
Multiverse: Rise of the Demon Queen

The story begins with a young man unexpectedly transforming into a beautiful girl with silver hair, launching him into an extraordinary journey. Finding himself in the world of the anime he watched, "High School DxD," the young protagonist realizes that the world he once viewed on screen is, in fact, real. This new world of reincarnation grants him a system that allows traversal across different universes. With this ability to navigate various realms, the protagonist embarks on adventures filled with diverse characters, events, and cultures in each universe. As he seeks to unravel the mystery behind his enigmatic transformation, the young individual discovers the rich tapestry of inhabitants, creatures, and societies existing in these diverse worlds. Throughout this journey, the protagonist endeavors to comprehend their own identity while unraveling the secrets concealed within these realms and maintaining equilibrium among these worlds.

CrystalWisp · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter 7

After Loki's embarrassing greeting in front of the Twilight mansion, we entered. After the others went to the meeting room to report to Loki, I decided to go to my room and get some rest. After taking a shower, changing my clothes and resting for a while, I left my room and started walking towards Loki's room.

When I got to Loki's room, Ais came out before knocking on the door. Although her facial expression was relatively expressionless, I could sense that she was not in a good mood. After seeing me, Ais nodded her head in greeting. She left without waiting for me to respond. Since I watched the anime, I know why she is like this. I sighed, looking at her lonely back.

After watching Ais leave for a while, I decided to go in. I knocked on the door and entered. Loki was lounging around as usual. After seeing me, he perked up and started sitting on the sofa.

"Here you are. I was waiting for you to come too."

"Well, you're the one who told me to come directly." While I was talking, I started unzipping my dress to reveal my back. Then I lay down on the couch and waited for her to do her job.

"Hey, I'm giving you a special treat because of your abnormal development. You should be grateful to me for that. Others can't come visit me without an appointment." Loki looked proud, puffing her chest into existence before sitting on my back and pricking her finger.

"Sure, Sure... I give my thanks to the Great Goddess Loki." Deciding to ignore her attitude, I rolled my eyes and made a mock-adoring expression at her.

"Hey, Sakuya you're not being friendly at all. You could at least do some acting." Loki began to complain, puffing out her cheeks.

"Okay, okay. Whatever you want..." I lazily reached over and answered. Meanwhile, Loki stopped talking and started updating my abilities. After a while, she jumped up from me with a surprised voice that I had become accustomed to.

"I really took a monster into the family... This... This... It's very abnormal." Although she had been surprised on other occasions, this time her reaction was more exaggerated. While Loki was still in shock from what she saw, I took the situation paper in her hand and began to understand why she had such a reaction.

Sakuya Izayoi


Pow-G(248) -> B(721)

End-G(248) -> B(752)

Dex-F(346) -> A(822)

Agi-G(225) -> B(762)

Mag-E(472) -> S(902)

-Demon magic manipulation(A)

-Demon physics(B)

-Destruction power(B) -> (A)

-Swordsman(C) -> (B)

Your improvement this time was more obvious than the other one. Also, my Destruction power and swordsmanship have increased by one level. Apart from this, my qualifications have also increased by a large margin. On the paper; I can get more experience points because I kill creatures whose level is stronger than me. Meanwhile, Loki came to her senses.

"Sakuya! This is amazing. You can level up already." Loki began nagging excitedly. But I decided to interrupt her.

"No, Loki. I can feel that I haven't reached my upper threshold yet."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll let you know when the time comes."

"Okay, whatever you want. Oh, would it bother you if the other one knew about this?" After checking my offer, Loki pointed to the paper showing my situation and spoke. I don't see any harm in others learning about my abilities. After all, we belong to the same family and even if we try to hide it, one day they will still find out.

"Do as you wish. I don't really care. If there's nothing else, I'm going to my room to rest."

"Okay, see you." Loki waved as she began to lazily recline in her chair. I left her room and came to my own room. Even though I was rested after arriving, I still want to sleep. I went to bed wearing the nightgown I brought from my own world. I soon fell asleep.

Third person perspective

Shortly after Sakuya left Loki's room, Finn and the others arrived at her room. After seeing the others arrive, Loki came to the table in the room with Sakuya's case in her hand and sat on the chair at the head and waited for the others to settle down.

"Loki, why did you summon us?" Meanwhile, Finn took the lead and asked the question that everyone there was wondering about.

"About Sakuya. Before you talk, look at this." Loki placed the paper showing Sakuya's stats on the table. The eyes of Gareth, Riveria and Finn, who were at the table, focused on the paper Loki had placed on the table. After a short while, they couldn't believe what they saw.

"This is ridiculous!" The ever stoic Riveria couldn't help but be surprised. Although the others did not speak, the expressions on their faces showed their shock.

"As you can see, Sakuya's progress is very abnormal. I say this taking into account that this is her second day of joining our family." Loki had predicted they would react like this before. She had summoned them to discuss how to approach Sakuya.

"Loki, I understand why you have summoned us. This rate of progress is far beyond normal. We must take some precautions to avoid attracting the attention of other families." Finn was the first of the three to regain his composure and immediately began to suggest some solutions.

"I agree with Finn. At this rate, Sakuya will have a chance to level up soon. Although we want to hide it, the guild's rules do not allow it. Therefore, having one of us accompany Sakuya when she enters the dungeon might solve some problems." Meanwhile, Riveria spoke, agreeing with Finn's words.

"That will take care of the problem for now. But do you know the reason why Loki Sakuya is improving so fast? Even if she is a talented person, it doesn't make sense for her to progress so fast." Finn asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Obviously, what you said is true, but Sakuya is not human. The reason why she progresses so fast may be because she kills monsters that are higher than her level, even I can't be completely sure."

"Isn't she human? Frankly speaking, she doesn't have the characteristics of other demi-humans. So what race is she?" Meanwhile, Gareth, who had not spoken since the beginning, asked a question.

"A race I've never heard of before. Sakuya calls it a demon. She said it's a long-lived race with the ability to perform magic like elves. That's all I know, you should ask her to find out more." Loki didn't bother hiding what Sakuya had told him.

While the others were deep in thought, Riveria became particularly interested in Sakuya, who, like her elf race, had longevity and the ability to perform magic without receiving blessings. After a short silence, Riveria took the initiative to speak:

"Loki, I would like to move with Sakuya for a while."

"Ohh, so why? Will our Riveria finally graduate from celibacy?" Loki was looking at Riveria with her usual playful smile. Ignoring Loki's meaningful words, Riveria began to explain herself. However, everyone in the room noticed the slight redness at the tips of her ears.

"Don't talk nonsense, Loki! I'm only interested in her ability to cast spells." Riveria began to protest, raising her tone. The others stared in disbelief as Riveria pretended not to show her excitement.

After all, Riveria had never been this flustered. They finished their little meeting with Riveria bustling and the others laughing amusedly. Meanwhile, Sakuya was sleeping peacefully in her room, unaware that she had caught the attention of a certain elven maiden.


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1313 words.


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