
018 Baby trouble?

Audrey was presently on peaceful and friendly terms with Nathan, she kept asking herself why she felt happy about it? He's just her boss for crying out loud!!!

Audrey. Thinking out loud... 'it's fine, we're just friends and I'm sure it won't exceed that!!!'

Zane. Surprised... 'momma... what are you saying?'

Audrey. Snapped back to reality, smiling and cupping his face. 'It's nothing love.' Smiling widely 'how was your day at school?'

Zane. 'It's was fine, James told Tim and Trisha not to play with me at recess, Charlotte said I shouldn't worry that she'll play with me.' He looked at her sadly.. 'James is really mean to me momma, he keeps pushing me whenever he sees me in the hall way.'

Audrey. Concerned... 'what did you do about it? How did this all begin?'

Zane. Yawned... 'I don't know momma, I told Ms. Smith, she, warned him but he keeps saying mean things to me... he told everybody that I'm a bastark.' Paused 'what's bastark momma?'

Audrey. Shaking with anger and trying her best to control herself. 'What's his name again Zee?'

Zane. Looking with wide eyes at his mother 'James momma.'

Audrey. Thinking of the right thing tell her son, draws him close to herself, stroking his hair and face... 'dont listen to James love, you're not a bastark or anything else he called you, you're my precious child and my world. I love you sooo much.'

Zane. Smiling 'ok momma.'

Audrey. Relived... 'now, go wash up and prepare for bed, I'll be right there to tuck you in.'

Audrey couldn't help but wonder how some parents are bringing up their children, what does a child knows about the word bastard? She has to go to the school the next day. She wasn't going to let any dim-wit push her child around or even bully him!!! She immediately reached for her phone to call Tonia who wasn't surprised as Charlotte also told her the same thing. They both decided to visit the school the next day.

Chloe woke up on the right side of her bed and decided to go out jogging early. She would normally do yoga but she chose to jog today. Putting on her sneakers and putting on her play list, she took a deep breath in, closed, opened her eyes and started moving her feet forward to the beat of the music. Listening to 'Russian rollette' by Rihanna, the melody and lyrics got her singing to every word then she immediately stopped, looking few steps from her she saw a small child and a woman who was obviously his mom highlighting from a cab. She smiled widely and approached them.

Chole. 'Audrey right?'

Audrey. Shocked to see Chloe 'yea, ooh wow... hello Chole, do you stay around here?'

Chloe. Smiling 'yes, I stay in this neighbourhood.' Paused to look at Zane

Zane. Impatiently. 'I can see Charlotte and Mrs. Tonia momma, can I go meet them?'

Audrey. Thinking 'damn boy!!!' Smiling uncomfortably. 'Ok Zee, I'll catch up with you.'

Chloe. 'Wow, is he yours.' Impatiently waiting for an answer.

Audrey. Breath 'yes Chole, I need to go, it was nice seeing you again.'

Chloe. Smiling 'yea, same here.'

On her way back home, Chloe decided this news wasn't what she should keep to herself, she needed to be sure Nate knew Audrey had a child...

Chloe. On her phone... 'Hi Nate, so I just ran into Audrey, apparently she has a child. I'm calling to check and make sure you're already aware of that.
