
Multiverse Shifter

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). This is about the son of Levy Angstrom, not the comics but another one of his sons left behind at the untimely demise against an Evil Invincible. This story is about Liam Angstrom with the same abilities as his father has the power to travel the Multiverse and use these new powers to survive the infinite vastness of the Multiverse after his home dimension is invaded by an evil invincible. A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse with what he has on and what to work with he will go beyond what he thought possible.

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Chapter 26: Garnet POV

Chapter 26: Garnet POV

~Garnet POV~

I don't like this.

Today was just your ordinary day for me, Steven, Pearl, and Amethyst.

Enjoying our victory against the Homeworld Gems from conquering Earth is what our Rose Quarts would've wanted.

Even after giving up her physical form, she managed to give birth to Steven.

We all did our best to take care of Steven even though everything was going as I saw.

I usually never trust my future sights but at times they could be reliable and help me with Steven.

Plenty of times actually.

But here…

And now seeing this Liam Human here…

Everything about him screams wrong at me.

Every sense of the word as his whole presence and everything about him just felt…


Odd-even but also a threat.

Whenever I use my future sight at him, I get a small glimpse of them instead of possible futures.

But whatever the outcome I only see one possible future.

Only. One. Future.

No other possibilities.

No other futures.

No different paths.

This human… no calling Liam that would be too lenient for him.

An anomaly is more like it.

"Really? Couldn't you at least go away and leave me alone by pure chance big lady?"

I see he already noticed or predicted this.


Summoning up my Gauntlets from the channels of the universe I began to threaten him of what I saw in the future showing him business, "Sorry but no. Not when someone is endangering the Crystal Gems and the one in the mirror. Especially Steven. You're NOT taking his Gem."

It was within the future of what I saw him taking Steven Gem.

He left him to die.

In that future we let Rose's child die without even knowing it.


Rose gave her all to bring Steven to the world with the truth and love in her.

I won't let this Liam go anywhere near Steven and in the future, I also saw another Gem.

Lapis Lazuli in fact.

How he found her I don't know but I won't let him and her get away alive.

It's the only way to keep Steven and the rest of the Crystal Gems safe.

But what happens next as he shows a strange case containing some golden water shown as he began to speak as if doing some actions, "Really? Hmm… this changes something then. I guess I have to reapproach this differently."

Whatever he's doing I won't let him.


Rushing over I began going over to punch him caving his skull in.

I know Rose would think disapprovingly about me doing this and Steven sad but this is for the best.

I can't let him release that Gem that could be a threat to my family no matter what I can live with it if it's to protect my family.

As I have through the Gem War...


But what happens next shocks me as he casually caught my Gaunlet easily as a gust of wind from the impact was noticed leaving me shocked as he glares at me.

The damage to his hand is shown as the palm of it is bruised purple even showing signs of them breaking as he flinched hearing him out, "Ouch. You know despite gaining the bonus strength I can still get bruised by this much physically."


A bonus of strength!

That strength alone is enough to make a hole through a mountain!

Maybe I have been lessening my attack – Ack!



Suddenly an unknown force threw me over to the nearby ocean of the beach plenty far ahead.

What was that!

Managing to get myself back together again and shaking off the sudden force I managed to swim back to see what is happening!


Swimming harder and faster I see that the anomaly is beginning to unseal the Gem trapped in the mirror as he began to open the back and smash the mirror into pieces!

Is that where the Gem was hiding?


Next, when Liam released the Gem a Lapis Lazuli out from it she appeared wrong but that was made much clear when I see the crack on her Gem is more evident at the scene.

This Gem Lapis wore a backless blue halter crop top with an upward-facing navy triangle, which ties into a blue sash ribbon on the back of her shoulders. She also wore a flowing cobalt blue skirt, which is calf-length with a downward-facing navy triangle around the waist, and was barefoot. Lapis had reflective eyes without pupils and appears with a blue navy tone.

As she gets herself together I see she tried to get her water wings again as all Gems of the Lapis Lazuli are natural water users or Hydro-kinesis but seeing her not be able to use her powers means its good.





When I tried to rush in and shatter Lapis Gem Liam glared at me holding me in the air again with an unknown force again as he spoke, "See Lapis. The Crystal Gems aren't kind at all. And even going so far as to shatter you. How have the mighty have fallen Garnet? Then what can I expect from War Mongers following a foolish leader."

War Mongers!!

That is drawing a line anomaly!

We fought and bleed for Earth!

For Rose Quartz for all, she fought for the world of Earth.

Ignoring me clearly struggling for freedom to fight this threat I began to see him talk to Lapis holding the Golden Water, "Here you go Lapis. Let me place this water on your Gem and this will heal you up. Been testing it on myself."

Lapis hesitantly turned her back to him as I scoff at this anomaly healing a Gem that used to be Rose Quartz powers.

And healing Gems are only specialized to her solely how –


What I saw next should be impossible but here I see it happening in front of my eyes.

When Liam placed the golden water on Lapis's back a small light show happened but next came Lapis Gem being healed to normal again seeing the cracks fade and her appearance changing to what her normal Gems looked like again.

Lapis has a slim figure and is considerably tall, being about the same height as Pearl. She has cyan skin, cobalt blue chin-length hair with long bangs and fringe that covers her entire forehead, which occasionally looks messier and rounded, and royal blue eyes. Her gemstone is embedded in her back, which takes the form of a water droplet.

She returned to normal as I hear their conversation out loud as Lapis takes a look at herself, "… This… I finally feel… whole again. After all, this time trapped nearly 6000 years. And you…"

Next Lapis then began to change her direction towards me as tears of water and wings of water appeared on her back as she screams at me, "You all knew I was trapped here for years. YEARS! I have seen many horrors of my fellow Gems fighting. And I was stuck because of your stupid revolution. For years I wanted to be free out of my mirror I was forced on because of you."


What happens next shocks me cold in my tracks.

The very ocean and water began to take form as Lapis levitates using her wings seeing it form into two large bodies of hands.

Narrowing my eyes at this I knew this Gem would be trouble.

And to make it worse she aligns herself with this anomaly destroying everything Rose has ever built for the humans.

Rose Quartz knows the values of love and truth of this planet Earth.

She was the one who saved it from being destroyed!

She loved this planet and for –

"Oh, would you shut the fuck up for that cunt!"


Liam glares at him hatefully as he began to respond getting Lapis's attention as he speaks, "Rose Quartz that and love this. Please that bitch is really selfish. If you know any better, then you would know that Rose Quartz to you also known as Pink Diamond is a cunt."


Glaring at him what he spoke it was clearly impossible for me to hear.


Gritting my teeth stuck in mid-air I responded to him not wanting this thing to discourage my memory of Rose, "Liar! What you say can't be true at all! There is no way Rose was Pink Diamond!"

Lapis hearing this looks surprised as she stopped at this Liam smirks at this and I felt a chill run down my body, "In that case you calling me a liar? How about we put that to the test right? How about we truly bring the whole Crystal Gem Family with Lapis accuser for bringing her despair for all those years. Time to play a little game, shall we?"

Lapis's eyes shined brightly with hate knowing the person who poofed her is around and me hearing his words with that tone...

I couldn't help myself but look into the future as I couldn't believe what was going on in the scene.

Maybe it's my paranoia but I think I just saw the Crystal Gems disbanding but Liam's expression...

That look…

I don't like where this is going…


Quick question do you think Lapis is a good love interest with the MC or not?

And should she agree to join or not just some opinions I want to hear?