
Multiverse : start in Naruto as uchiha shisui

mc got reincarnated as shisui with gacha powers but lost his memory's, loses his eyes and clan then when his memory returns what will happen ? it involves multiverse traveling. mc travels to boruto verse from his world and vise versa mc world is au so some changes may happen this is a fanfiction , everything used belongs to their original owner

gacha927 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

reaction from other villages 2

Hidden Stone Village, Land of Earth

Tsuchikage Office

A small man with hair already white, betraying his age, sits in a large chair behind a desk cluttered with stacks of paperwork. Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage, is deeply immersed in the burdens of his office, the weight of leadership etched deeply into his features. His eyes scan the endless paperwork, his brow furrowing in concentration as he pushes aside a pile of documents and reaches for a new stack. The office, though grand, is overwhelmed with the clutter of an unending administrative burden.

Onoki's POV

All this paperwork... What on earth does Deidara see in explosions? Art? How can such destruction be considered art? I invested years training him to succeed me, only for him to cast aside his responsibilities for a personal folly. He had the potential to lead this village in a few years, but now he's lost in his misguided vision. It's maddening. I can't believe the lengths to which he's gone. If only he had stayed focused on his duties. Now, our village could suffer because of his reckless actions. I've seen many things in my time, but this betrayal... it cuts deep.

Knock on the door.

I said, 'Come in.'

The door opens slowly, and an officer steps inside, his face etched with grave concern. He approaches Onoki's desk with deliberate steps, his uniform slightly rumpled as if he has rushed to deliver this message.

"Sir, urgent news from Konoha," the officer announces, trying to keep his voice steady.

Onoki lifts his gaze from the paperwork, his eyes narrowing as he notes the officer's tense demeanor. "Speak. What is it?"

The officer takes a deep breath, his voice steady but strained. "Sir, the situation is catastrophic. Uchiha Itachi has slaughtered every member of his clan, with the exception of his younger brother."

Onoki's eyes widen in disbelief. "Is this truly accurate? This isn't some elaborate deception or a mistake?"

The officer's expression remains grim. "No, sir. It's confirmed. Four days ago, Uchiha Itachi, the elder son of Uchiha clan leader, betrayed Konoha and committed a massacre. He killed everyone—men, women, children, even his own parents. Only his younger brother survived. Konoha has declared him a traitor and placed a significant bounty on him."

Onoki processes the news, his mind racing with the implications. He takes a moment to steady himself, pushing aside the paperwork in front of him. "This is unprecedented. Have there been any reports of him extending his attacks beyond the Uchiha clan? Any actions against other villages or Konoha's allies?"

The officer responds firmly, "No, sir. There are no reports of him attacking outside his clan. His actions seem to be exclusively focused on his own family."

Onoki nods slowly, his mind shifting gears. The weight of the information is palpable, and he begins to understand the broader implications. "Thank you for this critical update. You are dismissed."

As the officer exits, Onoki closes his eyes, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The silence in the room feels heavy, almost suffocating. He begins to laugh, a dark, mocking sound that echoes in the quiet office. "Hahaha, Madara, look at this irony. You came here to flaunt your power, and now your clan's demise is complete. This was the village you sought to control, to lead. Look at what has become of your clan. The Senju and Uchiha—co-founders of this very village—have been betrayed and wiped out. The Senju were destroyed in battle, and now the Uchiha have been annihilated from within. In less than fifty years, the two most powerful clans of the warring era have been reduced to nothing. Hiruzen's quest for power is boundless. Truly, how the mighty have fallen."

Onoki then glances at his desk and says, "Jar."

An ANBU operative, masked and resolute, appears before him, kneeling. The figure's presence is almost ethereal, the mask reflecting the dim light of the office. "Sir, you called?"

Onoki studies the operative carefully, weighing his words. "Yes. I need you to lead a squad to confirm the accuracy of this news. Furthermore, assess the current state of affairs in Konoha—what are their defenses like? How are they handling this crisis?"

The ANBU operative replies with unwavering determination, "Understood, sir. I will depart immediately."

Onoki watches as the operative vanishes, the sound of the door closing punctuating the seriousness of the moment. He ponders the situation, murmuring to himself as he gazes out of the window, "It's only been two years since the last major conflict. Otherwise, the Fourth Ninja War would likely be upon us by now. Yet, we must stay vigilant. We need to bolster our forces at the border and prepare for any fallout from Konoha's turmoil. The future is uncertain, and we must be ready for whatever comes next."


Hidden Mist Village, Land of Water

Mizukage Office

An officer appears outside the Mizukage's office door and knocks softly. The sound is sharp and precise, a sign of the urgency of his message.

"Come in," a voice calls from inside, its tone even and controlled.

As the officer enters, he sees the Mizukage standing with his back to the room, gazing out the window. The view outside is a misty panorama, the Hidden Mist Village cloaked in its characteristic fog. Despite his smaller stature, Yagura commands respect not only for his position but also for being the host of the Three-Tails, a formidable force.

The officer announces, "Sir, we have an update from our spies in Konoha."

The Mizukage's stance remains unchanging, his focus on the misty horizon. Seeing the Mizukage remain silent, the officer continues, his voice carrying a note of trepidation, "Uchiha Itachi has killed everyone in his clan, leaving only his younger brother alive."

Yagura's face remains expressionless, but his eyes reveal a flicker of something—disquiet, perhaps. After a moment, he turns slowly, the faintest hint of concern visible in his otherwise composed demeanor. "What about Kisame and Zabuza? Have they been located?"

The officer's voice trembles slightly. "Sir, Zabuza has been seen moving towards the Land of Waves, but there is no news of Kisame."

Yagura remains silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the officer. The tension in the room is palpable, and the Mizukage's next question comes with a deliberate calmness. "And Utakata?"

The officer responds, "He has been sighted on Samara Island."

Yagura nods slowly, the decision seemingly made in that single gesture. "Very well. You are dismissed."

"Yes, sir," the officer replies, his clothes drenched in sweat. He exits the office hastily, clearly relieved to leave the intense atmosphere.

As the officer leaves, Yagura's eyes momentarily flicker with the pattern of the Sharingan.

He moves to his desk, running a hand over the surface as he considers the implications of the recent events. His gaze shifts to a map of the surrounding lands and his fingers trace the borders of the various nations. The Hidden Mist Village must navigate these turbulent waters carefully, and Yagura knows that the coming days could bring either an opportunity or a threat. The intricate dance of diplomacy, power, and survival begins anew.

With a deep breath, Yagura turns his attention to the next steps. The pieces on the chessboard of the ninja world are shifting, and he must ensure that Hidden Mist is prepared to face whatever challenges arise. The sound of his footsteps echoes in the quiet office as he ponders the future, the fate of his village hanging in the balance.

The room's atmosphere thickens, and from the shadows behind him, Obito Uchiha materializes with unsettling ease.

"Yagura," Obito's voice is smooth, but there's an undercurrent of menace, "how is the situation progressing?"

Yagura doesn't turn around, maintaining his impassive stance. "The situation is under control. The news from Konoha complicates things, but it is manageable."

Obito steps closer, his presence casting a dark shadow. "Complications are expected. Your role here is vital. The Hidden Mist Village and the Land of Water must align with our plans."

Yagura's fingers move methodically over the map. "What are your specific instructions?"

Obito's gaze is sharp and calculating. "The Hidden Mist Village must be a stronghold for our activities. The village's power and resources are crucial for our broader objectives. Ensure that it remains an impenetrable fortress for our operations."

Yagura's voice is devoid of emotion. "And what actions should be taken to secure this?"

Obito's eyes flash with a cold intensity. "Strengthen your control within the village. Eliminate any dissent swiftly and decisively. Monitor other villages and keep them in check. We cannot afford any interruptions to our plans."

Yagura responds with a nod, his expression unchanged. "And the Three-Tails?"

Obito's voice turns steely. "Maintain control over the Three-Tails. Its power must be harnessed to further our goals. Ensure that its will remains subdued and its strength used as a tool for our purposes."

Yagura's posture remains rigid, his face a mask of neutrality. "Understood."

Obito's demeanor softens slightly, though his eyes remain cold. "Good. Remember, Yagura, the success of this operation hinges on your ability to follow through without question. My patience is limited."

Obito's figure recedes into the shadows, leaving Yagura alone in the dimly lit room.

As Yagura stands by the map, his thoughts are a blank slate, focused solely on the directives given to him. There is no space for personal reflection or emotional turmoil. The internal influence of Obito leaves no room for independent thought. Yagura's actions are mechanical, driven by an external force that dictates his every move. His sense of self is submerged beneath the weight of the control exerted over him.

In this darkened office, the mist outside thickens, cloaking the village in an even deeper fog. The air is thick with the sense of impending change, reflecting the broader schemes orchestrated by Obito. The Hidden Mist Village becomes a crucial nexus in a grand plan, with Yagura as its unwitting executor, his own thoughts and desires entirely overridden by the machinations of his puppet master.


//// how was it ?

Points to be noted -

The genjutsu of obito made Yagura think they work for same goal, with mainly obito comes to give instructions, since the more deeply obito controls yagura the harder it gets . He Don't know his actions were controlled now.

Anything else wants to add?