

Crown Star Cinema

As they entered the cinema, it was empty because Xander had made sure that the cinema was reserved just for them. He knew just how much his brother hated crowded places but as usual, Lisa ruined everything. According to him, it's better to have a hundred people at the cinema than for Lisa to be there.

"Brother Vee, you're here," Xander said and Xavier snapped his head toward him. Did this rascal just call him Vee? No one called him that except for his mom.

Xander suddenly started walking forward and Xavier was dumbfounded. He looked in the direction of where his brother was walking and he saw a young tall man, probably his height and age.

It looked like Xander and the young man were friends. Xander pointed toward his direction and the young man looked at him with a pair of emerald green eyes, just then that lady popped up in his head out of the blue. He closed his eyes, inhaled, and exhaled slowly. After a while, he opened his eyes and saw them approaching him.

They were now standing face to face with each other while Xander was standing beside the man.

"Brother, meet my friend Ivan Li. You must have heard about him though," Xander said.

"Hello Mr. Qin," Ivan said, extending his right hand for a handshake but Xavier just nodded slightly with his poker face.

"Erm... brother you know I always had a thing for designing houses, I always wished I could find someone who would be of great assistance to me and the heavens answered prayers, they sent me not only a real agent manager but the best in the country. We became friends and w..."

"I have no time to spare, Xander. Enough with this never-ending story. Let's just do what we're supposed to do and go home already. I'm already getting bored," Xavier cut him in between his story with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Yes, Xander, Xavier is right, I also have a lot to do," Lisa said and Xander just rolled his eyes, ' If you had so much to do, why did you come along? I'm not the one that asked you to,' he said inwardly.

"So, Xander the emergency was a movie. Are you for real?" Ivan asked with his hands in his pockets.

"Uhm... yeah sorry about that. But it's worth it, the movie is amazing," he said stressing the word 'amazing'. " Common let's go".

"Wait. Let's wait for my sister, she'll be here shortly. She's making a call, that's why she hasn't arrived yet."

"Wait what?!" Xander exclaimed with eyes wide as saucers and mouth agape. "Y-you have a sister? How come I didn't know about this buddy, for three years... three years!"

Ivan chuckled a little before he replied, "Because I didn't see the need to. Besides, I was saving your ass from getting whooped. You really don't wanna hit on my sis or you're dead meat," he said with a wide grin on his face, shaking his head slightly as if he was proud of his so-called sister.

"I bet she'll be really pretty given the fact that you're a sweet piece of candy," Xander said, nudging him slightly as he winked. "And also..."

Before Xander could continue, he was interrupted by the clanking of heels.

"I want it done, no excuses," a chilly feminine tone that demanded 'power' and 'respect' came along the hallway.

'That voice... it seems familiar,' Xavier thought. He narrowed his eyes, waiting in anticipation for the lady to come into sight. He wished it wasn't her.

'It's a very big possibility that it's her,' he thought while glancing at the green-eyed man. 'Those eyes... the aura. But he seems calmer compared to her'.

She finally came to sight and all jaws dropped except Ivan and the expressionless Xavier. Xavier for some reason was surprised but not as surprised as Xander and Lisa and of course, it wasn't shone on his face.

Her eyes were glued to her phone, probably reading something when she walked toward them.

She wore a floral pink off-shoulder jumpsuit that accentuated her curves with a matching headband with her black waist-length hair dancing behind her with every step she took.

Xander scanned her from her pink heels up to her headband with disbelief written all over his face, his mouth agape and eyes wide like saucers.

He lost his balance for a moment, he was fortunate that he was by the wall so he quickly got a grip.

"Ivy Li?" Lisa asked, scanning Ivy from head to toe. It was as if she was asking herself the question since no one listened to her.

"Guys you must've heard about my sis, Ivy Li, the business tycoon, especially you Mr. Qin," he said looking at Xavier who kept a blank expression.

Everyone was dumbfounded, well except for the iceberg who kept a straight face, he looked at her and she returned the look accompanied with a wicked, mischievous smile which spread across her lips but it was gone before anyone could notice. Of course, it didn't escape the sight of Xavier.

"Okay someone please tell me what's going on?" Xander finally broke the long silence, looking at Ivan expecting him to give him the answer to his question but he didn't say anything. He did as if Xander hadn't said anything. After a while, he spoke.

"Xiao Lan, meet my friend, Xander Qin, his friend umm... sorry but who are you?" He asked Lisa so innocently. For a moment Lisa fumed in anger.

'Why didn't he ask me earlier. Am I invisible or something?' she asked herself inwardly when an innocent smile quickly replaced the annoyed look on her face.

"Lisa... I'm Lisa," she said in a somewhat flirty manner while twirling an unruly strand of her hair around her index finger and batting her long lashes slightly. She continued, "Xavier's fr..."

"Escort," Xavier cut in so casually in a flat tone with his hands in his pockets. Lisa subconsciously took a step back out of shock. Did he just throw her under the bus? So heartless.

"Yeah... she's Lisa, Xavier's... escort," he said and Ivy immediately threw her gaze towards her and looked at her intently. Her gaze was so icy and cold that it could freeze Lisa's soul.

Everyone noticed the change in the atmosphere. Only God knew what was cooking up in that head of hers.

She took some steps towards her when her gaze fell to her necklace.

"LW," she read out the initials written on Lisa's diamond-encrusted necklace. She noticed her body language and how she was stylishly trying to make body contact with Xavier and she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at her.

"What's your business with my HTB?" She asked sternly but calmly but Lisa took a step backward subconsciously.

Everyone: What?!

"Umm... excuse me, what exactly are you talking about? I really don't get," she said trying as much as possible to make her voice stable because she was already feeling uncomfortable next to this... creature.

Ivy looked intently at her, searching her eyes for something, Lisa felt shivers run down her spine and a wicked smile crept to Ivy's face as if she had found what she was looking for.

I want you guys to know that sometimes I'll be updating on weekdays. love y'all

Lili_Jcreators' thoughts