
Multiversal War: The Evil Shaper.

—A war started by beings unknown, sides already chosen for their soldiers, infinite worlds known and some unknown ready to be uncovered, and one man ready to tear through everything to achieve power. —Hidden Tags: Dark Fic, Evil MC, Smut, Multiverse, Murderer, Lolicon, Crack-ish Fic.

God_Of_DepravityX · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs


" You bitch!" I muttered beneath my breath as I watched the bear lunge at me with its maw wide open.

Not wanting to be at the end of that I quickly rolled away from its onslaught and stood up before stopping healing myself.

Seeing the bear was trying to find me I immediately threw myself at it again, but this time to end this.

Lunging towards it I noticed that it's aura had begun to dissipate but with that the bear became reckless.

Not wanting to prolong this though I came up with a plan of action and jumped towards the bears head using its blindspot.

The bear noticed me to late as with my strength I threw my fist at the top of its skull and felt the flesh tearing off its skelp and it's skull crack with an audible 'crack'.

After punching it I used its head as a platform and leaped away from it and as soon as I made contact with the ground the bear fell, dead.

[ You've killed a Corrupted Blood-Bear—8,000 EXP ]

[ You've leveled up ]

[ You've leveled up ]

[ You've leveled up ]

[ You've leveled up ]

" Oh thank the deities..." I muttered to myself as I too dropped to the ground, exhausted.

My exhaustion was attributed to my use of my ability to rapidly and forcefully heal myself.

And seeing as there was no better time I opened my status to see my gains.

[—Status Screen—]

—Name: Avery Dawn.

—Age: 25

—Level: 11—[12%/100%]

—HP: 3,767/4,000


—Strength: 56

—Agility: 51

—Constitution: 43

—Sense: 51

—Intellect: 50

—Charm: 30

—Luck: 20

—[ Free Stats: 20 ]—

While overlooking my status something caught my eye.

My stats had increased without the use of stat points.

Now looking back I think I knew why.

When I had been injured I had forced my bodies metabolism to go into overdrive and sped up my bodies natural healing process, this might have had initiated the bodies natural adaptation from outside stimulus like how people gained resistance against poison if administered to it for long periods of time.

Now even without that I knew that I could probably increase my stats with the use of my Bio-Kinesis by integrating with outside bio-matter such as the bear over there.

But I wouldn't do that until I was at least proficient in my ability.

But other then that as I lay in the soft grass I also decided to use my stats and after a minute of debating my stats looked like this.

[—Status Screen—]

—Name: Avery Dawn.

—Age: 25

—Level: 11—[12%/100%]

—HP: 3,767/4,000


—Strength: 60

—Agility: 51

—Constitution: 53

—Sense: 51

—Intellect: 50

—Charm: 30

—Luck: 26

—[ Free Stats: 0 ]—

Most of my stats in this distribution went into my constitution as that saved me a couple minutes ago and a bit of extra luck never hurt along with strength to punch through any obstacle in your way.

I doubted strength would always be the answer but in the early stages of whatever game I used to play, strength mattered.

Standing up as I felt my body improve in real time and my stamina rush into me faster and faster.

Looking at the bear I sighed before looking at the other carcass besides the bear.

'Hell there...' I thought to myself with a grin as I made my way towards the were-rat that was missing half its weight.

It was known that rats were the most disease infested animals known to man...I think, anyways I wanted to learn and copy those diseases so I could recreate and even improve upon them for my little project so as I lay my hand on the animal and gained it's entire Bio-Structure and even it's diseases Bio-Structures I began analysing and processing how I could use each and every one of the diseases I just gained access to, to grow myself I finished and did something that I had thought of doing.

Still with my hand on the rat I used my control over it and liquified it into paste before said paste began converging into one area and began to get compressed into a tiny little ball of flesh more like a marble.

' Pocket bio matter acquired...' I thought excited at the prospect of having access to bio matter on the go and how many experiments I would be able to achieve with these.

Pocketing the small orb of compressed bio-matter I walked over to the bear and did the same but differently, I liquified only the flesh and left the pelt and bones.

Those would sell for a lot and I needed funds.

Collecting the bones into the pelt I grabbed the bundle and made my way back to the village, it was already getting dark anyway and I wasn't in the mood to fight another one of these things less I fuck up again.

— Unknown Village —

Sitting inside a dingy room and overlooking the spoils I had gained from today I smiled.

I had after coming inside the village stolen some money from one of the village guards and with said money rented a room for a week.

I couldn't sell my items here because there was no adventures guild in this town to sell my spoils as I heard from the very same guard I stole from.

And now as I sat on the chair surrounded my different items from plants to bones and pelt and then my balls of bio-mass I started my experiments with glee.

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