
multiverse : finding out what is humanity

not everyone got the chance to get live a happy live with parents and friends where he's capable to fall in love achieve his dreams and goals . some people had to face horrors and live in the darkness . our mc was abandoned by his parents since birth , he struggled to survive in the streets while fighting and escaping from rapist and drunk people since a young age. .................... next to the garbage a 17 years old boy was struggling to breath while shocking on his own blood , his eyes lost their light and his limbs turned cold in the coldness of the night you could here his giggles that moment the boy lost something so precious something that defined him as a human ...... ................ death .. what is next ? though jack as he was drifting deeper in the abyss of darkness will it really be the end or a new clean beginning ? did i deserve to live such harsh live ? am i really cursed and forgotten by the gods ? am i really the devil ? a huge smile appeared on his face . then to whatever god or demon or deity i don't care who but for the one listening to me i promise i will destroy the harmony and make the universe in chaos i from this moment wil be lucifer the one who wil be feared by both gods and demons i will rule death and live without caring about anyone or laws the he started to laugh like maniac while drifting deeper in the abyss ....... a face with a devil like smile smiled and swallowed the boys souls while murmuring some words in an ancient language this is a fanfiction where our mc climbs to become the strongest existence while traveling to other worlds like class room of the elite , naruto, aot ) trying to fix his self and learn more about humans and emotions will he achieve his goal and ascend or will be drawn in rage and lose his way while trying to take revenge this will be a dark novel in the beginning while the mc learn more about emotions and get stronger tags : romance, r18 , dark , villain , omniverse , multiverse , drama , demons , gods , cultivation , smart mc

demonic_joe9 · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

chapter 1


in midnight ,in a dark alley a 17 years old boy was struggling to breath while shocking on his own blood. he had a knife stabbed in his chest his body was full of bruises and cuts . people kept walking in the streets whiteout giving him a single glance or try to hel him . as he felt was losing he's conscious a soft giggles escaped his lips . at that night lost something precious something defined humans .

in a dark space a boy with white hair opened his black eyes , he was very handsome young man with long hair and strong body . he turned around only to find darkness he sighed remembering his past

jack was an orphan who was thrown away in the streets by his mother as he was a mistake she made because of her drug addiction . since then he struggled to survive by eating from other leftovers and living in a garbage. he was able to in roll in school thinking he might make friends for the first in his life and find happiness . but what a wishful thinking people everywhere rejected him and beat him for no reasons. he was chased by rapist and crazy drunker who tried to sell him on dark web

leaving in the street made Jackson develop a strong body and with each day he started to lose hope .... hope of escaping this nightmare

hope of having a normal life

17 years of running and harsh live , fighting on daily basis got him the nickname the devil

but with each day he survived he started to lose all hopes and emotions that he had .

til the day a men who was escaping from the police for a grocery store he ran into jack in a dark alley , because of the darkness he wasn't able to identify the young man in front of him . because of jack bug body the robber attack him thinking his a policeman

jack was taken by surprise after being stabbed in the chest and fell to his knees . it was a deep wond that pierced his lungs. jacks was in a lot of pain . but his face didn't have any emotions

in his last moments jack was rethinking his own existence. on this though he begins to giggles while shocking on his blood

he remembered all the hatred and beating he got wherever he was , all the pain he suffered,

as his memories flashed in front of him he started losing conscious.


-HHHHHHHHHHHHHH so this is death . well it seems like an empty and boring place . i guess am spending the rest of eternity here right ?

sadly there was no reply

jack sighed and started to laugh again like maniac

- so even after my death i was still abandoned by god hhhhhhhh so they were right when they called me a cursed child or devil's child

but they're wrong since even the devil has abandoned me HAHAHAHAHHA

silent fell as jack was fall deeper in the abyss

seconds passed then minutes wixh turned to hours then days then years . a huge smile appeared on Jack's face while he said

- HAHAHAHAHHAHA to whatever deity or god or demon I don't care i will escape this abyss and ascend while becoming the strongest existence feared by gods and devil

jack closed his eyes but then a huge face appeared with w big devil like smile and swallowed the murmuring :

" this will be interesting Ahahahha "

silence fell again in the void with the disappearing of both jack and the mysterious entity .