
Multi-dimensional Group Chat

Guy travels around to different worlds with group chat. The main world is an amalgamation of different romance stories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please send constructive criticism however don't just complain for the sake of complaining. You can also recommend what worlds to travel to or powers/items to gain. I don't own any characters. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Eevee_Express · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs


June 3- Sunday

Kei woke up with the sun shining on his face. He sat right up on the bed while stretching. He got up from the bed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. He finished 30 minutes later when he heard the bedroom door open and Megumi and Anna came out.

"Good morning you two, breakfast's ready" Kei said while sitting down. Megumi and Anna followed and they ate together until it was time for Kei to leave for a meeting with his editor about the manuscript.

"Alright I will be leaving to meet with my editor, take care of the house while I'm gone Anna" Kei says and Anna responds "Alright".

Kei leaves Megumi and Anna and starts walking to the building where his editor is. Once inside he goes to see his editor. They keep on talking until noon and he starts to leave the room. As he is leaving he is called out by someone.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see you here today Kei." A voice says to him. He turns around and sees a girl with shoulder-length black hair and brown eyes.

"Oh, hello Utaha fancy meeting you here." Kei says in a playful manner.

"Yes, it is a coincidence seeing you here as well. Are you perhaps stalking me?" Utaha says with a disdainful expression.

"You know you don't have to overexaggerate things like that" Kei said a little exacerbated about her actions.

"I am sorry, but I need to do this since I know when I stop, you will be just like an animal in heat and pounce on me." Utaha said while holding her body.

"Hey, do you take me for a dog!" Kei said a little offended by that remark.

"Oh, are you not? Is that not the reason Anna lives at your house so when the time is right you can eat her" Utaha says.

"Oi, stop making up baseless rumors about me! Anyways are you here for your novel as well?" Kei said trying to drive the pointless conversation elsewhere.

"Yup, I am. Anyways jokes aside thanks for helping me with my novel." Utaha said abandoning her playfulness.

"No problem if you ever need help you can talk to me after all, that's what friends are for. Besides who would say no to a beautiful girl like you?" Utaha blushed but a second later she snorted at him.

"Save your sweet talk for your girlfriend." Utaha snored with her ears turning red.

"Ha, jokes on you I don't have one. I wouldn't mind someone like you though." He said with a playful meaning.

"Save your delusions for when you dream!" Utaha yelled at him while blushing.

"Haha! Jokes aside I wouldn't mind a date if you are grateful for my help on your novel" Kei said.

"Fine, let's go right now" Utaha dragged Kei outside and they started walking around. They talked about where to go and decided to go to a café first.

Kei has known Utaha for almost as long as Megumi. When he first saw her she was the kind of girl to keep to herself but as he got to know her, her real self started to come out. The sharp tongue version of her was her real self that he found out when he started writing novels. They met by coincidence in the building he was in before and as they got to know each her sharp tongue came out more frequently until she stopped using her fake persona around him.

"Alright, we're here" Utaha declares smugly while Kei is bewildered by what he is seeing.

"Hey Utaha, this is a café right?"

"Of course."

"Then why are there girls dressed up as cat maids?"

"Because this is a cat maid café."

"I know that but why did you bring me here!"

"I thought that was your fetish"

"I don't have such a weird fetish!"

"Oh, my mistake. Let's head inside." Utaha walks in while dragging along a grumbling Kei.

As Kei and Utaha walk in they see they were greeted by an employee and were guided to a table.

"You know, I know I was the one that brought us here but you should stop looking at the employees." Utaha said with an annoyed voice.

"Why would I do that? That's like telling me to ignore a blossoming rose like yourself. I would never do that." Kei said while Utaha blushed.

Afterward, the waitress came and they ordered. After a while, the maid brought their drinks and dessert. Kei took a bite of his carrot cake.

"This cake tastes really good. I should make carrot cake at home one of these days. It might be fun to make." Kei says.

"Anyways I have begun to think of some ideas for businesses that I can start making soon." Kei says.

"Really do you even have any money for that?" Utaha asks questionably. She knows that Kei's novel sells really well but she doesn't believe he has anywhere near enough for a business.

"Of course I do. I don't just make money on my novels. I also use the stock market to make money. I have a ton of it saved up in my bank account that could last me generations." Kei casually explains.

When Utaha heard this she was in the middle of drinking her drink so she got it down her throat and coughed violently. Kei told her if she was okay and he told him she was fine. She drank something and her coughing stopped.

"How can you have that much and still want to work? I mean do you have any reason to continue writing?" She asks in disbelief.

"Well even though I have a lot of money I still need to make a consistent source of income for myself and my future family. It would not be good to just have money sealed away in my bank account without ever using it and helping the economy is just an added bonus. As for why I am still writing novels, well I like it, and stopping to work on them would make me lazy and that is the last thing I want. Can you imagine a life of just being lazy and doing nothing? I can't. I would be so dull."

Utaha looked at him with a bit of disbelief but at the same time, she kind of understands him. Just working can make people feel alive and lazing around every now and then is enjoyable but a life of only that would make anyone feel less than alive.

It would make your existence seem dull no matter how you say it.