. Harry just smiles, placing his hand back atop Astoria's head as well, gazing down at both maids… before exploding all over their faces and chests, coating them in a truly generous, utterly massive helping of his seed.

He covers them both, and when he's done, it's not just Astoria that's ruined. Gabrielle is just as soaked and messed up, her eyes wide beneath the coating of seed he's left upon her… upon them both. Harry admires their facials for a moment… before letting go of their hair and stepping back.

"Return to your duties."


Gabrielle's confusion is understandable. When was the last time Harry DIDN'T partake of the entire package that his pet veela maids represented? Perhaps it was out of character for him to not fuck Gabrielle and Astoria right here and now… but he liked the thought of leaving them caked in his seed all day long, squirming in arousal and wanting his cock desperately, too much to do otherwise.

"I said, return to your duties. Immediately."

Understanding dawns on both of their messy faces. He's not letting them clean up. He's not letting them do anything but go back to dusting. And so, they do, and Harry sweeps from the room, a self-satisfied smile on his face. Oh sure, his cock twitches with need… he's far from done, far from content. But unlike Astoria and Gabrielle, who will both spend the rest of the day longing for more from him, Harry doesn't have to wait. He doesn't have to suffer. He has more maids awaiting his presence, after all.


When he comes across the next pair, he finds them talking and so doesn't immediately reveal himself. Or rather, Fleur is talking… Daphne is uncharacteristically quiet, partially seething but also almost… introspective.

"I can't believe it took you so long to accept our Master's love. Your stubbornness could have led to your entire family's downfall, you realize that right? At least your mother is a modicum more intelligent than you."

The two maids are currently in the foyer of the Chateau. With matching buckets of soapy water and sponges in their hands, they're on their hands and knees, quite literally scrubbing the floor by hand. It's an amusing sight to say the least, and half of why Harry stays hidden. Fleur and Daphne's beautiful asses, lifted in the air as they scrub away, performing manual labor on his behalf? Certainly, it's a sexy view.

But more than that, he's curious. And so, he listens in, his head cocked to the side as Fleur speaks matter-of-factly.

"If you'd submitted when he first came to you at Hogwarts, you would be much higher placed in the Master's esteem then you are now. Instead, you've fought him every step of the way and look where it's gotten you."

"… Same place as you…"

When Daphne finally speaks, her tone is soft. She's struggling, clearly. Uncertain of her new place in the world, now that she's finally broken for him. Harry can't help but be intrigued. Fleur, meanwhile, lets out a peal of laughter.

"Aha! So, the beaten bitch still has some bark to her after all! The difference between us, Daphne Greengrass, is that I CHOOSE to be here, serving my Master. You, on the other hand, are here because your mother is in over her head."

There's a pause as Daphne digests this, before speaking again.

"How do you know… about Hogwarts? Did he tell you?"

"He didn't have to. Do you think we're idiots? Those of us who serve Master willingly? Do you think we're fools? Do you think Hermione Granger, the smartest witch of your generation, is an ignorant little girl? Do you think I, a Triwizard Competitor, don't know what I'm doing? We exist for our Master's pleasure, but that does not make us unintelligent."

There's another pause as Daphne ACTUALLY has to digest that. But Fleur isn't done yet. She takes in a breath, and then continues.

"We call ourselves the Master's Chosen, for he picked us, individually, to satisfy his needs. There is a lore to that, as there is to everything. I wouldn't call myself a Chronicler, but I have kept my finger on the pulse, so to speak. We all talk with one another, us women who serve our Master. You pick up things… interesting things."

Fleur is about to continue, when Harry's hands descend upon her shapely rump. The veela freezes in place, as he kneels down behind her and flips up the back of her maid skirt, revealing her gorgeous heart-shaped derriere and the fact that she's completely pantyless and going commando. When Daphne glances over to see why Fleur has suddenly stopped talking, she too freezes up at seeing Harry there, his cock out and about to drive into Fleur from behind.

The silence is broken by a chuckle from his lips. Did they truly think he cared? No, did they truly think anything they said was something he didn't already know about? That he didn't know there was a cult in the midst of his harem built around him? Of course, he knew. It was nothing to be all that concerned about.

"Don't mind me. In fact, act like I'm not even here."

His words are spoken with a tone that brooks no argument, and after a moment the tension goes out of Fleur as she bows her head.

"Yes, Master…"

She and Daphne return to scrubbing at the floor in silence that lasts for a moment, as Harry runs his hands up and down Fleur's body, before releasing her tits from her maid uniform as well, giving them a good solid grope. He's about to pinch her nipples and twist them as admonishment for not following his orders to the letter, when Fleur surprises and impresses him by speaking up in a breathy tone.

"Y-You know, your sister was his first?"

Daphne's head whips up at that, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"What? What does that mean?"

Fleur lets out a little laugh, shaking her head even as she wiggles her naked bared ass in the air. She doesn't dare push back into his cock of her own accord, but the offering is there. Harry continues to molest her for a moment longer, before taking it. His massive member sinks slowly into Fleur's sopping wet folds, pushing into her depths with ease as the gorgeous veela MILF lets out a soft moan for a second before continuing on.

"N-Not in the way you're t-thinking. For a long time, our Master… he was lost. Adrift. He was not the man you know now, not immediately. In fact, I would go so far as to say our Master is wholly different from the Man-Who-Won."

As Harry pushes up against the entrance to Fleur's womb, he pulls back and then thrusts back it, fucking her hard and fast, the sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the foyer as Daphne looks at him for half a moment askance, before glancing back to Fleur.

"… But that's his greatest accomplishment, how can you say that?"

Fleur, panting and moaning, shakes her head as she continues to scrub at the floor in front of her.

"D-Don't stop working. And… w-what you and the rest of the Wizarding World called his greatest accomplishment, I and several of my sisters have now come to see as a shackle."

Hm, cute. Harry can't help but be amused, even as he pinches Fleur's nipples between his fingers, drawing them out from her body. She continues to do her best to pretend like he's not there, though her reactions are impossible to contain by this point. Still, in between her wanton moaning and her panting breaths, she continues to talk to Daphne.

"The expectations we all p-put upon him… they kept him f-from reaching his TRUE potential for, hah, far too long. He, nnngh, h-he only broke free… t-thanks to the First Ones."

Alright, Harry was aware of the cult within his harem, but this? The First Ones? That sounded a little ridiculous… but also immensely amusing. Daphne, meanwhile, is baffled by Fleur's words, even as she continues to scrub at her own section of the foyer floor.

"The First Ones?"

"Yes… there are f-five of us. Those who the Master took in the safety of his sanctum, his domain. Your sister might have come first, followed by her mother-in-law, but they were nothing, they did not hold the Master's interest for long. I and my daughter, on the other hand, along with Nymphadora Tonks… we laid the foundation for so much more. For the conquest of every woman the Weasleys had ever so much as touched. And eventually… beyond even that."

It takes everything Harry has to not burst out laughing. It's just… Fleur sounds so serious about all of this. He's never once looked at any of how this started like… like that. Sure, he'd started off fucking married women and their daughters in his office, before graduating onto doing the same in other spaces. Sure, he'd slowly but surely dropped his morals until he was perhaps just as bad as Voldemort or any other Dark Lord, becoming more and more depraved over the years.

He was the darkness he'd always fought again, and not only did Harry accept that, but he also reveled in it by this point. But still… Fleur's 'lore' was incredibly silly. He's only able to keep from laughing at her expense because he's currently ball's deep in the gorgeous veela MILF's sexy body and enjoying her immensely. So immensely in fact…

With a grunt, Harry thrusts forward into Fleur Delacour's womb one last time and paints his maid's insides white with his cum. He gives no warning, instead enjoying her shuddering action as she bites down hard on her lower lip to contain her cry, while also orgasming explosively all over his cock. As he's finishing in her and they're both coming down from their respective climaxes, Fleur looks over at Daphne, face flushed, and eyes lidded with satisfaction.

"So, you see… you will always be lesser. Because you fought and struggled for so long. You are starting at an immeasurable disadvantage."

Fleur's fatalist views on the world, and more importantly, Harry's slice of it, amuse him to no end, even as he pulls out of her and moves over to Daphne. The Greengrass Heiress tenses up at his approach, but he doesn't so much as hesitate, slipping into place behind her and flipping up her skirt, reaching around to free her breasts from their confines as well.

Fleur watches this, but keeps scrubbing at the floor, doing nothing to fix her own maid uniform or clean herself up. After all, Harry had told her to ignore him completely, to pretend like he isn't even there. As such, anything he's done to her must be ignored as well. It doesn't escape Harry's notice that this means she'll have to go around for the rest of the day with her skirt flipped up and her breasts hanging out, her ass exposed and his seed leaking down the inside of her legs.

Meanwhile, as he sinks into Daphne's depths, filling the gorgeous Greengrass Witch with his cock and leaning forward to press his chest into her back and properly mount her, he chuckles and whispers in her ear too quietly for Fleur to pick up on.

"What a load of griffon shit…"

Daphne freezes at that, her eyes going wide as they dart back to him for a moment, as if she can't believe her ears. Harry just grins, gives her a wink, and begins to fuck her. It would appear Fleur has run out of things to say, because while Harry fucks Daphne, the conversation all but ends, the two maids continuing to scrub at the floors in front of them while he takes his pleasure from their bodies.

After a long moment, Daphne subvocalizes a response to him, and she too is too quiet for Fleur to pick up on.

"… I'm sorry, for fighting you for so long."

Harry scoffs at that, and flicks one of Daphne's nipples hard enough to make her squeak in pain. His cock continues to gouge out her sopping wet pussy. Truly, the Greengrass Witch has finally fully broken down. There's no coming back from her admission last night, and she knows it. Unlike some of his other girls who have tried to break free, like Hermione, Harry can tell that it was always all or nothing for Daphne. She's not going to bounce back from this and make an attempt at escaping her clutches like Mione had done, mostly because they simply don't have the same prior relationship.

Daphne had struggled and fought so very hard and for so very long… but once she'd broken, she'd FULLY broken. There was no fight left in her, and while that was a little disappointing, Harry was also intrigued by this submissive new Daphne Greengrass… as well as aroused. Fucking her harder, he disguises his voice with the sound of flesh clapping against flesh and Daphne's own whimpering moans, released through clenched teeth.

"Don't be ridiculous. The chase is half the fun, Greengrass. Don't apologize for entertaining me all these years."

Blinking at that, Daphne's response takes a moment.

"B-But Fleur s-said…"

"Don't mind what Fleur said. I take my pleasure in a variety of different ways. Her initial submission on behalf of her daughter, followed by her family's complete self-subjugation to me, have amused me and pleased me greatly. But your path has also kept me quite engaged. From fighting so hard, to finally realizing that in the end, your place was always at my feet… how can I not be happy with such a story?"

Daphne shivers, even as her cunt walls clench down around his cock in a reluctant climax. She cries out, squirting all over the floor in between her legs, causing Fleur to finally speak up.

"Really, Greengrass? Making a mess when you're supposed to be cleaning? You better not leave a stain, girl."

Daphne quivers, confused for a moment before she remembers Harry's initial order. He watches on, amused, as her entire demeanor changes, as she realizes she's been disobeying him this entire time they were conversing. She hangs her head and gasps and moans, even as he continues to fuck her from behind.

"I-I'll handle it, Delacour… you don't have to worry about me."

Harry does chuckle then, though he doesn't speak to Daphne again. Instead, for her 'punishment', he leans back and brings his hands to her ass… where he rears them back and begins to spank her, one butt cheek at a time until both are a glowing red.


Daphne squeaks and trembles and whimpers as he paddles her bottom bright red, but in the end, she doesn't once speak to him again, even when Harry thrusts forward that final time and fills her with his seed. His cum pumping into her womb fills Harry with a different sort of satisfaction then it did when he filled Fleur. Truly, he had not lied to Daphne. Fleur might have been one of his first, and Daphne might be his latest… but they were equally enjoyable company in his eyes. And both belonged to him, completely and irrevocably.

Pulling away, he leaves Daphne's skirt flipped up and her tits out as she continues to scrub the floor alongside Fleur. And without a single look back, he continues onward, to the final pair.


He finds the last pair of maids in the Chateau's Library. Formerly the Delacour Family Library, Harry supposed it was now an extension of the Potter Family Library, like so many other libraries he'd inherited over the years. Regardless, that's where Apolline and Anastasia are, surprisingly enough, quietly at work.

Perhaps he took too long with their daughters. Perhaps they'd gotten it all out of their system before he arrived. Certainly, there's a tenseness in the air that smacks of difficulty accepting their places at his feet. But that's alright, by the time Harry is done with them… BOTH of them, he expects they'll fall in line.

Currently, they're working at organizing the shelves. Perhaps that would be a job for an actual librarian, but Harry can't be bothered, and given this was her family's library before she gifted the entire Chateau and all of her property to him, Apolline Delacour was the best suited for the role anyways.

As they finish up with the latest stack of books, Harry finally makes himself known, walking into the open and causing them both to jolt. Anastasia opens her mouth… but remembers herself at the last second, her teeth clicking against each other as her mouth shuts. Apolline gives her a smug look, before turning to Harry and bowing low at the waist.

"Master, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the library. Don't mind this… trainee. I'm not sure she's even going to last the day."

Anastasia bristles, but stays silent, not willing to give Apolline the satisfaction of getting to dismiss her right in front of him. Harry just raises an eyebrow in amusement, as Apolline beams happily, the Delacour Matriarch and gorgeous veela GILF looking so overly pleased with herself, so… smug.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Master?"

Harry lets silence fill the space for a moment, lets things turn just the right side of uncomfortable. He watches as Apolline's smile becomes strained as she realizes something… is wrong.

"A maid should not speak unless spoken to… isn't that right, Head Maid?"

Apolline and Anastasia's eyes BOTH widen as they realize he was privy to what had taken place at breakfast earlier in the morning, even if he wasn't actually there. Of course, Apolline can't help herself… she just digs the hole even deeper.

"O-Of course, Master… but as Head Maid, my duties require me to operate on a different level. I must-!"

"And now you're talking back to me. Is that it?"

Apolline's mouth snaps shut, the Delacour Matriarch looking absolutely stricken. Harry smiles at her, softening his demeanor ever so slightly and watches the light of understanding flash across the veela's face. The tension in her shoulder disappears, as she realizes he's doing to her what she did to Anastasia… that is, he's just playing a game with her.

Bowing her head in submission, Apolline lets out a breathy sigh.

"This worthless maid apologizes dearly for her trespass, Master. Please… do what you will with this worthless maid to make up for the transgression."

"Hm… well to start, you're demoted."

Apolline jolts at that, while Anastasia… Anastasia looks unaccountably smug. So of course, Harry points at her as well.

"You are demoted as well."

Now, they're both a little confused. After all, Apolline was Head Maid. She had a position to be demoted to. However, how did you get lower than Anastasia's position of simple maid?

Grinning wickedly, Harry makes a show of looking around the library and snapping his fingers. Every chair in the library… disappears.

"It would seem I am without a proper chair to sit in while I do some research. Luckily… I've just found some new furniture."

As understanding dawns on the faces of both women, Harry just laughs… and gets to work.


Petrification is such a fun little effect, Harry reflects, as he sits upon his constructed chair. Pushing back into the lap of one Anastasia Greengrass, the Matriarch of House Greengrass, he gets comfortable as he rubs his back against her naked breasts. Frozen in place, the Greengrass Witch can do nothing but take it, as her nipples harden against his back, her tits compressing from the weight he's pushing into them.

Once he's in position, he angles his cock downward and then forwards… thrusting it right into Apolline Delacour, Matriarch of House Delacour's puckered asshole. There's a muffled squeal through clenched teeth as he penetrates the demoted Head Maid's backdoor right then and there.

The two older women, both of whom once had power and influence galore in their respective circles, have been stripped completely naked of their maid uniforms, and then contorted into a position befitting of a throne for one Harry James Potter. Apolline, as the one being 'punished' the most, had been regulated to the bottom half of the chair. Her body was folded over itself so that her feet were next to her head, while her ass was lifted up to be the front of the chair's seat.

Anastasia, meanwhile, was the rest of the chair's seat, as well as its back and its arms. Once both women were in position and Harry was satisfied with how they looked, he'd gone ahead and petrified them so that neither could move from their spots.

Sometimes he surprised even himself, with how… inspired he could get. Trapped as they were, Anastasia and Apolline were stuck together, stuck being his chair until he got bored of it. And given how Apolline's ass felt around his big fat bitch breaker of a cock, that likely wouldn't happen any time soon. Pistoning in and out of her ass, Harry raises a hand into the air and calls a book over to himself.

He can feel Anastasia's attention focusing on the book, given its title. Blood Curses and their History in Europe. Yes, it's a very interesting book, to be sure. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Harry settles into read, allowing Anastasia to read over his shoulder. Of course, she can't speak or take notes, so she'll likely have to read this book again on her own time, but he's confident he's being a very gracious host by giving her even this much, especially after she let Apolline hoodwink her into this whole maid competition in the first place.

Apolline, meanwhile, is certainly paying for her hubris as his cock slams home into her bowels again and again as he reads. He doesn't let up for even a second, using his magic to sustain the fucking even in his odd seated position, while his hands hold up the book. One might wonder if he was reading just for show… but no, he was more than capable of multitasking like this.

Ravaging his Head Maid's asshole after demoting her to chair, while also finding a way to cure the Greengrass Family's blood curse after demoting their Matriarch to chair as well, why… that was just another Tuesday for Harry James Potter.

Smirking a little at his own over-inflated ego, Harry just shrugs, rolling his shoulders and rubbing his back further into Anastasia's tits. He quite enjoys the whimper that escapes through her petrified teeth as he does so. Tormenting her and Apolline so… it's quite enjoyable for him. He hadn't lied when he'd told Daphne that it took all sorts of women in all sorts of situations to really get his engine revving.

Witches like Daphne were the kind who fought hard, but were never more than insignificant prey animals, scrabbling against a predator they had no right defeating. Witches like Fleur, meanwhile, were the kind who initially submitted reluctantly, for the sake of another. Fleur had wanted to protect her daughter from the consequences of Victoire's own actions… and she'd succeeded.

She'd succeeded so well that she and her daughter had submitted to Harry and his cock, two of the 'First Ones' going by Fleur's terminology. And then, so desperate to satisfy him, to please him, Fleur had gone on to sacrifice her sister and mother to his whims as well.

In turn, Apolline and Anastasia fell into a similar camp as one another. Both were incredibly powerful women who had it all… but couldn't get what they truly wanted except through him. For Apolline, that was the love and affection of a true man. The death of her husband had left the widowed GILF lonely and adrift. She had ultimately given up her power, her wealth, and all of her possessions to him, because she wanted to belong again.

For Anastasia, it all went back to the Blood Curse… except, slowly but surely, she was coming to understand. The Blood Curse… it didn't truly matter. It was a means to an end. At the start of all of this, she had considered giving herself to Harry, offering up her daughters to him, the means to an end. He was under no misconceptions. In Lady Anastasia Greengrass' eyes, it was a delicate balancing act between giving him what he wanted and maintaining as much of her dignity and power as the Matriarch of House Greengrass as she possibly could.

The only problem was… Harry wanted it all. He wanted all of her dignity, all of her power. Not because he needed it or anything like that, but because it pleased him to take it away from her… no, to have her give it up willingly. That was what he got from women like Apolline Delacour and Anastasia Greengrass. The satisfaction he took from such beautiful powerhouses came from stripping away their power completely, until they were helpless and defenseless before him… and reduced to little more than a chair to support him as he did his research.

With a loud, heartfelt groan, Harry proceeds to cum in Apolline's ass. He fills her bowels with his seed right there on the spot, making her once more squeal through petrified teeth. Her body doesn't so much as shake or jiggle or tremble thanks to the petrification, but he can hear squirting as her petrified pussy nevertheless expels pussy juices all over Anastasia's ass and then back onto Apolline's body and the floor.

Harry, meanwhile, grins as he stares down at the page in front of him. He's found it, amusingly enough. In the midst of putting these two beauties in their place, in the midst of abusing them and using them to his heart's content… he's found precisely what he was looking for.

Pulling out of Apolline's asshole, Harry proceeds to stand up. He doesn't miss the hiss of relief that escapes Anastasia's petrified lips, as her full breasts are no longer smooshed against his back in an arousing but also uncomfortable manner. Amused, Harry runs his fingers along Anastasia's upturned palms for a moment, before turning them over, much to her shock and surprise. She's petrified after all, and should be impossible to manipulate unless the petrification has worn off.

It hasn't of course, Harry is just good enough with magic to be able to work around his own petrification spell. With her palms facing down, Harry moves behind the living chair he's made out of the two House Matriarchs and grabs Anastasia by her hips, lifting her up and bending her forward. Her palms smack into the table in front of her, even as this position results in most of the 'chair' in question's weight resting on her feet and the small of Apolline's back.

"Look at what I've found, Anastasia. Go on, read it."

Even as he tells her to focus on the tome, he's left open on the table in front of her, Harry is driving his cock into Anastasia's petrified asshole. Just like Apolline, the Greengrass Matriarch's ass is incredibly tight… but of course, Harry's thick, throbbing member has no issue whatsoever gouging out a path for itself through her bowels.

As he fucks her, his balls slap up against Anastasia's unoccupied cunt, and juices flick down all over Apolline's face. The Delacour Matriarch can do nothing but take it, not even capable of squirming in her current state, frozen as she is as the base of a tipped forward 'chair.

Meanwhile, even over the sounds of him fucking her ass relentlessly, Harry hears the sharp intake of breath as Anastasia sees what he sees. The next step is right in front of them. This book right here, has the clue to where they will have to go next, if the Greengrass Blood Curse is to be cured. A whimpering muffled moan leaves Anastasia's lips, and he can tell she's excited… happy… ecstatic, even.

Of course, she can't profess as much right now, but Harry lets her know that he's noticed by rearing back a hand and spanking her round behind quite vigorously.


As the ass flesh jiggles back into place after his impact, Harry chuckles and grabs Anastasia by the shoulders, fucking her ass even harder.

"You two make good furniture. Not only are you comfortable to sit in, but you come with convenient holes to fuck silly. Honestly, I'm half-tempted to keep you like this permanently… it's not like it'd be particularly difficult."

Harry senses a tendril of fear suddenly rush through Anastasia, at the thought of getting this close, only to have him take it all away by reducing her to… to one-half of a chair with her fellow Matriarch for the rest of her days. It really wouldn't be that hard, magic was capable of so much. Meanwhile, Apolline… Apolline actually gets MORE turned on, according to his senses.

For a moment, Harry is taken aback, but after thinking about it, he supposes it makes a certain amount of sense. The Delacour Matriarch had no pride left. None whatsoever. She'd surrendered it all to him, along with all of her physical possessions. Sure, she'd made herself Head Maid here in the Chateau, but that was simply because she had seniority. And sure, she'd picked a fight with the Greengrasses, but that was clearly because she felt like they were wasting his time.

In the end, Apolline Delacour, Harry realized in that moment, would LOVE to be nothing but a piece of furniture for the rest of her life. In the same way Anastasia was dreading it, Apolline longed for it the moment he brought it up.

Alas… he still had use for her as a person, for now. Today would not be the day he would be stripping away anyone's personhood, Harry decided.

With a grunt, he cums in Anastasia's ass as well, filling her bowels with his seed before pulling out… and chuckling after a beat, just to make her sweat a little harder.

"No, I think for now, you've both earned a promotion back to maid."

With a snap of his fingers, the two of them are pulled apart. The petrification is removed, and they find themselves quickly redressed in their maid uniforms from before. Well, Anastasia's is the same one from before… Apolline's has changed to an identical copy of Anastasia's, reducing the Delacour Matriarch to just another maid, making her demotion from Head Maid very real.

He does this not out of malice or anger, but because he knows it's what Apolline wants now. And indeed, there's a shudder of arousal that runs through the Delacour veela, as she's further debased, humiliated, and treated like scum.

As the two settle down on their feet, Harry looks between them both, knowing from the trembling in their bodies that they're both feeling the effects of being his combined chair for the past hour, as well as feeling the effects of the rough anal fucking they both received.

"Well, as it seems I no longer have guests to entertain me each night… it will fall upon my maids to attend to my needs instead. I shall see you both, along with the others, outside of my quarters after dinner."

Harry smirks, as the two both jolt at the order. Apolline can no longer dismiss Anastasia from his service, as she's had the role of Head Maid taken away from her. If she wants to win her little bargain with the Greengrass Matriarch, than she's going to have to show her up in a big way at the orgy that Harry has just scheduled for later that night. Her last chance is to convince HIM to dismiss the Greengrass Witches from his service.

Needless to say, Harry is sure of one thing. Tonight, is going to be VERY fun indeed.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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