
Multiversal Chronicles: Journeys Beyond Unknown

“Best of luck on your journey, Aerin Thorne El Vinterholm. You’ll no doubt encounter numerous challenges in your path, but I have faith that you’d do well.” the Creator said as Aerin got sucked into the wormhole. *** “Hmm...where am I?” He looked around in the small cabin he found himself in, but as he got more time to familiarize well with the situation, a stark realization gripped him. ‘Wait a minute...Is this Teyvat?!’ As Aerin met and interacted with more characters from the game, he realized that his earlier assumption was correct. He was in the world of Genshin Impact. *** As he lived here over the years, he befriended lots of friends and made many memories there. On one instance, he listened closely to a certain Pirate Queen as she spoke standing on the deck, “For as long as I can remember back into my youth, I've always had this itch for the open sea. Yet, as I now actually cast my eyes back, it ain't the adventure or the exploration I was after; it was the taste of freedom.” And in another, he sat in the same carriage as a strange girl with flower-shaped pupils, “Now, Aerin, you know I prefer my snacks with a bit more... spice. How about some pickled skulls with a side of fermented ghoul tears? Now that's a breakfast fit for me!” ‘Sigh, these people are really a bit too much for me.’ He could only shake his head at their weird antics... *** A/N: A wholesome story with special emphasis on dialogues and interactions of people with our MC. It's a multiversal story. If you want to skip prologue, start reading from chapter 8 since the main story starts from there only.

Xeren_Vale · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Preparations To Leave

As Aerin uttered those final words to her, they found themselves back in the Creator's realm, and the Creator wasted no time, urging, "Are you happy now? I've already spent too much time on this. Let's get this over with quickly so that you can start your journey already." 

He expected a response, but all he received in the name of a reply was a subtle nod. It wasn't Aerin's fault; in fact, most people would likely react even worse under the Creator's pressure. The Creator had the capability to break him again and again emotionally and physically in more than a thousand ways for an indefinite amount of time, so in a way, Aerin's luck was good that he was broken down in just his first ordeal, or else...there would have been no words left to even begin to describe the misery he might have endured. 

With an exasperated sigh, or at least what appeared to be one, the Creator continued, "You know what, I don't like your strength-oriented mindset right now. Let's begin by first altering that." 

After saying that, he yet again snapped his fingers, and this time, he changed Aerin's entire mindset. The Creator was keenly aware of the significant impact this change of strength-oriented perspective could have, for he had personally witnessed it. He had seen how Aerin took advantage of every small opportunity in his quest for vengeance, not letting his guard down for even a moment. 

And he didn't want that. 

He wanted Aerin to be free of this mindset so that he wouldn't get so hung up over strength that he would even forsake everyday life. Because, let's be honest, that would be rather dull; just watching someone do everything in his power to achieve strength, he already has many toys that do precisely that. What he truly desired was a fresh change. 

Observing the change, the Creator nodded to himself, saying, "Yes, that's much better." 

On the other hand, Aerin felt something inside of him change. He appeared to be more...calm. He couldn't quite express it, but his previous intense desire to become strong and his anger seemed to have faded into insignificance...like they didn't matter anymore. Bewildered, he asked, "You...what have you done to me?" 

The Creator responded nonchalantly, "Oh...nothing at all. Just tweaked a little with your biology. I've adjusted things so that you won't feel much anger regarding what I just did to you and your family at the wedding. Your obsession with strength has also shifted towards a more typical mindset. Oh, and don't worry. If you are thinking that I would keep your family hostages, they have already served their purposes. I don't care about them anymore. They can live or die for all I care. So you don't have to worry about them. That is a promise. And just so you know, I don't break promises, no matter how cruel I may seem." 

He understood that Aerin's strong desire for strength stemmed from his love for those he held dear. By promising not to harm them any longer, he hoped to provide an extra layer of security, not that it would matter much if he had already lost trust in him. 

Aerin observed the changes in himself, grappling with mixed emotions. He was already so infuriated and angry with this God earlier that he wanted to kill him. He had sworn in his mind that one day, he would have to pay for all this. However, now it felt as though all that anger and the promise he had sworn before was just based on some unfounded fact. He could feel it... that his rage had diminished in intensity from earlier. 

He let out a sigh and remarked, "Great, now I can't even feel angry at you." Aerin met the Creator's gaze and continued, "But still, even if I can't feel anger at you anymore, it doesn't mean I'll simply let this incident go." 

"Do whatever you want. So, where was I? Ah yes, before sending you on your journey, there are three gifts that I want to present to you which would prove to be quite useful to you. Consider them as my congratulatory gift for you." 

Aerin's attention was immediately captured by the mention of the three gifts. He couldn't help but wonder if these gifts would be potent enough to at least help him survive in unknown worlds. 

The Creator then explained the first gift, saying, "First is you'll be granted a Multiversal literacy set which includes the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets you communicate effectively and make sense of the world. Additionally, each time you enter a new world, you'll receive a randomly assigned identity, though don't keep your hopes up of getting an unordinary background since the chances of getting one are pretty rare." 

Aerin nodded as he listened quietly. It would undoubtedly be a tremendous help, as he hadn't yet figured out how he'd manage to learn new languages and assume a new identity in each new world. Sure, he could understand them quickly due to his disorder, but there were still uncertainties surrounding that matter. Moreover, learning all those languages on his own, without any assistance, would be a far more time-consuming task compared to having a tutor teach him, as he had been used to. 

So, in matters of utility, he had already gotten the best ability he could get. 

He then moved on to explain the second gift, "Second gift is sort of like an A.I. Basically, it will assist you in stabilizing the wormholes for the inter-universal jumps and present this information to you in a more user-friendly format. Its other function is to facilitate communication between us." 

Aerin pondered for a moment and then inquired, "...So, maybe it's somewhat like a system in those web novels?" 

"Yes, just like a system you might find in those novels. However, its main functions are to aid you in travel and allow me to communicate with you in case of any issues or important matters. Additionally, whenever you visit a new world, this system will save the spatial and temporal coordinates of the previous world so that you can return to it whenever you wish in the future." 

"Wait, you just said temporal coordinates. Does that mean—" 

The Creator cut him off, saying, "Yes, I'm coming to that point. Whenever you're in a particular world, the time will halt in other subsequent worlds you had gone to so that you would return to the exact moment you left. Additionally, each time you initiate a jump to a new world, you would first get transferred here to share your experiences. Any questions yet?" 

Aerin thought for a moment and then replied, "...No, I guess. Continue." 

"Well, you'll also receive quests from time to time related to what type of action you're doing when you get them. And remember, you must absolutely do them. As for the nature of these quests, that will depend on my mood at the time. And when you're allowed to travel to a new world will also be determined by my mood. When I feel like I'm bored enough, I'll give you random spatial and temporal coordinates to make the jump." 

The Creator glanced at Aerin to ensure he was keeping up and then proceeded to describe the third gift, saying, "Up to this point, I haven't given you any offensive abilities, so this time, I'll provide you with one. Your third gift is the absolute control of fundamental forces of nature. However, it won't be an immediate mastery; you'll need to train and develop it from scratch. Keep in mind that this ability may seem somewhat limited initially, so you'll have to put in significant effort in the beginning." 

Aerin's eyes widened slightly as he absorbed this information. Even if he had to train his abilities without any initial guidance, it doesn't matter if he could get such a potentially overpowered ability. An average person without a background in physics might not harness this power to its full potential. However, for Aerin, who had some knowledge of physics, he sensed the boundless potential hidden within this ability. From time manipulation and mind control over all sentient beings to Immortality and regeneration and much more, the possibilities seemed limitless. 

Aerin was clearly intrigued by the potential of his new offensive ability, but he still had a lingering doubt. 

He asked, "Wait, what do you mean by 'absolute control'?" 

The Creator clarified, "Absolute control means that, for instance, if a superhero from some world were to exert force on you through gravity, you would be able to override the authority he has on gravity by negating his control and applying your own force. Of course, if he is stronger than you, then it wouldn't change anything. This 'control' relates to your mastery of these forces. If you're having problems catching up, don't worry; you'll develop an understanding as you train with this ability." 

Aerin nodded in acknowledgment. 

The Creator then inquired, "Do you have any remaining questions about these gifts?" 

"No...not yet." 

The Creator concluded, "Well then, that wraps up the gift ceremony. After addressing some final matters, you'll be on your way. The first matter at hand is granting you Immortality, and I believe I don't need to explain why." 

Aerin nodded, not entirely surprised by the offer of Immortality. It seemed illogical that a being who had lived for countless eons would go to such trouble to ensure he could just enjoy a mere 70 or 80 years. 

The Creator continued, "Now, as a result of this Immortality, your life-threatening disorder will have no effect at all. Clear?" 

Aerin replied, "Yeah." 

The Creator addressed the second matter, saying, "Immortality doesn't mean you stop growing stronger. Just because you'll never die doesn't grant you the liberty to forsake the pursuit of power. Remember, I keep my promises, but only if you uphold your end of the bargain. So, don't ever consider trying anything clever. Understand?" 

The Creator didn't want Aerin to become entirely fixated on strength to the point of neglecting everything else. However, he also didn't wish to Aerin to become complacent. He aimed for a balance between the two. 

Aerin reluctantly responded, "...Fine." 

The Creator proceeded to discuss the third matter, stating, "Good. Now, any power you acquire in any universe will remain with you in your future journeys, including all the knowledge and abilities you gain." 

"I see," he nodded as he listened, focused, silently appreciating this valuable piece of information. 

"But let me give you some advice. It's advisable to create a unified power system for yourself that can be applied in any universe you visit. Using different and possibly conflicting abilities from various worlds can get quite messy and might be more of a hindrance than an advantage." 

Aerin responded, "I'll keep that in mind." 

The Creator concluded with a more personal insight, "Great, now this is more of a suggestion than an issue, but you should strive to engage in activities that prevent you from getting bored. Believe me, I have been there. For immortals like us, boredom is our greatest enemy. I hope you keep that in mind." 

Aerin maintained his calm demeanor as he listened to the Creator's final words. 

The Creator then said, "Finally, now that everything is settled, you can go to a new world. Oh, and just so you know, this won't be our last meeting. We can always discuss any new issues that arise here, so there's no need to worry." 

Aerin responded with a simple "Okay." 

The Creator nodded in acknowledgment and then clapped his hands twice. A large, mysterious wormhole appeared beside them in response, emitting a distinct whooshing sound. 


The spherical and transparent appearance of the wormhole's edges belied the bizarre interior. Within, the wormhole presented an amalgamation of refracted rays from various angles, creating a bizarre spectacle. 

As Aerin readied himself for the unknown journey ahead, the Creator's words reached his ears from behind, expressing his best wishes. 

"Best of luck in your journey, Aerin Thorne El Vinterholm. You will undoubtedly encounter numerous challenges along your path, but I have faith that you'll do well." 

Aerin acknowledged with a quiet, "Hmm." 

As he drew nearer, he felt the suction energy of the transparent wormhole pulling at his clothes and gradually enveloping his body. Giving one last look behind him, he closed his eyes and leaped into the enigmatic wormhole, unsure of what the future held for him. 


The Creator observed as Aerin disappeared into the closing wormhole. 

After some time, he took a seat in his chair, deep in thought. 

His mind filled with contemplation, he reflected, "I have faith you'd do well to entertain me because, after all..." However, he became distracted, and his contemplation transformed into small fits of maniacal laughter. "...after all, you're the previous creator." 

He continued with a mischievous glint, "For six samsara's, you watched people struggle in their lives...you watched as I struggled from your high throne, but now...now that you have relinquished the throne and I have gotten the chance in this seventh samsara, I won't miss out on the fun, hehe..." 

With a wicked grin, he concluded, "...Now it's my turn to enjoy. So, do your best to survive or rather, do your best to die, because now I won't let you die so easily, ??????," he said, crossing one leg over the other. "For now, I will watch you from the high throne as you struggle, keke."


Done with the Prologue!! 2.3k words in total.

The next chapter - "The New World". Gonna be quite interesting...

The length of new chapters upcoming will also be short, like 1.5k to 2.0k I only made such big chapters for only Prologue. I have no plans of doing so for the main story...

Report any errors you might have found in the chapter...like a repeating paragraph, since I directly copied it from Grammarly.

Give me motivation...more motivation...or at the very least support me by giving me new ideas. Any new ideas is appreciated. Even constructive criticsm is appreciated.

Please report any errors you might find in this chapter.

Oh and by the way the new world is gonna be —Genshin Impact.

Xeren_Valecreators' thoughts