

The protagonist was reincarnated into the body of Jaune Arc with a powerful Creation Semblance. He can make anything, weapons, armor, food, magical items, and much more as long as he pays with Aura or Magic.

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29 Chs




[Yang Xiao Long]


Out of nowhere, someone started pounding on the door at 6:30 in the morning.


There's no way in hell I'm getting out of bed to deal with this psycho who wakes up so early just to annoy others.


"Fuck-off! Can someone please answer the door?"

Ruby was fast asleep, I swear this girl damaged her hearing from all the training at the shooting range. Blake was all covered up, probably reading some porn novel, and Weiss' bed was empty; maybe she was in the bathroom?


"I'M COMING, DAMN IT!" My shout made the person outside stop pounding on our door.

I look at myself in the mirror, all disheveled, wearing a "Dust Storm" t-shirt, the best rock band in all Remnant.

The shirt was long enough to cover my parts and then some, but I probably should put on some shorts.


I'm not going to make an effort to look presentable for a lunatic who disturbs others before seven.

"Good morning," a cheerful voice said as soon as I opened the door.

It's too early for a normal person to be this happy, and I'm not at all surprised to see that the abnormal one is none other than Jaune Arc, the man Ruby stamped with her twat.

The guy carries some brown bags with him, and next to him is Pyrrha, the cereal girl, looking like she had sand in her panties. I didn't respond to his greeting and decided to stare at him in silence.

"Sorry for waking you up so early." Well, at least he knows he messed up. "But I went to buy breakfast for my team, you know, to celebrate the first day of school."

So, you bought food for your team, and now you're here to show off in front of us? Jaune Arc, you're a dead man.

"And I got something for you guys too." He handed me one of the bags, which caught me a little off guard.

You're not a dead man anymore, Jaune, but you'll still pay for waking me up so early.

"I got bagels, cookies, sandwiches, and 4 coffees."

"You said coffee?" I asked, now 100% awake.

He blinked in surprise but gave me a smile as he pulled something from the bag he'd given me.

It was a 700 ml travel cup.

"Yes, it's 'Mean Black Coffee'. That watery stuff they serve for free in the cafeteria doesn't help at all to stay awake."

Your punishment is canceled, Jaune. In fact, you've just become my favorite person at Beacon. This is almost too good to be true. I took a sip of the miraculous liquid from the Gods. As the hot coffee goes down my throat, I finally realize something weird.

This is too good to be true. Why did he do this?

"Thanks for the coffee, cherry boy."

"You're welcome," Jaune replied, unfazed.

Huuum… someone here is more confident than they appear. But where does all this confidence come from? Is he not a virgin? Does he have a big dick?

Unlike Jaune, Pyrrha was blushing and covering her mouth with her left hand.

"But I'd appreciate it if you'd be honest with me." I said flat to him.


"Are you trying to get something from me?"

The first day of school hasn't even started yet, and I already have a stalker? What's his plan? To come at me before any other student gets a chance? I admire his courage, but the blonde could have waited for me to comb my hair or at least take a shower.

The guy in front of me sighs and relaxes his body, preparing to tell the truth.

"Okay, you got me. I want something."

Clever boy. Back at Signal, it was the same, everyone wanted a piece of Yang, but no one had the guts to tell me the truth.

By the end of the day, all the guys were cowards, afraid of my strength, afraid of my dad, who was a professor, or afraid of my strong and confident personality.

You might be cute despite the scrawny frame, but eventually, you'll get burned for flying too close to the Sun that is Yang Xiao Long.

"You could keep my Semblance a secret?"

"Maybe a movie if you—."


"Movie?" Arc said, confused.

He wasn't hitting on me?

"What are you talking about?" Jaune asked.

Behind Jaune, the Mistral champion chuckled, trying to hold back her laughter.

"She thought you were asking her out." Pyrrha said in a cheerful and relieved tone.

Jaune looked at me incredulously, raising an eyebrow.

"Seriously?" Jaune asked, incredulous.

What? Am I not good enough? Is the idea of him asking me out really that crazy?

"I think you're beautiful, Yang."

That shut Nikos up instantly. Ha! Take that, you scarlet whore.

"But we hardly know each other," Jaune comforted me. "If you'd like, we can be friends and see where it goes."


The invincible girl didn't bother to hold back and burst out laughing, laughing so hard that she lost her balance and leaned against the wall.

"Okay…" Jaune commented, not understanding what was happening. "I have to go now. I'm counting on you to talk to the rest of your team." He pointed his fingers at me like guns and backed away.

Me, Yang Xiao Long, friend zoned by Jaune Arc?

How is that even possible? I'm the hottest girl in school, the other girls envy my body, mothers fear having me as a daughter-in-law, and fathers would be proud to know their son's face is my chair.

"Excuse me." A serious voice caught my attention.

It was Pyrrha. Did she stay behind to talk to me?

"Go ahead, cereal girl."

She scowled at the mention of cereal. Do famous people not like to be reminded of their fame?

"I just wanted to reinforce the request to keep his secret safe. He's a good person, but he doesn't have a very sharp common sense."

I see… she's acting like an older sister. I guess it's normal to offer that kind of support to your teammate, especially if he's your partner.

"And I assure you, Jaune has zero interest in you."

That zero hit hard on my ego.

"What the fuck? I know I rushed things a bit, but-"

"I know, I'd even say it was a bit… embarrassing."

My jaw dropped to the floor, is this bitch saying what I think she's saying?

"Wait a second there, invincible girl."

In response, Pyrrha scowled even more, staring at me with greater intensity. Don't like that little nickname, huh? Good to know.

"It was all just a mistake, okay? I'm not interested in that anorexic giraffe named Jaune Arc."

Pyrrha paused for a moment, but then gave me a serene smile.

"I'm glad we've cleared that up, right? You're not interested in Jaune."

That smug smile of hers is giving me chills.

"That's right, it was all a misunderstanding."

"You were just desperate and jumped on the first male who gave you attention."

"Ouch," commented Blake, who had her head peeking out from under the covers.

I can't believe this!

"Listen here, you son of a b-."

"Pyr!" Jaune shouted from the JNPR team's doorway. "Come eat before it gets cold."

"I'm coming, Jaune."

Nikos looked me up and down as if judging with a mocking gaze.

"You see, Yang? That's the sound of a man who desires my presence, he's calling me by a sweet nickname." The audacity of this red cow. "I know you probably haven't heard much of that, but if you take better care of yourself, maybe someone might want you in the future." Nikos concluded, heading towards her room.

Pyrrha returned to her room without a response from me because I was paralyzed with anger and shock from the bizarre situation that unfolded.

"That was… painful," Blake commented, sitting on her bed.

"What's wrong with that bitch?"

"She's probably into Jaune, and when you defended yourself by insulting Arc, it triggered her protective response for her husbando."

"For the love of the Gods, Blake…"

Thinking about it, she did get aggressive when I insulted him. "At least it makes sense."

"Take my word for it." My partner smiled calmly at me. "I'm cultured in these matters."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Reading smutty romance doesn't make you cultured."

Blake widened her eyes and looked at me indignantly.

"I don't read porn."

"When you were in the bathroom, I noticed a book on your bed with someone's abs being fondled by some horny old lady."

"Hortense is not a horny old lady; she's a refined lady with an open mind for love."

"Hortense? Even the name sounds old."

Blake was furious, her face turning red with anger, but for some reason she calmed down and smiled at me.

"You know what, I'm not going to argue about literature with someone who got turned down by Jaune Arc."

"Go to hell!" I replied, flipping her off.

The day has barely started, and I'm already pissed off. At least it can't get any worse. I pick up my scroll and open the class schedule to distract myself from this morning's disaster.

We have Grimm Studies today; that should improve my mood.

[Original Point of View]

You know what's funny about Beacon's class schedule? They only have 1 class per day. This class takes up the entire morning, and in the afternoon, the students can do whatever they want: study, train, work on their weapons, etc.

Beacon Academy's facilities were at their disposal, but they were only required to attend morning classes and earn good grades. This explains why the characters in the series have so much free time.

"But first, the story of a young and handsome lad… ME!" Shouted an elderly but powerful male voice.

The first day of school was unfolding almost exactly like in the series.

Professor Port was rambling on with stories that didn't contribute anything to the lesson, Ruby was drawing, Weiss was mad and glaring at Ruby, and for some reason, Yang was crying on her desk.

Did she take my rejection personally? I don't remember her showing any interest in Jaune Arc from the original series.

In the fanfic universe, there were many stories with the Dragonslayer ship (Yang X Jaune), perhaps my interventions have already affected the original canon? All I did was bring them breakfast, so they wouldn't be late and maybe earn some points with the main cast.

By my side, Pyrrha was in excellent spirits, smiling as if she'd won the lottery, and every time she looked at Yang, she chuckled quietly.

Since when are these two friends to the point of having inside jokes? When I woke up early in the morning, she was all smiles, wanting to accompany me to get breakfast, but when I said I was going to buy breakfast for Team RWBY too, she frowned. For a moment, I thought it might be jealousy or something, but after a short conversation with Yang, she was all smiles again.

Women are truly complex creatures that men strive so hard to understand.

I doubt that I have the abilities to achieve such a feat. I lack the willpower, intellect, and, most importantly, the necessary atten-.

"I do, Sir!" Weiss exclaimed, raising her hand.

Oh! Are we at the part where she fights the boarbatusk?

Now… what was I thinking?

Look, Nora has a 4-color pen. I wonder where she got that.

"Oh, Nora, where can I get a cool pen like that?"

Nora turned to me and gave me an angelic smile, while Ren looked at me with pity and shook his head. Why the pity? I just want to know where she got the pen, what could go wrong?

Man… if regret could kill…

Nora monopolized my ear for the rest of the class; I missed Weiss' fight, her argument with Ruby, and worst of all, I still don't know where she got the pen.

She kept babbling about how I was a good leader, after all, a pen could be the difference between life and death. She had so much energy, and her disjointed speech sounded like someone hopped up on sugar, caffeine, and cocaine.

I only managed to shut her up when I "pulled out" an identical pen from my pocket, a replica created by my semblance. It looked just like hers, with the same amount of ink missing in all the colors. Ren understood what I did and pulled Nora out of the room.

"This girl has too much energy."

"You think?" Pyrrha replied, laughing at my misfortune. "I didn't even notice."

I scowled at the invincible girl, but I didn't respond. Just because she's a hot redhead doesn't mean she can make fun of me all the time… just most of the time.

"We're the last ones in the room?"

"Yes, do you want to go to the library to study?" Pyrrha asked. "You don't have a formal education, so I imagine you need extra study."

She's right, spending some extra hours studying could help me, but I have other plans.

"Sorry, but I can't."

"Ah!" She exclaimed, surprised. "I'll see you later." She turned towards the door, looking quite disappointed.

Wait… Pyrrha is disappointed that I can't study with her? Why does she care so much?

"I actually don't care about the regular classes."

Once again, her posture deflates, but I don't want her to think I'm brushing her off because I find her annoying. I had a prior engagement with the hottest MILF teacher in the school.

But then there's the question: Amazon Redhead vs. Blonde MILF Teacher, which one is better? If this were a fanfic, I'd like to know my readers' opinions in the comments.

"Sorry, if I had known, I wouldn't have made such an inconvenient request."

Why does she apologize so much? Maybe I can do something to cheer her up.

"Actually, I'm not that worried about my grades in the knowledge subjects."

Once again, the girl's posture changes, and she looks hopeful.

"It would be really helpful if I had a champion partner to train me on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays."

"I'D LOVE TO!" Pyrrha shouted unintentionally.

This girl is thirsty, and I'd love to quench her thirst, but her being underage still bothers me… a bit, but it's still an issue.

"Deal." I smiled as I walked past her. "Now I need to run, Goodwitch doesn't strike me as someone who tolerates tardiness."

This made her laugh with a melodic voice, giving me a sense of peace. I don't know if I'm thirsty or if I'm actually falling for her.

"True, see you later, Jaune."

"See you, Redhead!"

She froze at the nickname, but didn't have time to ask before I dashed off.


E aí gurizada?

This time, we only had one comment, which was from sandmanwake:

— sandmanwake commented: "If expense is an issue, maybe he can make a deal with Weiss and create some nanite based Iron Man style armor for them if she supplies some Dust, so he can make permanent creations? The Arc reactor would also be something useful to patent, and it even has his name already."

Response = The real geniuses are the ones who see the obvious, "the Arc Reactor already has its name…" that gives me numerous ideas for the future, thank you very much.

Thanks for reading what I wrote, and if you commented, shared, or gave a like, know that… I love you!

P.S.: What band could be an analogue for "Dust Storm"? And what's better, DustStorm together or Dust Storm separated?