
020 Is he?

Audrey couldn't believe her luck today as first it was Chloe and now Nathan? She desperately searched for words to say but words elude her. She's practiced all day on what to say when this happens and she's presently tongue tied...

Nathan. Hurt... 'hello, D'

Audrey. Trying to compose herself... weakly...'hi' Turning and seeing Allison was still there she silently thanked God... 'Ali, take Zee inside please... I'll be right there with you.'

Audrey watched as Alison quietly walked into her building with Zane. She silently prayed for strength on what to do or say to Nathan... maybe the best way out of this is to tell Nathan he was Zane's father...

Audrey. Stammers... 'I... I... why are you here Nate?'

Nathan. Looked surprised. 'Should you be asking that right now? How can you not tell me you have a child?'

Audrey. 'It didn't come up before now, I'm sorry you got to know this way... it's really not what you're thinking...'

Nathan. Trying to control his emotions.. 'how old is he?' Paused a little 'he shouldn't be more than four or five...' looking intense 'it all makes sense now, was this why you left me? You found out you were pregnant for another man and you left?'

Audrey. Shocked!!! 'What the fuck are you talking about right now? Pregnant for whom?' Tears streaming down her eyes 'you think I left because I cheated and got pregnant for someone else?'

Nathan. Raising his voice... 'then why did you leave? And who's child is that?'

Audrey. Blinked as more tears streamed down her cheeks... calmly 'forget about it Nate, he is my child, my precious child and I don't want to see you anywhere near me or my Zee .' She turned to leave.

Nathan. Grabbing her hand and drawing her back to himself... 'classic Audrey!!! You are not leaving here without giving me a proper explanation, I've been trying for years to get closure on why you left me, I only recently started coping with the way things are and then this?' Paused 'please Audrey, I don't hate or despise you, I just want to know the truth, who is that child and what really happened?'

Audrey. Unable to control her emotions started sobbing... 'please Nate, not right now, I promise to tell you everything soon. As it is, I am tired of hiding as it's really taking a toll on me. Just give me a little time please. I promise to leave nothing out i'll tell you everything soon I just can't right now...'

Nathan. Teary eyes... 'is he mine? I looked a lot like that when I was that age, please tell me D, is he?

Audrey was mortified, she couldn't believe her luck this time. She knew she had no right coming between Nathan and Zane but she felt she needed to as she was scared of falling for him again!!! He cheated with her best friend... what was she supposed to tell this man asking if his Zane was his son? Gathering all the strength she had, she forcefully removed her hand from Nathan's grip...

Audrey. Shaking 'not right now Nate, not right now!!!'

Nathan tried reaching out again to hold Audrey but he couldn't reach her as she hurriedly left him... what was he going to do? Is Zane really his offspring? He saw Zane from afar off before now but getting close to him, he didn't know what to think any more... he stood staring at Audrey's building thinking of the next action to take. He finally decided to go home... she needed space right now, he'll respect that...