
Multiversal Lord of Lust

Killed, murdered, assassinated? Whatever you want to call it, the main character, Ryan King, gets killed. All because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Waking up, he finds out that since he fucked so many women and cucked so many men, the Lord of Debauchery is giving him another chance at life with plenty of power. This time nothing will stop him as he fucks and cucks his way through the multiverse. WARNING!: There won't be any netorare but there will be a whole lot of netori. If this isn't your cup of tea the read at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you. Also, this book has lots of sex and other adult things. On top of that, this is a wish fulfillment story. One you read with your brain turned off. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

LordofDebauchery · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Tainting Purity

"Can you see it, Koneko-chan?" I ask her as she's sitting on my lap on one of the couches and we watch a video on my phone. I finished on Rias's face and now she's taking a shower in the bath she has in the room. Akeno on the other hand, is sitting right next to us and watching the video as well.

"Y-yeah..." she replies with a blush. I connected the camera storage to my phone so any videos recorded on it can be viewed on my phone. I'm showing her the video I made of Rias and I fucking over Issei.

"Mmmm, you're such a naughty man, Ro-kun ~" Akeno whispers in my ear sending shivers down my back.

As we're watching, the door to the club room opens and Kiba walks inside followed by Issei. The sound on my phone is off so no one else knows what we're watching right now. Koneko glances up at Issei and her nose twitches.

"... Is that... on his face?" she looks at me and whispers. Akeno looks to see what she's talking about and narrows her eyes at Issei before looking back at me with a smirk.

"Yes, Keep watching the video and you'll see." I say and they both quickly turn their attention to the video and watch attentively.

"This is Issei Hyoudou." Kiba says to us and I look at him while Koneko and Akeno completely ignore him.

"Ah, How are you?" Issei asks and I nod at him with a smile. What else am I supposed to do when I'm showing a video of him getting cucked to people while he's in the room.

"We met this morning though I never properly introduced myself, my name is Roku Ichimaru. This cutie is Koneko Toujou and the beauty to my left is Akeno Himejima, as you can see, they're preoccupied." I says and he looks down at the back of the phone.

"What are you watching?" he curiously asks as he starts to make his way to us before I interrupt him.

"Porn where one guy cums on another guy's face." I say and his face scrunches up in disgust making me laugh. It's technically not a lie but if he knew the face was his... Hehe.

"I'd rather not watch that." he says before he turns his attention elsewhere in the room.

I see him notice the running bath covered by shower curtains but he hasn't realized who is in there yet.

The shower turns off and I smirk before letting Koneko hold the phone and getting up. Issei looks at me weirdly but I just ignore him and make my way to the bath. I notice Kiba tense and glare at me but I ignore him as well. I grab the towel laying on the other couch as I pass by and make it behind the curtain as Rias steps out.

"For you, Rias." I say as I hold the towel out to her.

"Thank you Ro-kun but can you dry me off for me? Please ~" she says and I smile.

"Of course, my queen." I say as I mock bow, making her giggle before proceeding to dry her off. The silhouette of me doing so is clear to see through the curtain and I know Issei is both aroused and fuming at the moment.

After I finish drying her off while discreetly groping parts of her body making her let out quiet giggles. She looks at me with a sly look in her eye and I already know what she's going to say next.

"Good, now dress me." she says and I grin. She's being such a doll about helping me with driving Issei mad with envy.

"Very well, let's start with your panties." I say as I grab them.

"Shouldn't there be someone else doing this?" I hear Issei ask with slight anger in his voice. "He's a boy and she's a girl!"

"The only one Rias trusts to do this for her are Roku and I. As you can see, I'm busy." Akeno says as she doesn't look away from the screen of my phone.

Kneeling on the ground, I slide one hole of the panties onto the leg Rias lifted before she puts it down and lifts her other leg and slides it through the other hole. Once her legs are in, I slowly slide them up her legs, giving Issei plenty of time to watch out silhouettes.

After her panties are on. I grab her bra and help her slip her arms through before getting behind her and fastening it. I reach around and slide my hand under her bra to readjust her breast within it before doing the same for the other.

"He's groping her!" Issei shouts, making Rias and I smile.

"He's just adjusting her bra so it fits perfectly snug." Akeno says, once again not even looking up.

I grab her shirt and help her put it on and button it up before picking up her skirt and putting it on her. I make sure to tuck her shirt into it before taking the corset and putting it around her waist and buttoning it up. Then I grab the tie and tie it around her neck, under the collar. Lastly, I get back on my knees and slip her white socks on before putting on her shoes.

Rias and I walk out from behind the curtain and the first thing I see is Issei glaring at us. Kiba seems normal though, I guess he figured out the relationship between Rias and I and no longer considers me an outsider.

"Sorry about that, I slept elsewhere yesterday and couldn't shower there, I hope you don't mind." Rias says to Issei. A complete lie. She showered just fine at my home.

"No no it's fine!" he says while chuckling with a blush. Rias nods and everyone sits down with Koneko on my lap again and Kiba next to me. Issei sits across from us and Rias stands while Akeno serves tea.

"Now that everyone is here. Issei, welcome to the Occult club. I'll get right to the point: we're all devils." she says before looking at me.

"Well not all of us I guess." she says with a smile.

"Ah." Issei lets out, showing a face of disbelief.

"You don't believe us? That can't be helped I guess. Remember the man from last night with the black wings? He's a fallen angel." she says before going into a brief history on the three factions.

"Do you understand what I've said so far?" she asks but of course Issei doesn't believe her and thinks that it's all just fantasy, despite being attacked twice by fallen angels. Fucking idiot.

"This girl, you must recognize her, right?" Rias asks him while holding out a picture of Raynare.

"Yuuma-chan! Where did you get this!? Speaking of which no one seems to remember her..." he says.

"That girl most definitely exists. She's a fallen angel just like the one who ambushed you yesterday. After she killed you it seems like she erased everyone else's memories and records. That's why no one remembers 'Yuuma'." she says and Issei looks shocked.

"Killed me!? but I'm alive and well right now! Also... why would she want to kill me?" Issei asks and Rias shakes her head.

"I honestly have no Idea." she says and the other's look at her weirdly. Even Koneko who is still watching the video. They decide that she must have her reasons for saying that though and don't contradict her.

"Either way, whatever her reason. It doesn't change the fact that she killed you." Rias says and Issei looks at her.

"But I'm still alive." he says and she starts explaining how she found him because he summoned her with the pentagram he had. After she was done, she looked at everyone and they all started standing up. I decided to join in on the fun.

"Now let's introduce ourselves." Rias says as everyone releases their wings. Even Issei subconsciously does so and is surprised to see he has them. he sees me without wings and gets a smug look on his face.

"So Ichimaru-san isn't a devil huh? I guess that means you're a normal human huh. It's fine, I'm sure I can protect you, hehehe." He laughs, feeling superior. I smile at him before letting my twelve white angel wings out.

"W-what!?" he shouts while stumbling backwards and falling on his ass.

"I'm an arch-angel, Issei-san." I say and he just sits there dumbfounded. Rias smiles and walks to stand next to me.

"If you're wondering why he has so many wings, let me explain. The number of wings represents how powerful you are. Angels and Devils with twelve wings are the strongest existences among our races." she says and Issei looks nervous, suddenly realizing who he was just looking down on.

I look around and see that no one else is wary about me. It seems that they trust Rias completely. If she trusts me then they trust me. Issei decides to move on and complains about being a servant until Rias tells him that he might one day have his own servants and he goes into fantasy land. That'll never happen as long as I'm around. Anyone who might become your servant will become my woman instead. Unless they're a man, you can keep them then.

"So you're willing to become my servant?" Rias ask and Issei turns to look at her.

"Yes! Rias-senpai!" he says happily and she shakes her head.

"You have to remember to call me President." she says.

"Can I not call you Onee-sama?" he asks and Rias glares at him.

"I'd rather you not." she says and Issei chuckles nervously. It seems she has no patience for his antics now that I'm in her life and Issei doesn't have a sacred gear.

"Alright President... so, now that I can't go back to being a human I might as well move forward. I want to become a harem king!!!" he shouts and the rest of us look at him in disgust. He doesn't seem to notice though. Wanting to be a harem king is fine, just don't shout it at the top of your lungs while striking a pose like a pervert.

"... So, what should I do now?" he asks and Rias starts explaining about the ranking system of devils and how he can become stronger.

"So if I become a noble, having a harem will no longer be a mere dream? he asks and Rias nods.

"That's right. So from now on, Issei has to start working... First, go pass these out. This is the first step in signing contracts with humans, do your best." she says and Issei decides to start right now as he grabs a box and heads out. After he leaves, Akeno looks at Rias and asks a question they all want to ask.

"Rias... why didn't you tell him about his sacred gear?" she asks and Koneko and Kiba look to her, waiting for the answer. Rias smiles before lifting her hand and the Boosted Gear appears on it.

"As you can see, I have it now." she says much to their shock.

"How? He's still alive." Kiba asks and Rias points at me. When everyone looks at me, I just wave with a smile before sitting down. Koneko shrugs and sits on my lap again and keeps watching the video. I smile and pet her head as Akeno and Rias join us and Kiba just sighs and goes to train.

----- ---------- Line Break ---------- -----

The next few days were rather uneventful. I spent most of the time having sex with Rias and Akeno, along with some of my maids and my own peerage. I still haven't done it with Koneko but that's fine. I don't want to completely force her and she would notice if I used to many pheromones, her nose is too sensitive.

Other than that, I also visited Mrs Hyoudou whenever Issei was busy handing out flyers after school. The mouth on that woman is like an industrial vacuum. Her blowjobs are definitely something I'm coming to love and boy does she scream whenever I fuck her. I haven't done her on the bed she shares with her husband yet but we've done it on Issei's. How he doesn't notice is beyond me.

Now though, is the day Issei meets Asia. Rias just sent him off to complete his first contract. He has to bike there after the magic circle failed because his magic is too low. Deciding to follow him, I bid everyone farewell and spend the next while just following Issei. Eventually though, he sits on the bench after failing the contract and Asia stumbles into him.

(A/N: Picture Here)

I watch as they interact and Issei offers to show her where the church is after she explains that she's lost. I let them walk for a little while before getting in the way.

"I'll take care of it from here, Issei." I say as I block their path. He glares at me and gets angry.

"Why's that huh!? I can take her to the church perfectly fine!" he says and I shake my head. He really is an idiot...

"No you can't." I say and he gets pissed. "The church is sacred grounds." I say and he glares at me.

"So what!?" he yells and I look at him like he's stupid.

"You're a devil... you literally can't go there." I say and Asia gasps. Issei's eyes widen as he remembers that Rias told him not to go near churches. He chuckles nervously before looking at me.

"Sorry... I'll leave it to you then and report back to President." he says before running off.

"He... was a devil?" she asks me and I nod my head.

"I'm sure you can tell he was a decent guy though... not all devils are evil." I say and she nods her head with a smile. I start releasing some pheromones as I approach her.

"I'm not taking you to the church though." I say and she get nervous.

"Why not?" she asks shyly and I smile at her.

"It's filled with fallen angels and excommunicated exorcists. Their goal is to extract the sacred gear you have and that would result in you dying." I say and her eyes widen.

"Wha- how do you know this?" she asks me and I release my wings, stunning her. she kneels and starts praying.

"Forgive me, I didn't know you were an angel." she says and I pat her head.

"It's fine Asia-chan, you can relax around me. And call me Roku, that's my name." I say and she looks up at me and smiles. I stand her up and wrap my wings around her while holding her close. She blushes and I teleport us to my home. Once there I let her go and she looks around.

"This is my home here in Kuoh. You can stay here, I can protect you. I want to ask though... would you like to be an angel?" I ask her and she looks at me with hope in her eyes.

"Can I really?" she asks and I nod. She quickly agrees and I place a hand on her and use my power to reincarnate her. Soon enough, she's an angel. She's not part of my peerage though, I'm only using servants from the throne for that.

As Asia admires her wings, I approach her and she looks up at me. I start releasing more pheromones and she blushes hard.

"Roku-san?" she says my name and I lean down and press my lips to hers. After a bit I pull back and look into her eyes.

"You're quite cute, Asia-chan." I say and she blushes harder.

"Is this... okay, Roku-san?" she asks and I nod my head.

"It is, would you like to do more, Asia-chan?" I ask and she shyly nods. I pick her up and sit on the couch of my living room while putting her on my lap. I start kissing her again and rubbing on her cute breasts making her moan cutely. I love these pheromones.

I slowly strip her until she's naked and then I remove my own clothing as well. Now both of us are naked with our wings out. She looks at my abs and nervously reaches a hand out to touch them. I smile and grab her hand and guide to my stomach, letting her know it's fine to touch.

She does so and after a while her hands get less shy and are exploring my body just as mine are exploring hers. I bring a hand down between her legs and start caressing her entrance she moans and brings one of her hands down and grasps my cock. She obviously has no idea what she's doing but her delicate fingers still feel nice.

I smile and slide a finger into her and she lets out a squeak. I push her onto her back and bring my face in between her legs.

"I know you're not ready to go all the way so I'll settle for this for now, okay?" I ask and she nods gratefully at me. I grin and then dive into the delicious meal placed before me.

I lick her clitoris while sliding my finger in and out of her. She lets out moans and starts squirming in pleasure. I keep going and eventually, I pull my finger out and slide my tongue in to taste her insides. She moans louder as I start devouring her essence and she orgasms hard, squeezing my head between her legs and squirting all over my face. After she recovers from her orgasm she looks at me and blushes.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to dirty you!" she says and I smile at her.

"You didn't dirty me Asia-chan, you were delicious. But if you really want to apologize, do you think you can do the same for me?" I ask and she nods with a cute look of determination on her face.

I sit on the couch and she moves to kneel between my legs. My large member hovering over her cute little face is quite the sight and it seems to intimidate her a bit but she moves past her slight nervousness and kisses the tip of it. I chuckle at her cuteness and she blushes in embarrassment.

"Start by licking the tip." I say and she follows my instruction, her tongue coming out to lather the tip of my cock in her saliva.

"Good, now wrap your lips around it and start sucking on it while still moving your tongue around." I say and she listens. She struggles at first with doing both at once but eventually gets the hang of it.

"Good girl, now start going deeper." I say and she starts moving her head back and forth. She can't take much of my cock, only about half of it but it's fine it's her first time. It takes a little longer than usual due to it being her first time but I manage to reach my breaking point eventually.

"Stop sucking Asia-chan. Use both of your hands to jerk my cock. Aim it at your face and open your mouth while sticking out your tongue. I'm about to give you my blessing." I say with a grin and she follows my instructions perfectly. Seeing her there waiting for my cum as she jerks me off is what does it for me and I start releasing my semen all over her face.

I let the pleasure wash over me as I relax and let her jerk me onto her face. She doesn't stop until I'm no longer shooting anything out any more. After I'm done, I look down at her and she just stares up at me with eyes full of wonder and her face glazed in my cum. The sight makes my cock twitch but I keep it down, I don't want to overwhelm her.

"You were wonderful, Asia-chan. One of my angels, Stocking, will take you to the bathroom so you can get washed up. She'll provide you with a change of clothing as well. Have a good nights rest, we can talk more tomorrow, okay?" I ask and she nods her head. I watch her cute little butt as Stocking leads her out of the room and once they're gone, I relax back into the couch.

I can't wait until I claim her completely, such an innocent girl... I want to taint her purity...

----- ---------- Line Break ---------- -----

- A/N: It seems that most of you were against all three of the ideas I put at the end of the last chapter so I won't be putting any of them in. I am happy to see some of you wanted them in but alas, I have to go with the majority here.

There won't be any trap content, no yuri unless the MC is there and it is a threesome or more, and no direct physical interactions between a woman the MC has slept with and her husband/boyfriend. There will still be some husbands/boyfriends who watch the MC fuck the girl or another scene like with Issei where the MC's cum ends up on them in one way or another though they'll be few and far between.

Thanks for all of your input and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

~ Please forgive spelling and grammar mistakes ~