
A Weapon's Epilogue? 1

What do you call a being that has concluded its purpose?

A tool that has fulfilled its prerogative?

What comes after the end? After the mission is concluded, what awaits me?

Such thoughts ran through my mind as I walked through the halls of the New Cadia installation. 

I was not born in the traditional way; I was a creation, a being formed out of primordial energy meant for one singular purpose. To slay anything that my master needed me to kill. In my journeys, I've been compared to many a guardian, a murderer, a saint, a devil, and so many more.

I was created hundreds of years ago and told to do the bidding of those who created me. And so began the endless cycle. I was sent on a mission. I killed those I needed to kill, and that was it. It was simple, and I never questioned it because I was not created to question it. 

From Eldritch beings to Rogue Multiverse creators, I have seen and slain them all if need be. In comparison to most, I would seem infallible and Unstoppable, but even now, I could never compare to the master. For it is but simple logic: if I am this powerful, how strong can the being that created me be?

I never once raised my voice nor contradicted an order. It's funny as I've never even seen the true face of my Creator, as any time I would meet them, they would be through an indistinguishable avatar or some type of other messaging method. Sometimes, it would be through a mortal proxy; others, it would be through more normal messaging methods such as emails or sheets of paper appearing before me.

You could say I was paid for this as the powers and knowledge I gained through slaying so many beings was my reward. I never questioned my creation or my reason for being. The master was simply too boundless to deal with such small threats, so he dealt in proxies and created those to do the work for him as it was beneath him at every level.

My musings were cut short as I entered the throne room and bowed before the avatar of my Master Linus Ozias as his first queen sat next to him with that ever-present smile on her face with her nine tails wrapped around them both as they stared at me and through me.

"Welcome back, Morder. Has the mission been completed?"

"Yes, my king, the rogue gods of multiverse sector 69 have been taken care of. The remaining rogue gods have now been culled. What shall be my next mission, my Creator? "

The Creator stood up with his endless wings spreading out across the room, and as he approached me, I awaited my end as is a fate befitting of a being whose purpose has been fulfilled, and as I dared not look up, I felt a hand upon my shoulder, and as it was placed there, I could sense the unending strength of the being who had created me once more.

"Do you not fear for your life, Morder?"

"If you seek to end me, my king, then I offer you my life. My mission is fulfilled, and I am in no way bereft of memories. All I may ask is that my items and equipment be given to others to use for the kingdom." The hand upon me slowly reached up to my neck, and as I expected the end, he placed a hand on my head and bid me to rise.

"My queen, it seems that our slayer is having an issue. What shall we do with him?" Queen Yasaka then strolled down from her throne and leaned on her husband while saying in a voice that could enrapture worlds, "I believe we both know what must be done, my dear. Morder, look at me."

I followed her command and raised my head to one of the rulers of this kingdom with the utmost respect. She would look me over with the same care and love as she does all this realm's beings and say, "Take a break."

Excuse me, what?

"You are excused Morder." My king says with a smirk on his face.

The Queen then lightly slapped the king on the head as he chuckled at what I believed to be a joke and would then say, "Morder, you have served the kingdom of New Cadia for countless eons and have fought on our behalf for so long. So we offer- no, we order you to take a break. Besides, Kunou has been waiting for your return for such a long time."

My king then says as he turns away from me, "It is rather simple logic. You have done much good for the Kingdom and deserve a reward. I may not always show it, Morder, but all of us value you and your work. Because of your efforts, you have saved quintillions of beings, all of which are being brought into the kingdom of New Cadia as we speak. They shall be given enriched lives all thanks to your efforts. That is no small matter, no matter how much you think it is."

He would then gesture to the countless universes moving in the distance, with the Queen and I watching as my king moved worlds as simply as one would breathe. But the fact that I was being rewarded for what I had done still irked me in some way.

The curator would then look back to me with his eyes brimming with pride and endless enthusiasm that never seemed to waver, with the Queen ever smiling as they enjoyed simply being with each other. The other queens feel the same but are not present as they watch over their domains other than Queen Ophis, as she is constantly learning new recipes for the chefs to create.

My king, as he walked back to the throne, would then say, "Make no mistake; you are not being relieved of duty just yet. Consider this again a vacation or a break. I believe a few hundred years would suffice, don't you think, Yasaka? "

My Queen would nod as I was left surprised by the generosity of this gift but was unable to show it as I needed to remain ever vigilant in the presence of my Creator. They would then raise their hands, place their hands together, and form what looked like a vial of liquid, which was my core.

When I was formed using primordial energy, I was also infused with what my Creator refers to as a meta essence, which allows me to slay gods and other beings similar to them. It is also my limiter and their way of controlling me should I ever find myself enraged in some way.

As they form the vial in front of me they both float it in front of me with my king, then ask "Will you take it Morder? This may your one chance to do so."

I looked at the vial that was the core of my being and shook my head in refusal, as that vial was my weakness for a reason. My power, should it go out of control, could be used against the kingdom, and that is unacceptable. So, as I use my telekinesis to flatten it back into my king's outstretched hand, he smiles warmly, but I can see some hidden emotion behind it.

He sighs, releasing small starts from his very breath as the Queen holds out her hand, expecting something with the king grumbling on how women's intuition is bullshit. I am somewhat confused, but I assume that my lords had made a bet concerning me taking the vial for myself, and my king lost.

"Well, Morder, is there any place you would like to go?" My king would ask as I pondered what I should do next.

I had never had such a choice before, and I was flummoxed by the opportunity. Yasaka then said, "I understand the choices are nearly infinite, so might I offer a possibility?"

I then nodded to the Queen as she opened a portal to an open plain, and as I started through it, I could not sense anything, which I attributed to my king limiting my senses. He is most likely doing this in order to test my resolve to jump into the unknown, but as I looked at them both, I nodded, accepting it as I trusted them with my life, and they feel the same.

She would then close the portal and say, "You should gather your things and meet my daughter before you go. She has missed you, you know."

I then bow to them both as I exit the throne room and head to the healing church where Princess Kunou leads research into nature and healing-based magics and concepts.

(Third Person POV)

"You know he would not have taken the break without us asking him to, right?" Linus Ozias says to his Queen.

"Yes, I know he is a hard worker, but it's almost frightening to see his determination to fulfill his mission. Doesn't he remind you of someone? " Yasaka then gave Linus a pointed glare.

"Well, he did a train with the original god slayer himself. Besides, Kratos is loving his life right now, and Morder is his best student. He said so himself." Yasaka would sigh while looking back to the door to the throne room.

"Are there any more Rogue multiversal gods that require our attention at the moment, my love?" Linus, in response to the question, would shake his head.

"Thankfully, no, as each and every one of them is such a headache as most of them are reincarnators given systems meant to grow like parasites until they devour their host's ego without them even knowing. In truth, I blame all the random omnipotent beings mucking about in the Omniverse. Luckily, I was able to secure that primordial energy in order to create my no our guardian." The two would share a knowing look before hugging one another.

"I do know why you decided to give him this break. You are afraid that he would become just like those counter Guardians of Alaya. But it does beg the question, my love, why would you give him sentience?" Linus would simply stare off into the distance, thinking to him myself on that very question.

"It's rather simple my beloved Kitsune it is because I do it in spite of that dreaded title and while I do admit that such people are needed they should never be treated as simple murder machines. The multiverse and omniverse at large deserve better. He deserves better for his service." The answer satisfies the Queen, but not before she gets up with a knowing smirk.

"Well, since you created him like how he is, you are going to have to deal with the consequences because you and I both know that our daughter has had eyes for him for a long time, and I blame you, by the way, for that as that damn essence of his makes him a woman slayer without even meaning to. And before you go and berate him, do know that this is your fault for giving him that Essence in particular." 

Linus would shake in paternal rage as he considered giving Morder the shovel talk, but the look on his wife's face shut him up.

Sighing to himself, he returned to his true body as being a ruler of a multi-multiversal empire is not all fights and action. At the same time, Queen Yasaka would go to the healing church to spy on her daughter and Morder. It is so rare that her husband allows one of his daughters to court one of his men or workers.

It's also prime blackmail opportunity time, so the tricky Kitsune conceals herself and follows the lonesome man as he tries to talk to her daughter.

(Morder POV)

The Empire of New Cadia is vast and not only in its size but also its reach in terms of technological and magical prowess as one, if they so desired, could teleport themselves to any part of the Empire if they remembered it. 

There were privacy wards set into place so people could not just teleport into someone's house or private areas, but it has definitely helped as there is virtually no traffic on the roads other than people deciding to use cars for the novelty.

The healing Church lies in the center of the capital of New Cadia, right next to the Imperial Palace, and is the home of Princess Kunou, the crown princess of the Empire. 

The size of the building would be comparable to that of a small city, but thanks to the simple layout, people are rarely lost, and in the event of someone being lost, there are many robots prepared to guide people around.

I would teleport to the main office directly as I was given access to the entire Empire as its guardian and as I teleported in front of the door before even knocking I would be slammed into by the Princess herself.

"Morder! It's good to see you! Do you require whaling? Did those bastard gods do anything to you? I shall take them on myself." Before the Princess could destroy the local Multiverse, I grabbed onto her and lifted her up while holding her closely to avoid any assassination attempts.

The Princess, most likely growing red from Rage, would say, "Please let me down, Morder." I would concede to the command and place her in her chair as I bowed in front of her table.

"The Queen said you wish to see me, Princess. Is there something you require of me?" My question is met with a frown as she pouts and turns away.

"Meanie. Looking all cool and serious, it's unfair. But no, Morder. I just wanted to talk to you before you head off. I had heard from Father that he offered you a vacation. Are you planning to take it?" I would say that it was mostly an order on his part, but I simply nodded my head in affirmation.

She would smile at me as she bid me to rise, and as I did so, she would cup my face with her nine tails as she sighed to herself, "I'm happy for you, my guardian. You deserve it and more. I still remember that time you kept me from getting captured by the spawn of Cthulhu. I had never been so embarrassed by tentacles before!"

Yes, I remember that vividly as during that time, we were in peace talks with Azazoth in order to keep the Eldritch beings from certain parts of the Omniverse, but some cults got uppity and tried to ruin the peace talks. 

I could remember those damn endless tentacles of his. It was insulting that such beans would dare try to strike the Royal Family! So I destroyed all the cults in that universe in a rage.

"If you feel embarrassed by the experience, my lady, you need not remember them. I have already dealt with that entire universe. Do you require anything else, Princess?" She then placed her head in her hands as she leaned on the desk.

"I mean, I also want a vacation, but my father said I can't take one because I decided to create this institution and took this position. It's tyranny, I say, Morder!" I would say how this Empire is run through a monarchy, but I say nothing.

"My lady, if you asked your lordship for a break, he should allow you to do so. You know how much he cares for you and your health." My response brought a smile to her face as she nodded to herself.

"But what about you, my guardian? Do you care for me as he does?"

"You are the first princess of the Empire and one of the most amazing beings I could ever encounter in this short existence of mine. If there were ever a time to lay down my life, I would gladly do it in service to any of the Royal Family and to you without question." She smiles solemnly as she sighs in frustration but says nothing.

"I hope you enjoy your vacation, my guardian, but will you answer my calls if I need you?" I ask with ascertain softness as I walk up to her and kiss her palm.

"I will say it once, and I shall say it again at your call. I will be there, for I am your guardian for a reason. Now I must be off, Princess, and make sure to watch your eating habits. I have heard that eating too much ramen is bad for you." At my answer, she simply scoffs in amusement, and I teleport out of there while she turns in her chair, still red from anger after remembering that conference, of course.

As I returned to my residence, I walked into my home and gathered my items in my pocket space, from food to weapons and books to read. I had never taken a vacation before, so I pretty much-packed everything. Thankfully, everything could be replicated, so I technically took nothing from my house.

I then decided to take a shower, and as I washed off the remaining grime from battle, I exited my shower and prepared my stuff. It barely took a few seconds as I raced through my home. 

Multiple movement techniques perfected over hundreds of years have made me a very meticulous being. And reminds me of the time when I was first created as when I tried to use my full speed I accidentally flew the span of multiple universes in seconds.

Now, I summoned the portal that my Queen opened and entered it. Upon the portal closing, I looked out to what looked like the Aegean Sea and took a breath.

The one question on my mind is, what exactly do I do on a vacation?

Essences used: Anti Immortal

Current World: Fate (Ancient Greek Times, Aka Age Of Gods Still Going On)