
Mushoku Tensei Rudeus ff

A guy reincarnated into Rudeus Greyrat's body after dying in the almighty hands of truck-kun

1_Am_Nyan99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

Magic Instructor

Few days passed by after that.

A few days ago I tried experimenting Healing Magic, but it turned the tree evolved into a monster called a Elder Treant.

I didn't know what exactly is the cause, but I guessed it must be my fault on filling it with Magic.

Dad singlehandedly killed it and saved the day.

To be honest I didn't know that he would be that strong. That tree looked like it's a hundred years old and Dad just bisected it into half. I had faintly glimpsed the part where he swing his sword so fast in an impossible speed and power, that defied the laws of physics.

I thought I will die the second time, but he gallantly saved me from that monster.

I immediately admired him and respected him in my heart. Dad is just so damn cool!

After that, I decided to learn Swordsmanship from him. I could just ask him to train me, surely he wouldn't refuse his cute son right?

Specializing in Magic is good, but learning the sword wouldn't hurt. And besides as a man, I wanted to be physically strong. The benefits of having a healthy body are many, so I got another thing on my schedule.

As for the remains of that Elder Treant, Dad used his connection as a former S-ranked Adventurer to sold it.

Zenith: "Honey, let's head into Roa tomorrow and post a job for a tutor! We need to make sure Rudy can hone his talents! Honey, we have to get him a home tutor! I'm sure we'll be able to find a great magic instructor in Roa!"

Paul: "Hold up, now. Didn't you promise that if we had a boy, we'd raise him to be a knight?"

Zenith : "But he can already use Intermediate magic at his age! With the right training, he'd be an amazing magician!"

That's right. Just earlier this morning my Mom asked me if I could use some other kind of Magic.

I realize that this is the time to show off my talents and gone all out. I used an Intermediate rank Earth Magic, making Mom and Dad including Lilia gasped in surprise of my overwhelming talent.

My hard work had paid off. I didn't have much talent, it was all effort. I remembered the time where just casting a single Waterball would make me faint.

It's been a year now huh... My Magic Power had grown stronger sure, but I think I still have ways to go. I'll keep training taking advantage of my youth and knowledge to raise my abilities.

Paul: "A promise is a promise, though!"

Zenith: "Don't you talk to me about promises! You break promises all the time!"

Paul: "We're not talking about me right now!"

Iyahh... They're really going at it...

Lilia: "What if he studies magic in the morning and practices swordplay in the afternoons?"

That suggestion put the argument to rest, and my silly parents decided on their kid's studies without bothering to take his feelings into account.

Well it should be a good opportunity for me.

I don't have a long term goal in this life on what I wanted to do, but with my training showing results it was enjoyable.


Roxy: "I'm Roxy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

So young! Is what first entered my mind.

She was clad in brown, wizardly robes, her blue hair styled into braids, her posture prim and proper. Her white skin looked untouched by the sun, and her eyes were somewhat sleepy. Her expression didn't exactly radiate sociability, and despite her lack of glasses, she looked like the sort of girl who liked to hole up in a library with her nose in a book.

In one hand, she carried a bag, and in the other, she held a staff befitting a magician. The family came to greet her together, my mother carrying me in her arms.

According to the book, only Advanced rank Mages are qualified to be a home tutor. And Advanced rank Mages are rare in this world and are considered to be Elites.

Such a young girl is an Advanced rank Mage? Is this the common trope of a super genius young girl in the field of magic?

I only thought they existed in Anime or Manga, but it seems in this world they really exist!

My parents including me looked at her in the total loss of words. I see even my parents are shocked too, it's understandable.

Zenith: "Oh, uh, are—are you the home tutor?"

Paul: "Aren't you a little, uh..."

Roxy let out a sigh.

Roxy: "So, where's this student of mine?"

She asked, looking around.

Zenith: "Oh, that would be our boy right here,"

Zenith replied, bouncing me in her arms slightly.

Her eyes went wide and she sighed once more.

Roxy: "Ugh, this happens sometimes, kid shows signs of growing up a little fast and the damn parents get it into their heads that he's got a special talent."

Hey! I heard that, Roxy! I mean, I totally agreed with her, but still...

Paul: "You say something?"

Roxy: "Oh, nothing, I'm just not sure that your son would be able to understand the principles of magic.

Zenith: "Oh, don't you worry, our little Rudy here is brilliant!"

Yet again, Roxy sighed.

Roxy: "All right, then. I suppose I'll just have to do what I can."

She sounded like she'd already decided it was futile.

Damn you genius girl, I'll show you what I'm made off that I'll slap it hard into your face!

One day I'll become an Advanced rank Mage too!

I might not look like it but I'm a sore loser you know?

Just give me a year or two, I'll make sure you eat those words goddammit...


Roxy: "Okay, so this magic textbook here... Actually. Before we get to that, how about we see how much magic you can use, Rudy?"

Roxy had taken me into the yard for our first lesson. I gathered that magic was something typically practiced outside. Of course what idiot will use that inside a house?

Roxy: "First, I'll demonstrate. Let the vast and blessed waters converge where thou wilt and issue forth a single pure stream thereof—Waterball!"

As Roxy chanted her incantation, an orb of water about the size of a basketball formed in her palm. Then, she hurtled it at high speed at one of the trees in our yard. The Waterball snapped the tree in half as if it were a mere twig and drenched the fence behind it. That must've been a Size 3, Speed 4, if I had to guess.

Roxy: "Well? What do you think?"

Rudeus: "]om has always loved that tree and spends a lot of time caring for it, so I think she's gonna be pretty angry."

Roxy: "Huh? Really?!"

Rudeus: "Without a doubt."

One time, when Dad was swinging his sword around, he'd accidentally lopped off one of the tree's branches, but Mom hadn't been terribly mad about it.

Roxy: "Oh, that's not good, I have to do something about this."

Roxy stammered, rushing over to the tree in a panic. With a grunt, she hefted the fallen trunk back into place. Then, red in the face and straining with exertion, she began to chant.

Roxy: "Nngh... Let this divine power be as satisfying nourishment, giving one who has lost their strength the strength to rise again—Healing!"

Slowly and surely, the trunk of the tree worked its way back into its original position. It's nothing new really.

Roxy: "Whew!"

Just the other day I also did exactly the same thing... it turned out to be a monster though...

Roxy: "All right, Rudy. You give it a try."

Rudeus: "Okaaaaay~."

I'll let you witness my overpowered ability little girl. Don't be arrogant just because you're young.

I'll make you witness that the world is bigger than you thought. Your might be a big fish on the pond, but in the ocean your nothing more than a small little fish.

I gathered Mana into my hands and concentrated it trying to create something out of nothing.

Magic Creation, Size 6, Speed 8, Activate.

Using Magic is quite similar to programming, so it's quite an easy concept to do. I practiced this spell thousands of times that I could use it with a mere thought of it.

I did it instantaneously without delay and launched it towards the sky, making sure it wouldn't have any collateral damage.

The Waterball that is double the size and speed whizzed into the sky.

Roxy: "Wha!! Chantless Magic!"

Roxy's eyes were wide with shock and disbelief as she looked down at me. She quickly regained her composure, however.

Roxy: "Ah, yes, now I get it. That makes sense. Are you feeling tired right now, then?"

Rudeus: "Nope, not one bit."

With me absorbing the Mana in the air, my Mana Recovery speed is faster than what I spend.

Theoretically, I could use Magic indefinitely as long as my Mana Recovery speed is faster than the Cost.

Though it might sound OP, in fact it requires a lot of focus so I can't use it in the middle of a battle.

Finally, Roxy cracked a smile, a real one. And then she muttered to herself.

Roxy: "Maybe it is worth training this kid."

Again, I can still hear you.

Roxy: "Okay, let's move on to the next spell."

Roxy said excitedly, flipping through the magic book some more.

I know how you feel little miss. It's like how you caught a strong Pokemon and want to train it, right?


After the morning practice, afternoons are spent doing some swordplay training with Dad.

We didn't have a wooden practice sword suitable for a toddler of my stature, so our focus was on physical training: running, push-ups, sit-ups, that sort of thing.

According to Dad, getting my body used to moving was the first priority. On the days he was too busy to train with me, he told me to keep up with my fundamentals.

And when it meant fundamentals, it means doing what I usually do. Just more time spent into it.

Normally a young child like me don't have enough stamina to spend the entire afternoon training, but I haven't been working out since I'm 2 years old for nothing. So I have enough endurance to train the entire afternoon.

In fact, somehow I have a faint feeling of a paper thin layer of Mana covering my body. The more I train, the more thicker it get. The progress are snail paced though so it wasn't much.

I wonder what it was? It's worth studying and looking closely at it. I could tell it made my body stronger though. It could be the combat system for warriors and swordsmen since it is connected to physical augmentation.

I still need to deeply study it though to have a concrete evidence.


That being the case, I decided to spend my time at night on Magic spells.

Adjusting the size of a spell increased the amount of magical power needed to fuel it. There was the default amount of power a spell took to cast if you put no conscious effort into it when the incantation finished, and making a spell larger than that consumed an accordingly greater amount of magical power. Sort of like the law of conservation of mass...

Curiously, however, making a spell smaller also consumed more magical power. I wasn't quite sure of the principle at work there, but creating a ball of water the size of a fist took less magical energy than creating one the size of a raindrop. It was weird.

Though I had a theory. Just like how a computer could do precise calculations on a small device, it needed a lot of energy to do so.

Meaning the precise and minute the spell is, the more work is needed to make sure the spell does not fail.

Practicing on minimizing the spell could reduce the cost the more proficient you become to do it.

I asked Roxy for ideas, but she just said.

Roxy: "Yeah, that's how it goes."

It doesn't have any explanation... Some kind of genius young girl you are... Or maybe this world just have a low standard for Researching?

After a while, though, I wanted to move on to actual applications of magic, so I decided to focus on practicing more precise spellcrafting.

I wanted to make my effects smaller, narrower in scope, more complex: for instance, creating sculptures out of ice, making my fingertip glow with fire to write on planks of wood, taking dirt from the backyard and separating it into its constituent components, locking and unlocking doors, and so on.

Reshaping something that was already hardy and solid was obviously more difficult. Working to reshape something as hard as metal, for instance, cost more magical power.

Working your magic on something smaller, on something more intricate, or attempting to work with both speed and precision at once expended vastly more power as well.

The concentration and effort it took felt like trying to throw a fastball and thread the eye of a needle at the same time.

Also doing different branches of Magic at the same time is a quick way to blow off my Magic Reserves all at once. And once I absorb more Mana, my Magic Capacity increases significantly.

My training went on like this, day after day, until I reached a point where I couldn't feel the bottom of where my reserves tapped out even after spending more than half the day using magic.

I even strengthened my Borg to the point of even Intermediate rank Magic couldn't put a scratch on it anymore.

(A/N: If you forgot, [Borg] his original defensive spell that acts like a physical and magical barrier on his body)


One night, while practicing some magic, I heard the lascivious sounds of a creaking bedframe and lurid moaning coming from somewhere. Well, not 'somewhere,' really... It was coming from Paul and Zenith's bedroom.

And my, were the sounds vigorous. In the not-too-distant future, I might be welcoming a little brother or sister.

Still, hearing those gasping and moaning sounds are too much.

Though both of my parents are older than me even with both lives combined, I already have the mental age to raise a kid if I set them as a standard.

Physical Age 3 years, Mental Age 18...

Huh? Aren't they still too young?

Mom is still 17 when she gave birth to me, and Dad is 19...

No thinking that this world is in the Middle Ages, and there are monsters roaming in the world. Life expectancy should be very low too, more or less around 30 years old.

So starting a family at their teens is understandable for the Human Race to survive.

Rudeus: "I need to pee."

I walked out of my room and opened the door. If I need to go to the bathroom, I need to pass by the Master's bedroom so yeah...

But just as I was on my way, I saw a blue haired girl peeking through the cracks of the door. It was Roxy...

Her cheeks were flushed bright red, and her breathing had sunk to a low, rough panting, her gaze locked on the inside of the room. One of her hands was inside her robes, moving about rather suggestively.

Seriously, did her hormones already developed? Is she in the middle of puberty already?

So young!

Let's see...

A genius, young, flat chested, a pervert... If she only had a Red hair then she would be a certain scientist.

A genius perverted girl going by the name 'Christina'.

Anyway I decided to return on my room and relieved myself outside the window. I made sure to erase any trace of such misconduct of hygiene...

Please don't let anyone find out.

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