

The serum had long been stopped manufactured by Alcorp. However there are various underground establishments still making the serum and floating it in the streets. Mutant Slayer, an establishment was formed to tackle this very problem. Mutant Slayer Corp.

Alex and Sandro were the new rookies who have been recruited by the firm to tackle this problem. The two were team members and rode in their cool new jeep that was given to all the slayers. They walked into the office that day and saw the board. The board of leaders who had the highest number of kills.

"Dammit!" said Alex who saw Felix's name on top of the list. 1389 kills.

"That is a lot" he sighed.

Felix was the once bestfriend of Alex but his high school girlfriend Megan had cheated on her with him. He had since then dispised him with a vengeance.

"Forget about him man," said Sandro.

We need to get to the top 10 atkeast, he said.

"287 kills," said Sandro.

"You are right, said Sandro," and walked to the reception.

The lady in the front greeted them.

She id'd them and handed them passes for their suitcase.

Every day a new suitcase was assigned to them. You needed to bring the head of the mutant in the suitcase for it to be considered a kill.

"All the best," she said to both of them.

"Move rookies," said Crimson who had partnered up with Felix. Crimson was a half beast/ half mutant. Who was dead set on killing all the mutant himself.

"Take it easy," said Felix.

"It's okay,"'said Alex and walked away.

"Those bastards," said Sandro.

"What did you say," asked Crimson whose ears were as they sharp as they come.

"Nothing," replied Sandro.

And whispered "Freak," under his breath.

Crimson took a step forward but Felix stopped him.

"Do you want us to get killed?" asked Alex

They walked into the room where the suitcases were kept and took one each.