
Another World

In the beginning, there was darkness and then light, probably because someone flicked the switch.

For me, though, there was light, and there was pain. Not some mind rending agony, not a soul-deep ache, nothing that over the top, merely a sharp spike that quickly dulled. Then suddenly darkness.

The next thing I know is that I'm not inside my bedroom anymore. I look around for a minute before nodding to myself, confirming that I'm not inside my apartment anymore. This room is rather luxurious. It has a big TV, a High-End Computer (by the look of it) and lastly a king-size bed. Compared to my room, it's like comparing an elephant and an ant.

I get up from the bed and walk around the room and see an innocent-looking red book on top of the desk.

I don't know what happened to me, but unconsciously, I open the book where it shines brightly before it stops a few seconds later.

What the hell is this book? Magic book?

I open up the book for a second time and see what's inside of it.

"Congratulations! You are going on a journey to the other world!"


"Now, Tradition dictates that as an Isekai Protagonist, you should get yourself a Har- Uh, Travelling Companion of Female persuasion."


"Unfortunately, we are out of original id- er, available girls."

I begin to think that someone decided to give me a bad joke or prank.

"Not to worry though, we'll just kidnap- Summon! Summon some girl from your world fiction! That way, you will be familiar with them from the start."

I will be a kidnapper, am I?

"You can choose your first companion now! Sadly you can only summon a companion once per month. The companion has a particular tier you can choose. Tier-1 you need 10 points, Tier-2 need 15 points, Tier-3 need 20 points, and lastly Tier-4 30 points."

Points? How much do I have?

"Ah! You must think about how many points you have, right? Then you don't need to wait further as your starting point is 150 points."

Only 150 points? Usually, this type of 'game' will give me an option to choose some perks, or maybe not? I still think that 150 points are still too small for my taste.

"Go and see which girl you'd like to accompany you on your journey. But since most other worlds are far more dangerous than yours, You'll need to choose carefully."

For once, I agree with this damn book.

"Consider their power and personality, and just how much you want to f*ck them! You will have to rely on your harem to survive."

Does this book implies that I only want to f*ck them?!? I'm the one that needs to survive here, dammit!!!

"Their power will be fully functional no matter where you end up, and they will bring any iconic weapon, equipment, pets, or any other items with them."

I sigh a little before placing down the book on the desk and accepting my situation. Do you know the reason why? The reason is the forest outside my room. Are you still asking me how I can accept my fate too easily? Well, when I look at myself in the mirror, I have an orange flame on my forehead.

And not only that, but I also wear a rather familiar ring in my finger and also a necklace with a somewhat familiar pacifier dangling on the chain around my neck.

I know these rings and necklaces. These are Tri-ni-sette. Just like its name implies, it is a three-set of seven artifacts that hold the world, or at least that is what it meant to be in its previous world.

What makes it more horrifying is that I have all of the artifacts, making me think that I need to use all the artifacts with my purchase. I can complete the set by buying a Tier-1 companion, but I don't want someone that I can't use to protect myself from the other.


Accepting my fate, I opened up the book once again. I skip the companion selection and look at the last page of the book.


Wait. What?

"In this section, you will control your slav- I mean, companion, from bashing your fragile skull or leaving you to fend for yourself. Most girls aren't too happy about suddenly getting ripped out of their lives, so here you can choose a little something to help you manage that."

I was right. I need to choose other than my companion and spend my points on it.

"However! Because of your special circumstances, you don't need to use your point in this section! We are generous, aren't we?!?"

I sigh in relief.

"You get Natural Programming with an intensity of 4. They will be completely and utterly loyal to you. Their sole purpose in life is to serve you and please you in any way they can."

Not only a kidnapper, but I'm also now a slaver?!? What the f*ck?!? I… I…



I walk to the bed and sit down, thinking about my situation. On the other hand, I get kidnapped by an unknown entity that gives me the power of flames from the Katekyo Hitman Reborn, but in exchange, I need to survive in an unknown world. On one hand, I get a companion in my journey, and on the other hand, I get a brainwashed companion that I kidnapped from their world.

I don't know how long I sit on the bed, but after thinking about it all, I stand up and walk to the innocent-looking book of slavery on the desk.

"I'm sorry for the life I will put you guys in."

While I can just leave the book here and lock it away, I'm not a naive boy that fights for justice and sh*t like that. I know how power can change your life situation. While my original earth is not as dangerous as in Monster dangerous, it still has the rule of the jungle. Physical Prowess, Economical Prowess, Political Prowess, or even Religious Prowess. All of them are needed to protect yourself in the world.

Physical prowess can make you an international athlete that is sought by many countries. With Physical Prowess, you can defend yourself from the other. Hell, with Physical prowess, you can even be a rather successful gang member.

With Economical Prowess, you can even kill another person by pointing the finger at that said person. It also can buy you happiness. While yes, money cannot buy happiness in a certain way, but I still call it bulls*it. If you are bored out of your mind? Buy something, go to another country or even go to a nightclub. If you want a new house? Here money. Do you want a pet? Money. Willingly or not, the world is revolving around money. While yes, you can survive without money, that's it. You can only survive, and even then, you can't search your own food without money except if you are inside a jungle. What? Do you have land that can be used as a garden to plant your vegetables? Well, good luck with paying your taxes. Ironically the only place you can go for a source of free food, shelter, and medical need is a prison.

Political prowess? Well, look at the leader of any country in the world. They can order the masses with their speech alone. With it, you can have a luxurious life.

Lastly, Religious prowess. I can't think of anyone except maybe the pope. While the pope doesn't have any power in the paper, he still can move the masses if needed.


I'm genuinely sorry.

I begin to read the book once again.


A perk. Do I need to spend my point in this section?

"If you are still not sure about surviving in the other world, then this section will give you more options. The perks will help you in surviving and maybe for fun as well."

Just like I thought, the perks section was already filled by ROB.

"Because of your special circumstances, you don't need to use your point in this section! Here is the list of Perks you have!"

I look at the list of perks.

~Mens Sana: You and your harem will have absolute immunity to mental effects such as Mind Control, Fear, and Insanity. It also gives you and your harem a barrier around your mind to protect them from strong intruders.~

~Corpore Sano: You and your harem are immune to disease, poison, and fatigue. You are always clean, hygienic and always in peak condition.~

~Money: A modest sum of local money for your journey. Total: $10000 (Can be converted to your local country)~

~Translator Microbe: You and your harem can understand and speak the language that is spoken to you. Does not work on a written text.~

I couldn't help but nod at the selection. It will give me a rather good foundation. While currently, I don't have a powerful physical body, I can train until my body is on the brink of breaking before I heal it with Sun Flame before continuing to train once more. However, with the perk Corpore Sano, I can train my body non stop until I am strong enough to defend myself.

I look at the next line under the perks list and see Handicaps and Destination.

"Now, you are here. Let's talk about Handicaps. Your only handicap is Quest. You need to achieve a quest that is given to you in a certain amount of time. If you fail…. Well… Let's just say that you don't want that to happen."


What does that even mean?!?

"Now, into your destination. It's a surprise~ But the only thing I can say is that your destination is a Crossover world. A BIG ONE. That is all. Good luck~."

~Quest #1~

Make a name for yourself!

Deadline: 2 years.

Quest Start: 12 June 2006

I know this will be a long year.

~2 Years Later, 25 June 2008~

*Rias Gremory POV*

"Nii-sama, why are we in Romania discussing a peace treaty? Why not in our castle?"

"Because Romania is the natural ground. With having a meeting in the natural ground, we imply that we are genuine in signing the peace treaty. If we have the peace treaty in Kuoh or Underworld, it's like a recipe for disaster. Not only do we show them that we don't want to sign the peace treaty outside our territory but also indicate that we only want to sign the treaty to show them our prowess. While I know Michael and Azazel don't mind having a meeting in Kuoh or Underworld, I don't think the people under them can understand."

I nod at my brother's explanation. While I am a little bit offended because it also implies that my territory is not good enough for an important meeting like this one, I can ignore it.

"Lucifer-sama, Why is Romania considered a natural ground?"

"Ahhh, it's because the owner of Romania is a natural faction."

"Romania has an owner."

I interrupt my brother and answer my pawn question.

"Yes, The owner of Romania is a pacifist. However, don't take his pacifist a sign of weakness. He is a powerful person. The name of Romania's owner is Lexian Vongola. While he is a human, he can go toe-to-toe with other races. A year ago, he successfully united the Vampire clan inside Romania by using force. Lexian did not bring an army but only bring six people with him."

"Seriously?!? H-how?!?"

Before I could answer the Issei question, Ajuka-sama beat me.

"Because of their unique power."

"Unique power?"

"Yes. They call it Dying Will Flame."

"What makes it so strong?"

"Flame itself is divided into seven kinds of flame. The first one they call it a Sky Flame. The next one is Storm, Rain, Sun, Lightning, Mist, and Cloud. Each of them has a unique characteristic. Storm flames have a characteristic of Disintegration. As the name implies, it disintegrates anything it touches. I once saw the disintegrating power of the destruction of the Bael clan."

"And the other?"

"Rain: Tranquility. It weakens anything it touches. It can be used to slow down the opponent's movements or attacks. It can also negate and cancel out other attacks. It is almost the same as my Kankara Formula."

"I see."

"Sun Flames: Activation. Sun Flame has the power to induce and improve the efficiency of any type of activity. It can increase the rate of blood flow and cell regeneration, making it optimal for support roles such as healing and strengthening individuals. Sun Flames can also stimulate muscles and joints, increasing the user's body functions drastically. The next one is Lightning Flames: Hardening. Lightning Flame can be employed to solidify and increase the firmness of objects. By themselves, the Flames can be used defensively by projecting a solid barrier and offensively by cutting like a sharp blade. It can also be used to electrocute like actual electricity."

"The last one is rather simple."

"Yes, but never underestimate it. The people that have this type of flame can harden her weapon to the point that it can break a high-end defensive spell with trouble."


"The Mist Flames characteristic, Construction, makes it optimal to be used in conjunction with illusions. It can be used to create realistic illusions, easily fooling the senses. The created real illusions can be used for either escaping or rendering the opponent vulnerable for an attack. Stronger illusions can also affect bodily functions, making this flame useful to create an emergency organ. Cloud Flame its characteristic, Propagation, carries the ability to increase and multiply. As such, it is suited for anything that involves an increase in size and multiplication of numbers. It is highly advantageous when performing techniques involving a large area."

"Large Area spell?"

"For example, the user of Cloud Flame uses a fire spell at her enemy. At first, it's only a small fireball, but using her Cloud Flame, she makes it bigger and then multiplies it by a hundred."

"Anti-Army spell."


I was amazed at the description that Ajuka-sama gave to them. Storm Flame can be considered another Power of Destruction in my peerage. Rain can be considered a knight that can weaken the enemy, while Storm destroys the enemy with ease. Sun can be my bishop that heals my other peerage while also in the frontline. Lightning can be my rook that protects the other peerage with the flame. Mist can be another bishop that does crowd control that confuses enemies with their solid illusion. At the same time, the cloud can be my pawn that can easily walk into enemy territory and get promoted. Suddenly I remember that there is still one type of flame left.

"Ajuka-sama, What is the last flame?"

"The last flame is the sky flame. This flame is the most mysterious flame. I don't know what it does, but if the spy we place inside Romania is right, then the Sky Flame is the most powerful one of the rest of the flame. The sky flame can burn and also freeze the enemy. It also can petrify its enemy. The ability of this flame is still unknown to us, making this flame the most dangerous than the other."

I couldn't have but smile at that information. All devils have sin in their hearts, and even the reincarnated devil has them. Akeno sin is Envy. Koneko sin is Gluttony. Yuuto sin is Pride, at first, I thought his sin was Wrath, but after spending time with him, I know that his sin is Pride. Gasper sin is Sloth. Issei sin, of course, Lust. While Asia does not yet have sin in her soul, I can predict that she will get Envy just like Akeno. At the same time, I have a Greed as my sin. So when hearing Ajuka-sama saying the power of the flame to me, I couldn't but shudder in excitement. My greedy soul wants to make Lexian Vongola to-

"Stop it, Rias!"

I snap from my thoughts when I see my brother and the other Maou look at me.

"Stop that kind of thought. If you approach Lexian, even a meter, I will take you back to the Underworld and never let you go to the Human World again."

"What, Why?!?"

"We don't want another war. If you try to recruit Lexian, they will think it was a declaration of war."


"Do you think only you who try to recruit him? No, there are many people from the Underworld trying to recruit him. However, they never return. All of them are gone, and the only one that knows if they are dead or not is Hades, but we don't have a good relationship with him right now. If you are getting killed, I will not hold my anger and immediately declare war on Romania then kill them myself. Even though I know that we will win the war, the casualties will be massive. So as a Maou, the leader of Underworld, I order you to stand down and don't talk. Understood?"




"Good and we are here."

I'm using Multi-Dimension Harem Adventure (Formerly known as Isekai Generator 1.0) for the price, perks, points, and handicaps.

As for the companion selection, I use the R34 Economy from ver.1 to ver.6. This including the Tier position.

You can search it in google what R34 Economy means.

Another Disclaimer: This is an Extreme AU, You have been warned.


The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts