
Music by Cavelight

I will also be posting this on Royal Road. A young man who encounters an impenetrable force of a human being - brought to the back of a college campus and beaten to all hell before another man walking beside him is dragged into it as well, but this man can do something no one else can, making him the strongest. After beating the weak, the strong man spat at the one beaten within an inch of their life, quickly vacating the area, fully believing the one beaten was the same as all the others. The one who was beaten, this young man became obsessed with becoming strong after this point and time.

CynicalPepper · Urbain
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2 Chs


Where does an obsession start? Well, we'll go to the beginning before going on further so we can answer that question properly. A young man named Nazaire Martial Driver, also known as Naz - Dark-brown hair that shines against the sun, messy, green in green eyes. On a university campus long in disarray due to its extracurricular activities involving fights, he had gotten himself involved in a bullying situation unlike that from a High School drama, a situation that does not happen much on college campuses - better to say that it is an extremely rare case. Beaten senseless into the asphalt matting below, boots and fits being punted into his body at different levels of force. A man who believes he is weak struggling against the forces he is up against. After ten minutes, they had let up, leaving him a bloody mess upon the concrete floor he had gone limp upon, barely even having a mark on his face except a nose bordering on broken.

Naz struggled to stand, swaying back and forth, barely conscious, making his way to the infirmary. After making it back to his class using the excuse that he was injured during a sparring session, he sat himself down next to a young Japanese girl. She clicked her tongue, eyebrow raised, staring at Naz's injuries, "What the hell happened?" She asked, her questionable expression turning into a scowl.

Naz paused for a moment, attempting to think of an excuse before turning back to the young Japanese girl, "I got my ass beat."

"Better than thinking of an excuse, but..." She paused, sighed, "You really need to do something about those guys, like, you're in college, bullying like this just doesn't make sense."

"What would I be able to do?" Naz asked with a smile, chuckling slightly, hands in his pockets while leaning into his chair.

"At least fight back or something! Maybe learn some Judo with me?"

Naz chuckles, "Fuck it, I might as well."

"You should've started defending yourself earlier, it's not like the school is strict about stuff like that since it's mainly sports-oriented," She paused, "Why did you come to this college anyway?"

"It's cheap."

She let out a chortle, "That's pretty reasonable."

The door to their class opened, someone new entering in a casual lackadaisical manner, pushing themselves through the group of delinquents blocking the doorway. One of the delinquents clicked their tongue but stayed put, noticing the rest of them not paying mind to it. A delinquent follows behind the new student, leaning towards the others, whispering to them, their new classmate making their way to an empty seat.

The young Japanese girl continued, "Also, a tip - You should really not close your eyes if you're planning on fighting someone, always keeping your eyes on your opponent, and if you are planning to flinch, might as well use your arms to do it." She motioned it, putting both arms to the side of her head in a blocking motion before placing them back down upon her desk.

"I'll keep that in mind." One of the delinquents hanging around the doorway made their way down a staircase, crossing over to Naz.

"Come with me. I want you to meet the new guy." The delinquent said, pointing to the newest student in their class, "He just enrolled and we heard he was good so we want to make sure you make a good impression as our dog."

The girl next to Naz clicked her tongue, attempting to yell at the delinquent in front of her before being sat back down by Naz - Naz sighed, looking over to her, "It'll be fine Mia."

She pressed her lips together, annoyed, "Fine... do whatever."

The delinquent smiled at her, his lustful gaze sending shivers down Mia's spine. Naz stood up, following the delinquent, watching as the new guy of the class is lead by the collar, another delinquent's arm wrapped around his neck, though it didn't look forceful. It was a four-minute walk which led them to an open lot within school ground, a group of gangsters and delinquents sitting down, playing craps, and even spitting at each other with slurs and the like, Naz and the new guy caught in the middle of it. Another delinquent came over, pushing away another one while wrapping his arm around the new guy's neck - Invemis Martinez - His first name is bullshit but he embraces it with pride, his strength being a massive testament for that

Invemis, known as the strongest on campus, completely overpowers his opponents to get more and more power within the school's hierarchy, which is what led him here now, leader and partner of multiple gangs and groups within the college. "Hey, new kid!" Invemis smirked, licking his lips as if finding new prey. "Why don't you join us, heard you were good at fighting and I'd like you to come and well... help us with some endeavors, but first, I'd like to fight you myself, that fine?"

The new guy, thick black hair covering his eyes, tall, not too tall though, and you can tell he has some semblance of muscle on him, other than that though you wouldn't assume he was strong at all. The new guy considered what he was going to say for a few seconds before looking Invemis in the eyes, though Invemis wouldn't have realized it due to his hair. "You sound like a bully from the 80s, but I can tell you aren't quite that due to your eyes." The new guy spoke - sharp, concise, contradicting his shy manner.

"Oh~? The new guy can talk shit?"

"Never once wanted to 'talk shit' but... you can interpret it in that way if you want."

Invemis chuckled, "I hate people like you, y'know what, I'll just make you into one of my pups instead. Mind telling me your name?"

The new guy sighed, pulling his own hair back with a hand, still looking Invemis in the eyes, cold and devoid of life, "Kilo."

It happened so fast, so little time had passed. Invemis - what he did was an attempt, barely even able to raise his arm before the next moment - dropping to the floor like a corpse. The clothes on Kilo's body made such a loud noise that it could only remind those around him that of a gunshot. When Invemis was hit it looked as if a part of his face had gone missing for a moment, as if a massive hole was indented into his face as if it were a cartoon. Others quickly reacted as they watched Invemis collapse onto the ground, going to attack Kilo with either only their fist or a knife in hand. It didn't matter though since it all ended the same way, not even a bead of sweat coming down Kilo's face. To say the least, it left Naz stunned.

Kilo sighed, looking over to Naz, "You annoy me... so weak... you annoy me more than these men here... that look in your face, it shows that weakness of yours." Kilo sighed once again before leaving, assuming Naz's face was a look of terror. Before Kilo left completely, he turned back to Naz, "Are you going to celebrate now that you're captors are all knocked out?"

Kilo could not understand Naz's expression at the time for he had just assumed that it was a face of gratification that could be found anywhere on someone in a situation like this. A smile, almost wicked going across Naz's face. Surprised by what happened though overwhelmed with happiness, this is was Kilo had just assumed though.

Naz was surprised, he was also elated, but this was also the start of an obsession. Naz, during that fight, had realized something as he watched. Naz had realized that he shouldn't have been able to understand at all about what had happened in front of him. Naz had realized that he could see almost every single movement and decisions made by even the millimeter. He was also stuck with an incomprehensible fear, he was also stuck with a love and passion that can never leave his body, not after what he had witnessed. Naz had become obsessed with fighting.

In that instinctual fear that could not be torn away from his flesh and bones until the day he would die, in a temporary act of instinctual preservation, he went to Mia's house. A sigh crept at her doorstep, his face empty of emotion, processing every little detail about what had happened beforehand. Mia opened the door, eyes widening in surprise, "What's going on Naz? You never visit."

He kissed his teeth in intervals, "Do you live with anyone? I forgot if you did."

"No..." She could feel her heart beating loudly, her expression softening, "What did you come here for?"

"I don't know..." She watched as his jaw tightened in desperation.

"Why don't we find out?"

Both of them then gave in to their desires, both for different reasons. This is the start of an obsession.