
008 Audrey’s ill luck

Audrey couldn't belive her ill luck, this was exactly what she was trying to avoid when she left Toronto... how is this even possible? Of all places a law firm? In America? Her heart kept racing as she walked the street of Los Angeles aimlessly... what was she going to do? Should she move back home? She just started working here and there're so many benefits especially for Zane... boom!!! It dawned on her...

Audrey. Panicking... 'what am I going to do? Nobody should know about this...' to herself 'I need to put myself together!!! I won't let that asshole win!!!' A little relieved 'he doesn't have to know about Zane... I need this job and am definitely not going down without a fight!!!.'

Pulling herself together, she walked back to the office...

Audrey. Talking to herself out loud. 'If there's anybody to hide or feel guilty, it's not me!!! It's definitely not me!!!' Feeling relieved, she crossed the street and went back to work.


Nathan wasn't too surprised with the turn of event, he envisioned the whole scenario.

Nathan. Laughing hard... 'I didn't expect anything less from you, always running from your problems like it'll fix it!!!' Looking sternly 'I'll make sure you have no where to go and beg me to forgive you.' He turned to the intercom..

Nathan. 'Judith get me a cup of coffee, check on the paralegal that just left here, ask her to report to my office ASAP....' pausing a little 'good!!! Send her in.'

On getting back, Audrey considered going back to Nathan's office or going home claiming she's under the weather, she hesitated for a while then finally made a decision on the former... getting to the 18th floor, she met Judith on the intercom saying 'she already here...' it made her froze in her track...

Judith. Glaring 'Mr. Stewart will see you now!!!'

Audrey quietly knocked and enter his office all ready for the war brewing between them...

Nathan. Mockingly... 'Ms. Montgomery, hope you're better now...'

Audrey. Glared at him, decided to keep her cool... 'yes, thanks for asking... I'm sorry about earlier I ate something that didn't quite agree with my stomach... I'm fine now...'

Nathan. Raising an eyebrow 'sit please, I need your help on a case... I don't know if you've heard of the multimillion dollars resort case?'

Audrey. Nodding. 'Yes, I was briefed about it before coming to you.'

Nathan. Relieved 'good that's what we'll be working on.'

Audrey. Hesitant... 'I think you should get somebody more experienced, I just started...'

Nathan. Cutting in 'do you lack the experience to do the job? Last I checked, you came highly recommended by your superior...' paused... 'I don't want to hear any of this, get a copy of the case file from my secretary, study it properly we'll begin going over it tomorrow.'

Audrey. Shocked 'I ermmm...' Took a deep breath 'ok sir...' walking out of his office, Audrey kept wondering if she could get out of working with him, she was out of options today, she was definitely going to come up with a new excuse tomorrow....

Nathan silently commended himself on how well he addressed her... he pat himself, smiling and telling himself that he's got her where he wants her to be, he's not letting go no matter what!!!