
Mushroom House: I have a wonderful zoo

He is the most mysterious backstage financier in the entertainment industry! They have become popular one after another. But at the peak of his career, he chose to live in seclusion in the countryside! It has opened a 'wonderful zoo'. I thought I would live a leisurely and full life here, but unexpectedly, I became a neighbor of the fourth quarter of "The Life of Desire"! Liu Tianxian: Wow! This parrot can sing "Look at the girl opposite"! Boss Yang: Can I play with your python? Huang Lei: Why is a brown bear so good at cooking? Pumbaa: I'm not as good as an orangutan in dancing

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18 Chs

Chapter 17: The arrival of fairy sister

But now in full view of the public, he is not easy to attack, and decided to find something else to do.

Tang Zhan, who was full of anger, came to the kitchen and saw Peng Yichang in front of the old-fashioned stove, preparing to light a fire. His eyes lit up immediately. He thought this seemed interesting, so he walked over and squeezed Peng Yichang away and said, "Do you want to light a fire? Let me do it!"

Peng Yichang, who was pushed aside by him, was full of question marks.

Is this person mentally ill?

Can't you say hello first?

If another guest wants to light a fire, Peng Yichang will take the initiative to tell the other party how to light a fire in this old-fashioned stove.

But now?

With regard to Tang Zhan's performance in the past two days, Peng Yichang still cares about Tang Zhan's death. He goes to He Jiong's side without looking back and silently helps He Jiong wash vegetables and dishes together.

He Jiong looked at Peng Yichang's expression and saw that Tang Zhan was squatting beside the stove and was on fire in a hurry. How could he not know what was happening? He said in a low voice, "This is the way to record programs. There will always be all kinds of people."

Peng Yichang said "Hmm", but said nothing.

After squeezing Peng Yichang out, Tang Zhan started to make a fire.

Don't mention burning this old-fashioned cooker. Tang Zhan has never used an induction cooker, so he knows how to use a microwave oven to cook.

No one taught him, how could he get angry?

Tang Zhan was in a hurry for a while. The fire didn't light up, but was choked by smoke.


Tang Zhan coughed and complained in his heart that Peng Yichang was not authentic.

Don't Peng Yichang know that he has never lit a fire before?

This Peng Yichang has a small wrist and a high shelf!

I am the top stream of first-line traffic now! You Peng Yichang, a third-tier guy, don't know how to teach yourself!

No matter how much Tang Zhan slandered Peng Yichang in his heart, he would not make a fire, except that the smoke was getting bigger and bigger, and there was no half spark in the stove.

"Ah cough!"

Huang Lei in the kitchen was also choked by the smoke. Seeing Tang Zhan's confused appearance, Huang Lei also knew that this would not work.

He can't help but teach Tang Zhan how to make a fire.

Huang Lei walked to Tang Zhan and said in a flat voice, "Don't put so many firewood in at one time, put some dry grass and dead branches that are easy to catch fire, and add firewood when the fire is lit..."

Although Huang Lei's tone was not very kind, he was not aggressive, but Tang Zhan just heard his contempt from Huang Lei's words.

Although he was not happy with Huang Lei, Tang Zhan could only rekindle the fire according to Huang Lei's words.

Huang Lei taught it several times before Tang Zhan finally started the fire in a mess.

Thanks to Tang Zhan's "help", the meal was much more difficult than usual.

Huang Lei even felt that it was right that Tang Zhan didn't come to work yesterday.

In the future, let Tang Zhan be as far away from the kitchen as possible.

Clean up the mess!

By noon, the meal was almost ready.

At this time, outside the mushroom room, a clear female voice came from a distance: "Hey! Is there anyone in the mushroom room?"

The people in the kitchen were immediately delighted to know that this was the arrival of the guests.

Without raising his head, Huang Lei in front of the stove recognized the guest and said with a smile, "Teacher He, our old acquaintance is here!"

He Jiong craned his neck and looked out of the kitchen window. When he saw the visitor, he rushed out with surprise: "Ah! It's the fairy sister!"

At this time, the picture in the live broadcast room also switched to the road outside the mushroom house, giving the visitor a close-up.

It's Liu Yifei!

Her dress today is very refreshing. Compared with that in the movie, she is less fairy and more lovely.

The audience burst into tears.

"My God! It's the fairy sister!!"

"The program team is too good at inviting! The first guest is Yifei Liu!"

"I always like her! My whole family likes Liu Yifei! I'm going to ask my parents to watch the live broadcast!"

After knowing that the guest coming today is Liu Yifei, in addition to Huang Lei, who is still finishing some dishes in the kitchen, everyone else followed He Jiong out to meet Liu Yifei on the road outside the mushroom house.

Liu Yifei's appearance surprised everyone!

Tang Zhan took the lead and ran to Liu Yifei.

When I was in the kitchen before, Tang Zhan felt very uncomfortable because of the fire. Now when I saw Liu Yifei, I suddenly became very energetic!

This is Liu Yifei, who is unknown in the whole country!

Because of her pure appearance and earthy temperament, Liu Yifei is praised as a fairy sister by the people.

Before Tang Zhan made his debut, Liu Yifei was already his goddess!

He finally felt that his trip was not in vain. Although in his opinion, the program of life he yearned for had various disadvantages, he had the opportunity to get close contact with the goddess Liu Yifei in his heart. Tang Zhan felt that everything was worth it!

The four people came to Liu Yifei and greeted her in turn.

Liu Yifei was very polite and polite to respond to everyone one by one, which made everyone feel good.

Of these people, only He Jiong and Liu Yifei are familiar with each other. He Jiong kindly said, "Yifei, we have worked hard all the way, and we finally expect you!"

Liu Yifei said with a faint smile, "Teacher He, thank you for inviting me."

At this time, she tried to control her inner excitement and didn't show her yearning for someone.