
034 Sophie

Sophie. 'I hope we can continue from where we stopped 5 years ago'

Audrey. Sarcastically 'Hey loser friend'

Sophie turned and saw Audrey, she looked like she had seen a ghost… She immediately turned and try to find an escape route when Nathan immediately held her hand, stopping her from leaving.

Sophie. Fidgeting 'hi Audrey… it's been erm… a really… long time, yea?'

Audrey. Angrily 'what did you do soph?' Trying to hold a tear 'I trusted you…' She blurted out with tears running down her cheeks. She'd imagine what she'll do or say to Sophie whenever their path crossed but here she is, feeling like a little child that can't express herself.

Nathan. squeezed her shoulder with his free hand, comforting her 'calm down baby, I think we should all sit and talk '

Charlie. Surprised and confused 'can somebody tell me what's going on and who is this?'

Nathan. Giving Charlie his room key card 'please go up without us, I promise to explain everything to you later'

A confused Charlie accepted the key card and watched as the trio walked away. What's going on and who is that mystery lady plus why is Audrey Nate's baby? He had a lot of unanswered questions. He decided to obediently follow Nathan's instruction.

Sitting at a secluded corner, Audrey demanded the truth from Sophie.

A scared Sophie told the whole story without leaving any detail out.

Sophie. 'I liked Nate first, you seduced and stole him from me… you just couldn't accept the fact that I wanted him first.'

Nathan. Shocked 'what are you talking about?'

Audrey. Surprised 'first Sophie, you didn't tell me you liked him, you said he wasn't your class and you were cool with me dating him' she spat out angrily

Sophie. Rolled her eyes 'I am sure that's not how it really went down, you stole him from me… that's final!!! Even though I introduced you to him'

Nathan. Hold on!!! Sophie, you knew I liked Drey from the onset. I told you I'd love to marry her, wasn't it why you introduced us to each other?'

Sophie didn't utter a word, she just stared into empty space.

Nathan. Continued 'where have you been for the past 5 years?'

Audrey. 'You did a lot of damage, I thought we were best friends?' She paused then continued 'I did saw the both of you making out on his sofa' she said looking at Nathan

Sophie. Sarcastically 'yes we did Audrey, get over it as you didn't have the perfect relationship' she turned to Nathan 'I'm sorry but I can't lie to her'

Nathan. Furiously 'what are you talking about? Nothing happened between us!!!'

Sophie. Straight faced 'just because you don't remember doesn't mean it didn't happen Natey'

Nathan. Getting impatient 'I know it didn't happen!!!'

Sophie. Smiling 'ok boo, whatever makes you sleep at night, if I am done here, I'll like to go' she stood up to leave

Nathan. Desperately drags her back 'can't you see, you cost me alot with this your little stunt, I have a 5 years old son that I just recently met, I am in love with Drey and nothing will change that so please just stop'

Sophie. Swallowed to stop herself from crying 'it's the truth Nate, I'm sorry you don't remember the moment we spent together' turns to Audrey 'you just had to win right? I wish you a miserable life together' she added with tears beginning to stream down her face, she hurriedly walked away.

Audrey and Nathan sat still without saying a word to each other or moving an inch from where they were seated. Audrey wondered why both she and Sophie had the same taste in men as it was the foundation of all their misunderstandings while Nathan wondered why he doesn't remember anything from that night 5years ago.

Nathan. Turns to Audrey 'I know nothing happened between us' he declared

Audrey. Feigning smile 'yea I believe you' She said sadly

Nathan. Relieved 'thank God, I was worried You'll misunderstand again'

Moments later, Nathan tried to fill Charlie in with the connection he had with Audrey.

Charlie. Shocked 'Zane is your son? I never expected any of this' he exclaimed

Nathan. 'I am sorry buddy but that is our reality'

Charlie. 'Why didn't you tell me any of this?'

Nathan. ' I am sorry bud but Audrey didn't want it to get to the office'

Charlie. 'You know I'll never intentionally hurt or fight you right?' He Paused to see if Nathan understood where he was going and coming from 'I didn't know the story between you and Audrey before now and I was hoping to start a relationship with her' he concluded

Nathan. 'I'm sorry bud, that isn't an option as I'm still very much in love with Audrey' Nathan replied

Charlie. 'But she doesn't want anything to do with you' he said testingly

Nathan. A little angry 'don't push it Charles'

Charlie laughed 'come on buddy, I know she's no go, I have stopped'

Meanwhile, Audrey was torn, she didn't know what to do with the information she just got, she knew Sophie always had guys problems with her and at the same time, she knew she wasn't a liar… did Sophie and Nathan really hook up? Just then, she heard a tap on her door

Alex. Excitedly 'hiii… I'm so glad you could make it' she hugged Audrey

Audrey. 'Of course I could, anything for you darling'

Alex. 'I wish you didn't move to America, I would have loved to have you as my maid of honor' she said with a straight face

Audrey. 'Either way, I'm really glad I got invited' Audrey said smiling

Alex. 'How's my little man? All grown up now, yeah?' She asked smiling

Audrey. 'Yea, he is this tall now' she raised her hand.

Alex. 'I'm just checking on how you're settling in' she said glancing at her watch then continued 'We ladies are all going outing tonight'

Audrey. 'Oh hoo!!! I can't wait, what's the theme though?' She asked

Alex. Laughing hard 'I really don't know but I know you should come looking sexy' she pecked her cheek 'oh remember, time is by 8 we are all meeting at the entrance of the resort' she added and casually strolled out

Audrey got to know Alex from Nathan, they weren't really close and just casually hung out whenever their boyfriends were together. Audrey felt happy that Gerald and Alex's love story didn't end like theirs. She remembered meeting Alex about 3 years ago while she was out with Zane, Alex was on a business trip when they bumped into each other.

Alex. 'Audrey!!!' She screamed excitedly

Audrey. 'Hi Alex' she replied casually. She was trying to sneak off after seeing Alex first

Alex. Hugged her 'it's been a very long time, what happened? You just disappeared' she asked with concern

Audrey. 'It's nothing'

Just then, Zane who was playing close by ran towards them while shouting 'momma'

Alex was shocked, she knew something was off but didn't expect it to be this

Alex. With certainty 'this child belongs to Nate, you didn't tell him he has a child?'

Audrey. Pleading 'please don't tell him and don't tell Gerald either'

Alex. Concerned 'what really happened Drey?'

Audrey. 'It's a long story and I'm trying to heal from it. Can we talk about it when I am ready?'

Alex. 'Sure, I understand… you still have my number right? Call me whenever you need a friend'

True to her word, Alex didn't say a word to anybody. They communicated from time to time and got close. Maybe it's time she opens up and tells Alex her side of the story.

Audrey. Singing off key 'I'm gonna have the time of my life tonight…'

It was about 5 minutes past 8pm, Nathan was hanging out at the bar with Gerald. As Gerald's groomsman, he had to come up with venue for their bachelor's eve

Nathan. 'I am struggling on where to pick Gerald, you know it's been ages since I left here.'

Gerald. 'You know I don't care about all that right? We can do it here and everyone will still have fun. I need you to tell me what I want to know, what did Sophie say?' He demanded

Nathan. 'She's still insisting that we hooked up

Gerald. 'And Audrey? What did she say?'

Nathan. 'She said she was obviously lying but I don't think she meant that, I feel she still thinks it happened' he paused then continued 'I know Drey and how she thinks. I have to still look for Sophie and ask her properly' he concluded

Charlie. Smiling 'you need to take it easy bud, tonight is about me, let's keep it that way a d you might end up getting luck' he said pointing to a direction

Nathan focused his attention to that direction and for a while he didn't understand what Gerald was getting at until he saw her… he blinked again and again, he felt his heartbeat stop for a moment, then he remembered the very first day he set his eyes on her and it all felt like deja vu