
ch.92 Festival

( Yuto Pov )

Yuriko:" Come on, let's go play some games!!"

Yuriko shouted in excitement as she dragged Hiroshi.

Scathach and I followed them.

" Sigh, I think she's too excited about games."

Scathach:" mhm." She nodded.

" Hm? Oi Naruto, if I'm going to suffer, you're going to suffer with me."

I spoke as I grabbed Naruto, who looked depressed but had a smile when I dragged him with us.

Naruto:" Yuto!! You're here!?"

" Uh huh, come on, let's play some games with my parents."

Naruto:" Sure!!" He stated, humming as he walked beside me.

Scathach:" I've never been to a festival."

Naruto:" What!!? Really!? It's amazing!!?"

Scathach:" Is that so?"

Naruto:" Of course!!? Especially when there's a ramen contest."

" Hoh? A ramen contest?"

Naruto:" Yup!! I only managed to each 13, I want to break that record!!!!"

" Wanna try?" I turned to scathach.

Scathach:" You can, I don't want to feel bloated from eating too much."

" Sure, my Queen, just cheer me on."

Scathach chuckled.

We caught up with my parents, and Yuriko is seen trying to throw a dart at a balloon. And Hiroshi was holding stuff animals.

Seeing hiroshis pleading eye, I was about to turn around before Yuriko dropped a large teddy bear in my arms.

" Fuck."

Scathach chuckled as she saw plight.

Yuriko:" Come on to the next one!!"

Naruto:" Yeah!!"

Both Naruto and Yuriko went around playing games as me and Hiroshi were carrying their stuffed animals, and Scathach was also suffering with us as she held Yurikos prizes as well.

Scathach:" Don't any of you have a sealing scroll?"

The talking pile of stuff animals spoke.

Me and Hiroshi could barely look at each other before turning back to Scathach.

" Sigh, I forgot." We spoke at the same time.

With great dexterity, I took out a sealing scroll and put the stuff animals in there.

Hiroshi:" Man, good thinking kid, I thought I would break my back." He spoke as he stretched.

Scathach:" Hm." She nodded in response.

" Here. you hold onto it."

Hiroshi:" Sure."

I gave the scroll to Hiroshi.

Naruto and Yuriko:" The ramen competition is starting!!"

Naruto dragged me, and Yuriko grabbed Hiroshi.

" Sigh." Scathach followed with a smile on her face.

Announcer:" Ready!!! Begin!!!"

Taking a bowl, I began to eat at a steady pace. But when I looked at my mother I saw that she had finished eating 14 bowls already.

" What the fuuuucckkk!!" I was surprised that my sunglasses almost came off.

Hurriedly picking up the pace, I began to eat as fast.

Minutes later, I lost to Yuriko, who ate 38 bowls, and I ate 37 bowls.

" Ugh, Scathach, I think I'm dying."

Scathach:" There there." She spoke as she rubbed my back.

Yuriko:" That was close, Yuto! Where's your father?"

Hiroshi:" Blurgh." He was throwing up in a trash can, which caused a chain reaction for other participants.

With the help of body control, I didn't throw up.

* Minutes later *

I was laying my head on Scathachs thighs as I heard someone approach.

Shisui:" Man, that contest was a disaster. Ahahaha!!"

" Urg, don't speak of that. "

Shisui:" Sorry, sorry. Hm? you must be Yutos girlfriends. I'm Shisui, Im like his older brother."

Scathach;" It's nice to meet you as well. " She smiled as she knew I was me tally older than Shisui.

Shisui sat on the grass next to me under the tree under the moonlight.

Shisui:" Sooo, that plan we had...."

" It's alright, you could trust her." I spoke as I kept my eyes closed.

Shisui:" Alright, Itachi is making the evidence point towards the Mizukage."

" I see making him the scapegoat. Great Idea."

Shisui:" Uh huh, and I'm using the debt collectors to chase Tsunade close to the village."

" I see, be careful though, when she wins a gamble she knows that something might go wrong. "

Shisui:" Hm." He nodded.

Shisui:" Do you think everything will go back as it did back then?"

I opened my eyes and looked at him.

" What do you think?"

Shisui looked at me as well.

Shisui:" Sometimes I think that the younger generation will go on their own adventures, their own stories, their own friendship just like we had before."

" And yet here we are trying to save the world in the shadows, though it won't be long before we have to step out and fight head-on."

Shisui:" Yeah. Here."

" Is that your eye?"

Shisui:" Yeah, I had Itachi hand them back. I want you to have it."

" Why?"

Shisui looked up to the moon.

Shisui:" Because I realized that future generation was you. And those other kids in the academy. I believe you, Yuto. So please accept my loyalty." He spoke as he got up onto one knee with a hand on his heart.

" You do realize this isn't necessary, I consider a brother."

Shisui:"I know, but I feel that I felt purpose in life was because of you, and this is the only way I could repay you. "

" I see. if that's what you want, fine, I'll accept your loyalty." I spoke as I stood in front of him.

" For my first order, i want you to take your eye back and replace it back."

Shisui:" Understood."

After that, I helped Shisui pace his eye back. As Scathach watched with curiosity.