
Multiverse : start in Naruto as uchiha shisui

mc got reincarnated as shisui with gacha powers but lost his memory's, loses his eyes and clan then when his memory returns what will happen ? it involves multiverse traveling. mc travels to boruto verse from his world and vise versa mc world is au so some changes may happen this is a fanfiction , everything used belongs to their original owner

gacha927 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

testing skills

Sarada's POV

I asked, "What do you mean?" My voice trembled slightly, betraying my unease as I tried to grasp the gravity of the situation. He paused, turning toward me with his eyes tightly shut. A shiver ran down my spine. Was he truly blind, or was this some elaborate ruse to unsettle me?

He spoke softly, "Let's put that aside for now. What matters is explaining why you're here." His calm demeanor only heightened my growing anxiety. He knew why I was here, but the reality of this place remained shrouded in confusion. This wasn't Konoha, and the circumstances of my arrival were a mystery. The unsettling feeling that he might be behind it all gnawed at me.

He stood in silence for a moment, as if weighing how to proceed. Finally, he said, "We can discuss my name later. For now, you're in the past—or more accurately, an alternate timeline of the past." His words felt like an intricate puzzle I couldn't solve. "When you died and answered 'yes' to the question, it meant you agreed to become my subordinate."

A jolt of disbelief surged through me. His cryptic words pierced through my understanding. "What are you talking about?" I demanded, my frustration bubbling to the surface.

He seemed to anticipate my confusion. "Let me clarify. Do you have any friends?"

"Yes," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite my mounting anxiety.

He probed further, "Name some."

"Chocho, Mitsuki, Inojin," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He stopped me abruptly. "Other than Chocho, the rest are boys, correct?"

I nodded, a cold sweat forming on my brow.

He continued, "In another alternate world, for example, Chocho might be a boy, while Inojin be a girl. Do you understand now?"

I was beginning to piece it together, but it felt surreal. "So, you're saying there are different versions of our world, with altered roles and realities?"

"Exactly," he said, his tone both soft and firm. "Every choice, every action, every event can lead to a different reality. Imagine a world where your parents never met, or where their gender were reversed. The possibilities are infinite and beyond imagination."

I felt overwhelmed. "But how did I get here?"

He answered, "Through a contract. I have the ability to connect with different worlds and make contracts with people to become my subordinates. This process is random, and you were the first I reached."

The realization hit me with force. I understood now why I felt an involuntary urge to obey him—it was bound by the contract. "Can you send me back?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of hope and desperation.

He shook his head slowly. "No, I cannot. As I mentioned, the connections are random, so I can't predict when or if I'll connect with the same world again. Even if it were the same world and time, the contract only allows me to bring people here, not to return them. At least, not at this moment."

A heavy silence settled between us. The weight of my predicament sank in deeply—trapped in an alternate reality with no clear path back, no immediate answers, and a gnawing uncertainty about what lay ahead.

He then said, "Alright, enough talking. Let's see what skills you have." I glanced at him, my heart racing. He continued, "Remember, you died and agreed to be my subordinate. In fact, I'm debating whether to kill you now. But since you have no ties to this world, I'll spare you—for now." With that, he moved outside.

He despises me, but why? He didn't kill me because I'm from an alternate reality. If I were from this world's future, he would have killed me without hesitation.

Shisui's POV

I turned around and saw her already poised for battle, her eyes locked with a steely determination. "You start," I said, readying myself. Without a moment's hesitation, she launched a barrage of kunai. I moved with practiced ease, sidestepping the projectiles as they whizzed past me and embedded themselves into the ground behind me.

Her next move was even more aggressive. Shuriken flew through the air, their trajectories meticulously calculated. I twisted and turned, narrowly avoiding each one, but her strategy was relentless. She created two shadow clones, and together they unleashed another wave of shuriken. The clones were perfectly coordinated, each aiming to cut off my escape routes.

I pivoted, evading the shuriken with a combination of swift movements and tactical positioning. She was closing in fast, her Sharingan spinning with focused intensity. Despite her advanced vision, I could tell she was struggling to keep up.

As she closed in, she engaged in close-quarters combat, her kunai flashing with deadly intent. Her strikes were fast and precise, aiming to overwhelm me. I blocked and deflected with my sword, the clang of metal ringing through the air. Her Sharingan is open, but even with her enhanced perception, her attacks were still falling short.

Realizing her current strategy wasn't working, she leaped back onto a tree branch, gaining a height advantage. From there, she began throwing shuriken again, this time with increased speed and precision. The shuriken seemed to come from all directions, creating a deadly storm of metal.

I moved with fluid grace, dodging and weaving through the shuriken, but I knew she was setting up for something bigger. Her hand began to glow with chakra, and the Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Jutsu erupted in a blazing inferno. The flames roared toward me with fierce intensity.

Drawing my sword, I infused it with armament haki and slashed through the fire, cutting the flames into harmless embers. The heat was intense, but I pressed forward, closing the distance between us with rapid strides.

As I appeared directly in front of her, she seemed momentarily stunned by my speed. Reacting quickly, she jumped back, summoning shadow clones in a desperate attempt to distract me. The clones surrounded me, each attacking with kunai.

I cut through the clones with decisive swings of my sword, dispersing them one by one. Amidst the chaos, I focused on her, sensing her next move. She landed on the ground, her hand crackling with the unmistakable energy of Chidori.

She charged at me with lightning speed, her Chidori aimed directly at me. I blocked her attack with a precise parry, the clash of lightning against my sword creating a blinding flash and a shockwave that threw both of us back.

Recovering swiftly, she landed gracefully and immediately went on the offensive again. She performed a series of rapid hand signs, summoning a swirling vortex of wind with the Wind Style: Gale Palm. The powerful gusts of wind were designed to throw me off balance and force me into a vulnerable position.

I countered by spinning my sword in a wide arc, creating a protective barrier that deflected the wind. The intensity of the wind pressure made the fight even more challenging, but I held my ground, watching her closely for any sign of her next move.

Panting heavily now, her chakra reserves visibly depleted, she threw a handful of explosive tags, aiming to create a diversion. I quickly assessed the situation and used a combination of speed and agility to dodge the blasts.

With a final burst of energy, she executed a high-speed dashing technique, aiming to land a decisive strike. I anticipated her move, bracing myself for the attack. As she closed in, I deflected her kunai with a swift block and used the opportunity to close the distance. With a decisive movement, I pressed my kunai against her throat, bringing the fight to a tense and precarious standstill.


Author's pov

She does have loyalty ,but remember she is neither a slave nor a machine. She has her own emotion. That's why she was answering his questions . Also showing emotions doesn't mean she is not loyal. Remember she is not a doll. She is loyal to mc , but now only to level to not harm him OR spill his secrets. Her loyalty will increase in future. It's like level 1 to 10 , now she is 1.

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